package org.apache.androID.media;import java.io.file;import java.io.fileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.inputStream;import java.net.URL;import java.net.URLConnection;import androID.app.Activity;import androID.os.Bundle;import androID.util.Log;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import androID.vIEw.VIEw.OnClickListener;import androID.webkit.URLUtil;import androID.Widget.EditText;import androID.Widget.Imagebutton;import androID.Widget.Toast; import androID.Widget.VIDeoVIEw; public class VIDeoVIEwDemo extends Activity { private static final String TAG = "VIDeoVIEwDemo"; private VIDeoVIEw mVIDeoVIEw; private EditText mPath; private Imagebutton mPlay; private Imagebutton mPause; private Imagebutton mreset; private Imagebutton mStop; private Imagebutton mcaptur; private String current; @OverrIDe public voID onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentVIEw(R.layout.main); mVIDeoVIEw = (VIDeoVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.surface_vIEw); mPath = (EditText) findVIEwByID(R.ID.path); mPath.setText("http://daily3gp.com/vIDs/747.3gp"); mPlay = (Imagebutton) findVIEwByID(R.ID.play); mPause = (Imagebutton) findVIEwByID(R.ID.pause); mreset = (Imagebutton) findVIEwByID(R.ID.reset); mStop = (Imagebutton) findVIEwByID(R.ID.stop); mcaptur = (Imagebutton) findVIEwByID(R.ID.Captur); mPlay.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public voID onClick(VIEw vIEw) { playVIDeo(); } }); mPause.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public voID onClick(VIEw vIEw) { if (mVIDeoVIEw != null) { mVIDeoVIEw.pause(); } } }); mreset.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public voID onClick(VIEw vIEw) { if (mVIDeoVIEw != null) { mVIDeoVIEw.seekTo(0); } } }); mStop.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public voID onClick(VIEw vIEw) { if (mVIDeoVIEw != null) { current = null; mVIDeoVIEw.stopPlayback(); } } }); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public voID run() { playVIDeo(); } }); mcaptur.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @OverrIDe public voID onClick(VIEw v) { } }); } private voID playVIDeo() { try { final String path = mPath.getText().toString(); Log.v(TAG, "path: " + path); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { Toast.makeText(VIDeoVIEwDemo.this, "file URL/path is empty", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { // If the path has not changed, just start the media player if (path.equals(current) && mVIDeoVIEw != null) { mVIDeoVIEw.start(); mVIDeoVIEw.requestFocus(); return; } current = path; mVIDeoVIEw.setVIDeoPath(getDataSource(path)); mVIDeoVIEw.start(); mVIDeoVIEw.requestFocus(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (mVIDeoVIEw != null) { mVIDeoVIEw.stopPlayback(); } } } private String getDataSource(String path) throws IOException { if (!URLUtil.isNetworkUrl(path)) { return path; } else { URL url = new URL(path); URLConnection cn = url.openConnection(); cn.connect(); inputStream stream = cn.getinputStream(); if (stream == null) throw new RuntimeException("stream is null"); file temp = file.createTempfile("mediaplayertmp", "dat"); temp.deleteOnExit(); String tempPath = temp.getabsolutePath(); fileOutputStream out = new fileOutputStream(temp); byte buf[] = new byte[128]; do { int numread = stream.read(buf); if (numread <= 0) break; out.write(buf, 0, numread); } while (true); try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } return tempPath; } } }
MediaMetadataRetrIEver retrIEver = new MediaMetadataRetrIEver();// Set data source to retrIEver.// From your code, you might want to use your 'String path' here.retrIEver.setDataSource(yourPath);// Get a frame in Bitmap by specifying time.// Be aware that the parameter must be in "microseconds", not milliseconds.Bitmap bitmap = retrIEver.getFrameatTime(timeInMicroSeconds);// Do something with your bitmap.