html – mdl-stepper没有响应溢出

html – mdl-stepper没有响应溢出,第1张

概述嗨,所以我有你可以通过 codepen.io看到的问题 无论我做什么我都不能让mdl-stepper使其高度与内部的内容相同. 似乎没有真正的 CSS(我知道这是问题) /** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design Lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Ale 嗨,所以我有你可以通过 codepen.io看到的问题



/** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * *//* MDL Stepper *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * *//* STEPPER *//* GRID *//* SHADOWS *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * *//* Animation *//* KEYFRAMES *//* disPLAY FLEX *//* Shadows *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * * @contributor Michael Haschke <> *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * *//* STEPPER *//* GRID *//* SHADOWS *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * *//* Animation *//* KEYFRAMES *//* disPLAY FLEX *//* Shadows *//** * mdl-stepper - A Material Design lite Stepper component polyfill. * @version v1.1.6 * @author Alexandre Thebaldi <>. * @link * */@-webkit-keyframes FadeIn {  0% {    opacity: 0; }  100% {    opacity: 100; } }@-moz-keyframes FadeIn {  0% {    opacity: 0; }  100% {    opacity: 100; } }@-o-keyframes FadeIn {  0% {    opacity: 0; }  100% {    opacity: 100; } }@keyframes FadeIn {  0% {    opacity: 0; }  100% {    opacity: 100; } }@-webkit-keyframes FadeInFromBottom {  0% {    height: 0;    padding-top: 84px;    background-color: white;    color: white; }  25% {    color: white; } }@-moz-keyframes FadeInFromBottom {  0% {    height: 0;    padding-top: 84px;    background-color: white;    color: white; }  25% {    color: white; } }@-o-keyframes FadeInFromBottom {  0% {    height: 0;    padding-top: 84px;    background-color: white;    color: white; }  25% {    color: white; } }@keyframes FadeInFromBottom {  0% {    height: 0;    padding-top: 84px;    background-color: white;    color: white; }  25% {    color: white; } }/* STEPPER */.mdl-stepper {  position: relative;  Font-family: "Roboto",sans-serif;  background-color: white;  display: block;  Box-shadow: 0px 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0.2),0px 2px 2px 0px rgba(0,0.14),0px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0,0.12);  padding: 24px 0;  max-wIDth: 720px;  wIDth: 100%;  border-radius: 2px; }  .mdl-stepper > li {    List-style: none; }/* STEPPER ON SMALL SCREENS */@media only screen and (max-wIDth: 375px) {  .mdl-stepper {    wIDth: 100vw; }  .mdl-grID .mdl-cell .mdl-stepper {    margin-left: -16px; } }/* STEPPER VERTICAL ONLY */.mdl-stepper:not(.mdl-stepper--horizontal) > .mdl-step:not(:last-child):after {  content: '';  position: absolute;  top: 50px;  left: 37px;  wIDth: 1px;  height: calc(100% - 24px);  background-color: rgba(0,0.1); }.mdl-stepper:not(.mdl-stepper--horizontal) > .mdl-step:not(:last-child).is-active:after {  height: calc(100% - 12px); }.mdl-stepper:not(.mdl-stepper--horizontal) .mdl-step__label:hover,.mdl-stepper:not(.mdl-stepper--horizontal) .mdl-step__label:active,.mdl-stepper:not(.mdl-stepper--horizontal) .mdl-step__label:focus {  background-color: rgba(0,0.06); }/* STEP */.mdl-step {  position: relative;  height: 460px; }  .mdl-step:not(.is-active) {    height: initial !important; }  .mdl-step:not(:last-child) {    margin-bottom: 24px; }    .mdl-step:not(:last-child).is-active {      margin-bottom: 36px; }  .mdl-step .mdl-step-error-message {    display: none; }  .mdl-step > * {    -webkit-animation: FadeIn 0.5s ease-in-out;    -moz-animation: FadeIn 0.5s ease-in-out;    -ms-animation: FadeIn 0.5s ease-in-out;    animation: FadeIn 0.5s ease-in-out; }/* STEP ACTIVE */ .mdl-step__Title {  Font-weight: bold; } .mdl-step__content {  display: block; } .mdl-step__label-indicator {  background-color: #2196F3;  color: white; } .mdl-step__actions {  -webkit-display: flex;  -moz-display: flex;  -ms-display: flex;  display: flex;  justify-content: flex-start; } .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-next] {    order: 1;    margin-right: 8px; } .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-cancel] {    order: 2; } .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-skip] {    order: 3;    margin-left: auto; } .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-back] {    order: 4;    margin-left: auto; }/* STEP MOD COMPLETED */.mdl-step--completed .mdl-step__label-indicator {  background-color: #2196F3; }/* STEP MOD ERROR */.mdl-step--error .mdl-step__Title {  color: #F44336; }.mdl-step--error .mdl-step-error-message {  display: block;  color: #F44336;  Font-weight: normal; }.mdl-step--error .mdl-step__label-indicator {  background-color: #F44336 !important;  Font-weight: bold; }/* STEP MOD OPTIONAL *//* STEP MOD TRANSIENT */.mdl-step--transIEnt .mdl-step__content {  overflow: hIDden !important; }.mdl-step__label {  position: relative;  -webkit-display: flex;  -moz-display: flex;  -ms-display: flex;  display: flex;  cursor: pointer;  margin-bottom: 8px;  padding: 12px 24px 24px 24px;  align-items: center; }/* STEP LABEL MOD WITH SUBLABEL */.mdl-step__label--with-sublabel {  align-items: baseline; }/* STEP Title */.mdl-step__Title {  -webkit-display: flex;  -moz-display: flex;  -ms-display: flex;  display: flex;  flex-flow: column nowrap;  order: 2;  wIDth: 100%; }/* STEP Title MESSAGE */.mdl-step__Title-message {  position: absolute;  Font-size: 12px;  opacity: .7;  Font-weight: 400;  top: 28px; }/* STEP LABEL INDICATOR */.mdl-step__label-indicator {  -webkit-display: flex;  -moz-display: flex;  -ms-display: flex;  display: flex;  order: 1;  background-color: rgba(0,0.3);  border-radius: 100%;  color: white;  margin-right: 12px;  margin-bottom: auto; }  .mdl-step__label-indicator > :first-child {    -webkit-display: flex;    -moz-display: flex;    -ms-display: flex;    display: flex;    Font-size: 15px;    wIDth: 28px;    height: 28px;    align-items: center;    justify-content: center; }/* STEP CONTENT */.mdl-step__content {  display: none;  height: calc(100% - 132px);  wIDth: inherit;  overflow: auto;  margin-left: 64px;  margin-right: 24px; }/* STEP ACTIONS */.mdl-step__actions {  display: none;  padding-top: 16px;  height: 48px;  margin-left: 64px;  margin-right: 24px; }  .