Silverlight – 01 :What is Silverlight ?

Silverlight – 01 :What is Silverlight ?,第1张

概述  Silverlight is a new technology which is base on .Net Framework and cross-browser , cross-platform.It can provide a rich interactive application(RIA) for the web.Of course it can run outside of the


Silverlight is a new technology which is base on .Net Framework and cross-browser,cross-platform.It can provIDe a rich interactive application(RIA) for the web.Of course it can run outsIDe of the browser on your desktop also.It is easy for you to use Extensible Application MarkuP Language (XAML)  to design UI.You can load controls,make animations,draw graphics,fabricate three-dimensional objects with XAML which sounds wonderful.


Commonly it like flash player pugin,little download and easy installation but more strong than flash.It streams vIDeo and audio with hign quality even in 720p HDTV vIDeo modes.Also you can drag and drop,zoom,turn graphics in the browser.Refresh data partialy but not whole the page which is like AJAX.

You can create silverlight applications in a varIEty of ways.You can use silverlight markup to create media and graphics and manipulate them with dynamic languages (eg.C#,VB,IronPython,C++) and manage code.silverlight also enable you to use professional-quality tools like VS2008-VS2010 for Coding and Microsoft Expression Blend for layout and design graphics.


There are more features in silverlight:

WPF and XAML. Extensions to JavaScript Cross-browser,Cross-platform support Integration with existing apllications Tools support. Networking support(eg. http,TCP,WCF,SOAP,AJAX,JsON,RSS) liNQ


The latest version is silverlight 4,and we'll start learning begin with its controls.It contains some controls as the follow:

autocompletebox border button Calendar Canvas CheckBox ChilDWindow ComboBox ContentPresenter Control DataGrID DataPager DatePicker DescriptionVIEwer Frame GrID GrIDSplitter Hyperlinkbutton Image ItemsControl ItemsPresenter Label ListBox MediaElement MultiScaleImage MultiScaleSubImage OpenfileDialog Page Panel PasswordBox Progressbar Radiobutton RichTextBox SavefileDialog ScrollContentPresenter ScrollVIEwer SelectorSelectionAdapter SlIDer StackPanel TabControl TextBlock TextBox tooltip tooltipService TreeVIEw UserControl ValIDation ValIDationError ValIDationSummary VIEwBox VirtualizingPanel VirtualizingStackPanel Webbrowser WebbrowserBrush


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