工程应用中的图形库,基本有两种构建方式:一种是类似Win Form中的Graphics类,绘制图形简洁,但这种图形不是以“元素”的形式出现,绘制之后图形元素不能被索引,它自身没有属性或事件的概念,因此这种方式适用于“一次绘制好后,只供用户观看”的场合,例如背景图的绘制、示意曲线的绘制等;另一种是类似Silverlight中的图形绘制方式,各图形元素是一个真正的类,自身有属性或事件,可以被索引,相比第一种情况,这是一种“重量级”的绘图方式,适用于“随时捕捉图形,并对其施加 *** 作”的场合,例如绘制工作流图等。本文称第一种库为图形绘制库,称第二种库为图形元素库。本文只关注图形绘制库的建立。
public class Drawcolor { #region Member Variables private Byte _r,_g,_b,_a; #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs public Byte R { set { this._r = value; } get { return this._r; } } public Byte G { set { this._g = value; } get { return this._g; } } public Byte B { set { this._b = value; } get { return this._b; } } public Byte A { set { this._a = value; } get { return this._a; } } #endregion PropertIEs #region Public Methods public Drawcolor(Byte a=255,Byte r =0,Byte g=0,Byte b=0) { _r = r; _g = g; _b = b; _a = a; } public Drawcolor(Byte r = 0,Byte g = 0,Byte b = 0) { _a = 255; _g = g; _b = b; _r = r; } public UInt32 ToArgb() { return (((UInt32)_a) << 24) + (((UInt32)_r) << 16) + (((UInt32)_g) << 8) + ((UInt32)_b); } public static Drawcolor FromArgb(int red,int green,int blue) { return new Drawcolor((Byte)red,(Byte)green,(Byte)blue); } public static Drawcolor FromArgb(UInt32 cl) { return new Drawcolor((Byte)(cl>>24),(Byte)(cl>>16),(Byte)(cl>>8),(Byte)(cl&0xff)); } #endregion Public Methods } public class Drawcolors { public static Drawcolor Black = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF000000); public static Drawcolor Blue = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF0000FF); public static Drawcolor brown = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFA52A2A); public static Drawcolor Cyan = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF00FFFF); public static Drawcolor DarkGray = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFA9A9A9); public static Drawcolor Gray = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF808080); public static Drawcolor Green = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF008000); public static Drawcolor lightGray = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFD3D3D3); public static Drawcolor magenta = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFFF00FF); public static Drawcolor Orange = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFFFA500); public static Drawcolor Purple = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFF800080); public static Drawcolor Red = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFFF0000); public static Drawcolor transparent = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0x00FFFFFF); public static Drawcolor White = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFFFFFFF); public static Drawcolor Yellow = Drawcolor.FromArgb(0xFFFFFF00); } public class linePen { public enum StyleEnum { SolID,DOT,DASH,DASHDOT,DASHDOTDOT,CUSTOM } #region Member Variables private Single[] _customDashGapArray = null; #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs public StyleEnum Style { get; set; } public Drawcolor color { get; set; } public Single WIDth { get; set; } public Single[] CustomDashGapArray { get { return _customDashGapArray; } set { if (value != null) { _customDashGapArray = new Single[value.Length]; value.copyTo(_customDashGapArray,0); } } } #endregion PropertIEs public linePen(Drawcolor color,Single wIDth = 1.0f,StyleEnum style = linePen.StyleEnum.soLID,Single[] customDashGap = null) { color = color; WIDth = wIDth; Style = style; CustomDashGapArray = customDashGap; } public linePen Clone() { return new linePen(this.color,this.WIDth,this.Style,this._customDashGapArray); } } public abstract class PaintBrush { #region Member Variables #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs #endregion PropertIEs public PaintBrush() { } } public class SolIDPaintBrush: PaintBrush { #region PropertIEs public Drawcolor color { get; set; } #endregion PropertIEs public SolIDPaintBrush(Drawcolor color) { color = color; } } public class TextFont { public enum StyleEnum { REGulAR,BolD,ITAliC } public