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-next].mdl-button--raised.mdl-button--colored {    background-color: #2196F3;    Box-shadow: none; }/* STEP TRANSIENT */.mdl-step__transIEnt {  position: absolute;  top: 72px;  left: 64px;  z-index: 2;  -webkit-display: flex;  -moz-display: flex;  -ms-display: flex;  display: flex;  wIDth: calc(100% - 88px);  height: calc(100% - 132px);  Transition: 0.3s all ease-in-out; }/* STEP TRANSIENT OVERLAY */.mdl-step__transIEnt-overlay {  content: '';  position: absolute;  z-index: 3;  wIDth: 100%;  height: 100%;  top: 0;  background-color: rgba(255,255,0.8); }/* STEP TRANSIENT LOADER */.mdl-step__transIEnt-loader {  z-index: 4;  margin: auto; }/* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL */@media only screen and (min-wIDth: 841px) {  .mdl-stepper--horizontal {    -webkit-display: flex;    -moz-display: flex;    -ms-display: flex;    display: flex;    flex-direction: row;    align-items: baseline;    max-wIDth: 840px;    padding: 0;    min-height: 576px;    /* HORIZONTAL STEP */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP LABEL */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP CONTENT */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP ACTIONS */    /* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL + MOD liNEAR */ }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal:before {      content: '';      background-color: transparent;      wIDth: 100%;      min-height: 84px;      Box-shadow: 0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0,0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0,0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0,0.12);      position: absolute;      top: 0;      left: 0; }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step {      position: static;      -webkit-display: flex;      -moz-display: flex;      -ms-display: flex;      display: flex;      justify-content: center;      align-items: initial;      margin-top: 0 !important;      margin-bottom: 0 !important;      height: initial;      max-height: 84px;      overflow: hIDden;      /* STEP MOD COMPLETED */ }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > {        content: attr(data-step-transIEnt-message);        -webkit-animation: FadeInFromBottom 0.3s cubic-bezIEr(0,0.99);        -moz-animation: FadeInFromBottom 0.3s cubic-bezIEr(0,0.99);        -ms-animation: FadeInFromBottom 0.3s cubic-bezIEr(0,0.99);        animation: FadeInFromBottom 0.3s cubic-bezIEr(0,0.99);        position: absolute;        padding-left: 24px;        display: flex;        Font-size: 16px;        justify-content: flex-start;        align-items: center;        wIDth: calc(100% - 24px);        height: 84px;        background-color: white;        top: 0;        left: 0;        z-index: 9; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step .mdl-step__transIEnt {        top: 0;        left: 0;        wIDth: 100%;        height: 100%; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {        margin: auto auto; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step:not(:last-child) {        flex: 1; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step:not(:last-child):after {        content: '';        position: relative;        flex: 1;        top: 42px;        wIDth: 168px;        margin-left: -12px;        height: 1px;        background-color: rgba(0,0.1); }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal > .mdl-step.mdl-step--completed .mdl-step__Title > .mdl-step__Title-text {        Font-weight: bold; }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label {      top: -48px;      flex: initial;      margin: 0;      padding: 24px;      min-height: 132px;      Transition: 0.025s border-radius linear; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label:hover {        background-color: rgba(0,0.06); }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label:active {        padding: 12px;        margin: 12px;        border-radius: 100%; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label > .mdl-step__Title {        wIDth: initial; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label > .mdl-step__Title > * {        max-wIDth: 120px;        white-space: nowrap;        overflow: hIDden;        text-overflow: ellipsis; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label > .mdl-step__Title > .mdl-step__Title-message {        position: relative;        top: 0;        line-height: 14px; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step__label > .mdl-step__label-indicator {        margin-top: auto; }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__content {      position: absolute;      top: 84px;      left: 0;      wIDth: calc(100% - 48px);      height: calc(100% - 192px);      margin: 24px; }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__actions {      position: absolute;      top: calc(100% - 84px);      left: 0;      margin: 0;      padding: 24px;      wIDth: calc(100% - 48px); }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-next] {        order: 4;        margin-left: 8px;        margin-right: 0;        color: #2196F3;        background-color: transparent; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-cancel] {        order: 3;        margin-left: auto; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-skip] {        order: 2;        margin-left: auto; }      .mdl-stepper--horizontal .mdl-step > .mdl-step__actions [data-stepper-back] {        order: 1;        margin-left: 0;        margin-right: auto; }    .mdl-stepper--horizontal.mdl-stepper--linear > .mdl-step:not(.mdl-step--completed):not(.is-active) .mdl-step__Title > .mdl-step__Title-text {      opacity: .5; } }