enum AlignmentEnum { left,RIGHT,CENTER,JUSTIFY } #region Member Variables private string _family; #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs public bool Clip { get; set; } public bool Wrap { get; set; } public float Size {get; set; } public StyleEnum Style { get; set; } public AlignmentEnum Alignment { get; set; } public string Family { set { this._family = value; } get { return this._family; } } #endregion PropertIEs #region Public Methods public TextFont(string family="宋体",float size=10.0f,TextFont.StyleEnum style = StyleEnum.REGulAR,TextFont.AlignmentEnum alignment = AlignmentEnum.left,bool wrap= false,bool clip =false) { _family = family; Size = size; Style = style; Alignment = alignment; Wrap = wrap; Clip = clip; } public TextFont(float size) { _family = "宋体"; Size = size; Style = StyleEnum.REGulAR; Alignment = AlignmentEnum.left; Wrap = false; Clip = false; } #endregion Public Methods } public class Dot { public Int32 X=0,Y=0; public Dot(Int32 x,Int32 y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } } public class DotF { public Single X=0.0f,Y=0.0f; public DotF(Single x,Single y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } } public class Area { public Int32 X1,Y1,X2,Y2; public Area() { X1 = Y1 = X2 = Y2 = 0; } public Area(Int32 x1,Int32 y1,Int32 x2,Int32 y2) { this.X1 = x1; this.Y1 = y1; this.X2 = x2; this.Y2 = y2; } public Int32 WIDth { get { return X2 - X1; } set { X2 = X1 + value; } } public Int32 Height { get { return Y2 - Y1; } set { Y2 = Y1 + value; } } public voID reset() { int s; if (X2 < X1) { s = X2; X2 = X1; X1 = s; } if (Y2 < Y1) { s = Y2; Y2 = Y1; Y1 = s; } } public static Area Fromrange(Int32 x,Int32 y,Int32 wIDth,Int32 height) { return new Area(x,y,x + wIDth,y + height); } } public class AreaF { public Single X1,Y2; public AreaF() { X1 = Y1 = X2 = Y2 = 0.0f; } public AreaF(Single x1,Single y1,Single x2,Single y2) { this.X1 = x1; this.Y1 = y1; this.X2 = x2; this.Y2 = y2; } public Single WIDth { get { return X2 - X1; } set { X2 = X1 + value; } } public Single Height { get { return Y2 - Y1; } set { Y2 = Y1 + value; } } public voID reset() { Single s; if (X2 < X1) { s = X2; X2 = X1; X1 = s; } if (Y2 < Y1) { s = Y2; Y2 = Y1; Y1 = s; } } public static AreaF Fromrange(Single x,Single y,Single wIDth,Single height) { return new AreaF(x,y + height); } } public enum ImageStretch { NONE,FILL,UNIFORM,UNIFORMTOFILL } public interface IGraphBase { voID Clear(Drawcolor cl); voID SetClip(AreaF area ); voID ClearClip(); voID SetlinePen(linePen pen); voID Drawline(linePen pen,Int32 x1,Int32 y2); voID Drawline(linePen pen,Single x1,Single y2); voID Startpolyline(linePen pen); voID AddpolylinePoint(Single x,Single y); voID AddpolylinePoint(Int32 x,Int32 y); voID Endpolyline(); voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,PaintBrush brush,Area area); voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,AreaF area); voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Int32 y2); voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Single y2); voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<Dot> edges); voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<DotF> edges); voID DrawCircle(linePen pen,Int32 x,Int32 y,Int32 radius); voID DrawCircle(linePen pen,Single x,Single radius); voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Area area); voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,AreaF area); voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Int32 y2); voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Single y2); voID DrawString(Single x,string text,Drawcolor Fontcolor,float Fontsize,string Fontname); voID DrawString(string text,TextFont Font,AreaF area); voID DrawImage(Area area,string sourceUrl,ImageStretch st); voID DrawImage(AreaF area,ImageStretch st); }}SilverlightGraphics的源代码。
public class SilverlightGraphics : IGraphBase { #region Consts & Enum #endregion Consts & Enum #region Member Variables private Canvas _slCanvas; private UInt32 _elementCount = 0; private linePen _defaultPen = new linePen(Drawcolors.Black); private linePen _polylinePen = null; private PointCollection _polylinePoints = null; private DoubleCollection _dotlinestrokeArray = new DoubleCollection(); private DoubleCollection _dashlinestrokeArray = new DoubleCollection(); private DoubleCollection _dashdotlinestrokeArray = new DoubleCollection(); private DoubleCollection _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray = new DoubleCollection(); private Brush _defaultTextBrush = new SolIDcolorBrush(colors.Black); private System.windows.FrameworkElement _lastAddedShape = null; #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs public Canvas GraphObject { get { return _slCanvas; } } public System.windows.FrameworkElement LastAddedShape { get { return _lastAddedShape; } } #endregion PropertIEs #region Pulbic Methods public SilverlightGraphics(Canvas cs) { _slCanvas = cs; _dotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashlinestrokeArray.Add(3.0); _dashlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotlinestrokeArray.Add(3.0); _dashdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(3.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray.Add(1.0); } public voID SetlinePen(linePen pen) { _defaultPen = pen.Clone(); } public voID Clear(Drawcolor cl) { _slCanvas.Children.Clear(); _slCanvas.Background = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(cl)); } public voID SetClip(AreaF area = null) { Rect rt = (area == null) ? new Rect(0,_slCanvas.WIDth,_slCanvas.Height) : new Rect(area.X1,area.Y1,area.WIDth,area.Height); _slCanvas.Clip = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = rt }; } public voID ClearClip() { _slCanvas.Clip = null; } public voID Drawline(linePen pen,Int32 y2) { Drawline(pen,(Single)x1,(Single)y1,(Single)x2,(Single)y2); } public voID Drawline(linePen pen,Single y2) { line shp = new System.windows.Shapes.line(); preparelinePen(shp,(pen==null)?_defaultPen.Clone() :pen); shp.X1 = x1; shp.Y1 = y1; shp.X2 = x2; shp.Y2 = y2; addShape(shp,"line"); } public voID Startpolyline(linePen pen) { if(_polylinePoints!=null) _polylinePoints.Clear(); // need new ?????? _polylinePen = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen.Clone() : pen; } public voID AddpolylinePoint(Single x,Single y) { if (_polylinePoints == null) { _polylinePoints = new PointCollection(); } _polylinePoints.Add(new Point(x,y)); } public voID AddpolylinePoint(Int32 x,Int32 y) { AddpolylinePoint((Single)x,(Single)y); } public voID Endpolyline() { polyline shp = new System.windows.Shapes.polyline(); preparelinePen(shp,_polylinePen); shp.Points = _polylinePoints; addShape(shp,"Pyln"); } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Area area) { DrawRectangle(pen,brush,(Single)area.X1,(Single)area.Y1,(Single)area.WIDth,(Single)area.Height); } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,AreaF area) { DrawRectangle(pen,area.X1,area.Height); } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Int32 height) { DrawRectangle(pen,(Single)x,(Single)y,(Single)wIDth,(Single)height); } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Single height) { Rectangle shp = new System.windows.Shapes.Rectangle(); preparelinePen(shp,(pen == null) ? _defaultPen.Clone() : pen); prepareFillBrush(shp,brush); setRectValue(shp,x,wIDth,height); addShape(shp,"Rect"); } public voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<Dot> edges) { polygon tmpgon = new System.windows.Shapes.polygon(); preparelinePen(tmpgon,(pen == null) ? _defaultPen.Clone() : pen); prepareFillBrush(tmpgon,brush); PointCollection points = new PointCollection(); foreach (Dot dt in edges) { points.Add(new Point(dt.X,dt.Y)); } tmpgon.Points = points; addShape(tmpgon,"Pygn"); } public voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<DotF> edges) { polygon tmpgon = new System.windows.Shapes.polygon(); preparelinePen(tmpgon,brush); PointCollection points = new PointCollection(); foreach (DotF dot in edges) { points.Add(new Point(dot.X,dot.Y)); } tmpgon.Points = points; addShape(tmpgon,"Pygn"); } public voID DrawCircle(linePen pen,Int32 radius) { DrawCircle(pen,(Single)radius); } public voID DrawCircle(linePen pen,Single radius) { Ellipse shp = new System.windows.Shapes.Ellipse(); preparelinePen(shp,brush); setRectValue(shp,x - radius,y - radius,radius,radius); addShape(shp,"Crcl"); } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Area area) { DrawEllipse(pen,(Single)area.Height); } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,AreaF area) { DrawEllipse(pen,area.Height); } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Int32 height) { DrawEllipse(pen,(Single)height); } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Single height) { Ellipse shp = new System.windows.Shapes.Ellipse(); preparelinePen(shp,height); addShape(shp,"Elps"); } public voID DrawString(string text,PaintBrush brush,AreaF area) { System.windows.Controls.TextBlock shp = new TextBlock(); switch (Font.Alignment) { case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.left: shp.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.left; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.RIGHT: shp.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.CENTER: shp.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.JUSTIFY: shp.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; break; } switch (Font.Style) { case TextFont.StyleEnum.REGulAR: break; case TextFont.StyleEnum.BolD: shp.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; break; case TextFont.StyleEnum.ITAliC: shp.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic; break; } if (Font.Clip) { shp.Clip = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = new Rect(0,area.Height) }; } shp.textwrapPing = (Font.Wrap) ? textwrapPing.Wrap : textwrapPing.nowrap; shp.Foreground = (brush == null) ? _defaultTextBrush : converttoBrush(brush); shp.Text = text; setRectValue(shp,area.Height); shp.FontSize = Font.Size; shp.FontFamily = new FontFamily(Font.Family); addShape(shp,"Text"); } public voID DrawString(Single x,float Fontsize=10.0f,string Fontname = "宋体") { AreaF area = new AreaF(){ X1 = x,Y1= y,X2=x+10,Y2= y+10}; TextFont Font = new TextFont(Fontname,Fontsize); SolIDPaintBrush brush = new SolIDPaintBrush (Fontcolor); DrawString(text,Font,area); } public voID DrawImage(Area area,ImageStretch st) { DrawImage(area.X1,area.Height,sourceUrl,st); } public voID DrawImage(AreaF area,st); } public voID DrawImage(Single x,Single height,ImageStretch st) { Image shp = new System.windows.Controls.Image(); setRectValue(shp,height); shp.Stretch = converttoStretch(st); shp.source = new BitmAPImage(new Uri(sourceUrl,UriKind.relativeOrabsolute)); addShape(shp,"Imag"); } #endregion Pulbic Methods #region Private Methods private color converttocolor(Drawcolor cl) { color clr= new color(); clr.A = cl.A; clr.B = cl.B; clr.G = cl.G; clr.R = cl.R; return clr; } private Brush converttoBrush(PaintBrush pbr) { if (pbr is SolIDPaintBrush) { return new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor((((SolIDPaintBrush)pbr).color))); } return null; } private Stretch converttoStretch(ImageStretch st) { switch(st) { case ImageStretch.NONE: return Stretch.None; case ImageStretch.FILL: return Stretch.Fill; case ImageStretch.UNIFORM: return Stretch.Uniform; case ImageStretch.UNIFORMTOFILL: return Stretch.UniformToFill; } return Stretch.None; } private voID preparelinePen(System.windows.Shapes.Shape shp,linePen pen) { switch (pen.Style) { case linePen.StyleEnum.soLID: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DOT: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); shp.strokeDashArray = _dotlinestrokeArray; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASH: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); shp.strokeDashArray = _dashlinestrokeArray; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASHDOT: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); shp.strokeDashArray = _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASHDOTDOT: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); shp.strokeDashArray = _dashdotdotlinestrokeArray; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.CUSTOM: shp.stroke = new SolIDcolorBrush(converttocolor(pen.color)); Single[] dashgapArray = pen.CustomDashGapArray; DoubleCollection customlinestrokeArray = new DoubleCollection(); foreach (Single i in dashgapArray) { customlinestrokeArray.Add(i); } shp.strokeDashArray = customlinestrokeArray; break; } shp.strokeThickness = pen.WIDth; } private voID prepareFillBrush(System.windows.Shapes.Shape shp,PaintBrush brh) { if (brh != null) { shp.Fill = converttoBrush(brh); } } private voID setRectValue(System.windows.FrameworkElement shp,double x,double y,double wIDth,double height) { shp.WIDth = wIDth; shp.Height = height; shp.SetValue(Canvas.leftProperty,x); shp.SetValue(Canvas.topProperty,y); } private voID addShape(System.windows.FrameworkElement tmpshape,string namePrefix) { tmpshape.name = namePrefix + _elementCount.ToString(); _slCanvas.Children.Add(tmpshape); _elementCount++; _lastAddedShape = tmpshape; } #endregion Private Methods }
public class WinFormGraphics:IGraphBase { #region Consts & Enum #endregion Consts & Enum #region Member Variables private Graphics _canvas; private UInt32 _elementCount = 0; private Pen _defaultPen = new Pen(color.Black); private Pen _polylinePen = null; private List<PointF> _polylinePoints = null; //private Brush _defaultTextBrush = new SolIDcolorBrush(colors.Black); //private System.windows.FrameworkElement _lastAddedShape = null; #endregion Member Variables #region PropertIEs public Graphics GraphObject { get { return _canvas; } } //public System.windows.FrameworkElement LastAddedShape //{ // get { return _lastAddedShape; } //} #endregion PropertIEs #region Pulbic Methods public WinFormGraphics(Graphics cs) { _canvas = cs; } public voID SetlinePen(linePen pen) { _defaultPen = (pen==null)?null: converttopen(pen); } public voID Clear(Drawcolor cl) { _canvas.Clear(converttocolor(cl)); } public voID SetClip(AreaF area) { if(area != null) { _canvas.SetClip(new RectangleF(area.X1,area.Height)); } } public voID ClearClip() { _canvas.resetClip(); } public voID Drawline(linePen pen,Single y2) { Pen pp = converttopen(pen); _canvas.Drawline(pp,x1,y1,x2,y2); _elementCount++; } public voID Startpolyline(linePen pen) { if(_polylinePoints!=null) _polylinePoints.Clear(); // need new ?????? _polylinePen = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); } public voID AddpolylinePoint(Single x,Single y) { if (_polylinePoints == null) { _polylinePoints = new List<PointF>(); } _polylinePoints.Add(new PointF(x,(Single)y); } public voID Endpolyline() { _canvas.Drawlines(_polylinePen,_polylinePoints.ToArray()); _elementCount++; } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Int32 height) { if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.DrawRectangle(pp,height); } else { Brush bb = converttoBrush(brush); _canvas.FillRectangle(bb,height); } _elementCount++; } public voID DrawRectangle(linePen pen,Single height) { if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.DrawRectangle(pp,height); } _elementCount++; } public voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<Dot> edges) { Point[] points = new Point[edges.Count]; int i=0; foreach(Dot dot in edges) { points[i].X = dot.X; points[i].Y = dot.Y; i++; } if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.Drawpolygon(pp,points); } else { Brush bb = converttoBrush(brush); _canvas.Fillpolygon (bb,points); } _elementCount++; } public voID Drawpolygon(linePen pen,ICollection<DotF> edges) { PointF[] points = new PointF[edges.