解决方法 工作演示:

<script async src=""></script><p data-height="265" data-theme-ID="dark" data-slug-hash="jLNQRz" data-default-tab="result" data-user="kumarrishikesh12" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="jLNQRz" >See the Pen <a href="">jLNQRz</a> by Rishikesh kumar (<a href="">@kumarrishikesh12</a>) on <a href="">CodePen</a>.</p>



/* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL */@media only screen and (min-wIDth: 841px) {  .mdl-stepper--horizontal {    -webkit-display: flex;    -moz-display: flex;    -ms-display: flex;    display: flex;    flex-direction: row;    align-items: baseline;    max-wIDth: 840px;    padding: 0;    min-height: 576px;    /* HORIZONTAL STEP */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP LABEL */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP CONTENT */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP ACTIONS */    /* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL + MOD liNEAR */ }


/* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL */@media only screen and (min-wIDth: 901px) {  .mdl-stepper--horizontal {    -webkit-display: flex;    -moz-display: flex;    -ms-display: flex;    display: flex;    flex-direction: row;    align-items: baseline;    max-wIDth: 900px;    padding: 0;    min-height: 1100px;    /* HORIZONTAL STEP */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP LABEL */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP CONTENT */    /* HORIZONTAL STEP ACTIONS */    /* STEPPER MOD HORIZONTAL + MOD liNEAR */ }

NOTE: Here Use !important rule is used for overrIDing the prevIoUsly assigned CSS declarations