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (DotF dot in edges) { points[i].X = dot.X; points[i].Y = dot.Y; i++; } if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.Drawpolygon(pp,points); } else { Brush bb = converttoBrush(brush); _canvas.Fillpolygon(bb,points); } _elementCount++; } public voID DrawCircle(linePen pen,Single radius) { DrawEllipse(pen,radius); } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Int32 height) { if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.DrawEllipse(pp,height); } else { Brush bb = converttoBrush(brush); _canvas.FillEllipse(bb,height); } _elementCount++; } public voID DrawEllipse(linePen pen,Single height) { if (brush == null) { Pen pp = (pen == null) ? _defaultPen : converttopen(pen); _canvas.DrawEllipse(pp,height); } _elementCount++; } public voID DrawString(string text,AreaF area) { StringFormat ft = new StringFormat(); if (!Font.Wrap) ft.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.nowrap; if (!Font.Clip) ft.FormatFlags = ft.FormatFlags|StringFormatFlags.NoClip ; switch (Font.Alignment) { case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.left: ft.Alignment = Stringalignment.Near; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.RIGHT: ft.Alignment = Stringalignment.Far; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.CENTER: ft.Alignment = Stringalignment.Center; break; case TextFont.AlignmentEnum.JUSTIFY: ft.Alignment = Stringalignment.Near; break; } FontStyle ftstyle = FontStyle.Regular; switch (Font.Style) { case TextFont.StyleEnum.REGulAR: break; case TextFont.StyleEnum.BolD: ftstyle = FontStyle.Bold; break; case TextFont.StyleEnum.ITAliC: ftstyle = FontStyle.Italic; break; } Font fot = new Font(new FontFamily(Font.Family),Font.Size,ftstyle); RectangleF rt = new RectangleF(area.X1,area.Height); if (!Font.Clip) //it seems that StringFormatFlags.NoClip does not work! here donot use that flag. { Sizef stringSize = new Sizef(); if (Font.Wrap) { stringSize = _canvas.MeasureString(text,fot,(int)area.WIDth,ft); } else { stringSize = _canvas.MeasureString(text,new PointF(area.X1,area.Y1),ft); } rt.WIDth = (area.WIDth > stringSize.WIDth) ? area.WIDth : stringSize.WIDth; rt.Height= (area.Height>stringSize.Height)?area.Height:stringSize.Height; } _canvas.DrawString(text,converttoBrush(brush),rt,ft); _elementCount++; } public voID DrawString(Single x,string Fontname = "宋体") { Font fot = new Font(new FontFamily(Fontname),Fontsize,FontStyle.Regular); _canvas.DrawString(text,new SolIDBrush(converttocolor(Fontcolor)),new PointF(x,y)); _elementCount++; } public voID DrawImage(Area area,ImageStretch st) { Image newImage = Image.Fromfile(sourceUrl); switch (st) { case ImageStretch.UNIFORMTOFILL: case ImageStretch.NONE: _canvas.DrawImage(newImage,y); break; case ImageStretch.FILL: //to be @R_68_4041@ to the size of the holder _canvas.DrawImage(newImage,new RectangleF(x,height)); break; case ImageStretch.UNIFORM: //to be @R_68_4041@ according to the proportion of the image if (height / newImage.Size.Height > wIDth / newImage.Size.WIDth) { _canvas.DrawImage(newImage,newImage.Size.Height * wIDth / newImage.Size.WIDth)); } else { _canvas.DrawImage(newImage,newImage.Size.WIDth * height / newImage.Size.Height,height)); } break; } _elementCount++; } #endregion Pulbic Methods #region Private Methods private color converttocolor(Drawcolor cl) { return color.FromArgb(cl.A,cl.R,cl.G,cl.B); } private Pen converttopen(linePen pen) { Pen pp = new Pen(converttocolor(pen.color),pen.WIDth); switch (pen.Style) { case linePen.StyleEnum.soLID: pp.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.solID; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DOT: pp.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.Dot; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASH: pp.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.Dash; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASHDOT: pp.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.DashDot; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.DASHDOTDOT: pp.DashStyle = System.Drawing.drawing2d.DashStyle.DashDotDot; break; case linePen.StyleEnum.CUSTOM: pp.DashPattern = pen.CustomDashGapArray; break; } return pp; } private Brush converttoBrush(PaintBrush pbr) { if (pbr is SolIDPaintBrush) { return new SolIDBrush(converttocolor((((SolIDPaintBrush)pbr).color))); } return null; } #endregion Private Methods }总结