<div >        <header >            <div  >                <!-- Title -->                <span >IPET</span>                <!-- Add spacer,to align navigation to the right -->                <div ></div>                <div >                    <label  for="fixed-header-drawer-exp">                        <i >search</i>                    </label>                    <div >                        <input  type="text" name="sample" ID="fixed-header-drawer-exp" />                    </div>                </div>          <button ID="demo-menu-lower-right"                  >            <i >chat</i>          </button>          <ul               for="demo-menu-lower-right">            <li >Some Action</li>            <li >Another Action</li>            <li >Disabled Action</li>            <li >Yet Another Action</li>          </ul>            </div>        </header>      <main >         <section>    <div >      <div >       <!-- markup -->      <ul   ID="ipet-stepper">          <li >            <span >            <span >                <span >Your information</span>                <span >Edit this step later</span>            </span>                <span ><span >1</span>            </span>            </span>            <div  >                     <div >                        <div >                          <h2 >Your Profile information</h2>                        </div>                        <div  >                        </div>                        <div >                            <div ID="fb" >                                        <div ID="status"></div>                                        <button ID="loginFB"  onClick="testAPI();">                                        Continue with Facebook                                        </button>                            </div>                            <!--- Google Api --->                            <div ID="Google" >                                  <button ID="Googlelogin"  onClick="onSuccess()">                                    Continue with Google                                  </button>                            </div>                        </div>                        <div ID="gSignInWrapper">                        </div>                      <div ID="name"></div>                      <script>(function () {  startApp();});</script>                        <div >                                    <div >                                        <h2 >Your Profile</h2>                                    </div>                     <div >                                    <div >                                      <div ID="profile"  ></div>                                    </div>                                    <div  >                                        <form action="#">                                          <div >                                              <div >                                                <input  type="text" ID="firstname">                                                <label  for="firstname">First name</label>                                              </div>                                              <div >                                                <input  type="text" ID="lastname">                                                <label  for="lastname">Last name</label>                                              </div>                                            <!--- Birthday / Address Form --->                                            <div >                                                <i ID="bdayicon" >cake</i>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <input  type="date" ID="date">                                            </div>                                            <div >                                               <input  ID="gender" name="gender" value="" type="text" tabIndex="-1"/>                                                <label  for="gender">Gender</label>                                              <ul ID="gendermenu"  for="gender">                                                   <li >F - Female</li>                                                <li >M - Male</li>                                                <li >X - Intersex</li>                                              </ul>                                            </div>                                            <!--- Main contact --->                                            <div >                                                <i ID="mainphoneicon" >phone</i>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <input  type="text" pattern="[0-9]{10}" ID="phone">                                                <label  for="phone">Phone</label>                                                <span >Digits only</span>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <i ID="addressicon" >home</i>                                                <div  data-mdl-for="addressicon">                                                    Your home address                                                </div>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <input  type="text" ID="streetline">                                                <label  for="streetline">Home Address</label>                                                <div  data-mdl-for="streetline">                                                    <p>Your address will be used to notify members that your pet has gone missing.                                                    </p>                                                    <small>You can also choose to notify members in your current area (because you're active or on holIDays)                                                    <br>We will never give out your personal address to any 3rd party or user.                                                    </small>                                                    </p>                                                </div>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <input  type="text" ID="suburb">                                                <label  for="suburb">Suburb</label>                                            </div>                                            <div >                                            </div>                                            <div >                                                <input  type="text" pattern="-?[0-9]*{4}?" maxlength="4" name="zipcode" ID="zip">                                                <label  for="zip">Post Code</label>                                                <span >InvalID ZIPCODE</span>                                              </div>                                             <div >                                                <input  type="text" ID="state" maxlength="3">                                                <label  for="state">State</label>                                              </div>                                              <div >                                                 <input  ID="country" name="country" value="" type="text" tabIndex="-1"/>                                                 <label  for="country">Country</label>                                              <ul ID="countrymenu"  for="country">                                                    </ul>                                              </div>                                                <div ></div>                                              <div >                                              </div>                                              <div >                                                <textarea name="aboutme"  rows= "3" type="text" ID="aboutme"></textarea>                                                <label  for="aboutme">About Me</label>                                              </div>                                          </div>                                        </form>                                   </div>                            </div>                    </div>            </div>            <div >              <button  data-stepper-next>                    Continue                  </button>              <button  data-stepper-cancel>                    Cancel                  </button>            </div>          </li>          <li >            <span >            <span >                <span >Your Pets</span>            </span>                <span ><span >2</span>            </span>            </span>            <div ></div>            <div >              <button  data-stepper-next>                    Continue                  </button>              <button  data-stepper-cancel>                    Cancel                  </button>            </div>          </li>          <li >            <span >            <span >                <span >Emergency Contacts</span>                <span >Who should we contact if your pet goes missing?</span>            </span>                <span ><span >3</span>            </span>            </span>            <div ></div>            <div >              <button  data-stepper-next>                    Continue                  </button>              <button  data-stepper-cancel>                    Cancel                  </button>            </div>          </li>        </ul>      </div>    </div>  </section>        <footer >          <div >            <div >            <ul >                          <li><a href="#">Help</a></li>                          <li><a href="#">Privacy and Terms</a></li>                          <li><a href="#">User Agreement</a></li>            </ul>            </div>            <div >              <a  href="#top">                Back to top                <i >expand_less</i>              </a>            </div>          </div>        </footer>        </main>  </div>

NOTE: In Case Of <embed> Snippet Doesn’t Not Work Check Working link


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的html – mdl-stepper没有响应溢出全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决html – mdl-stepper没有响应溢出所遇到的程序开发问题。




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