Error[8]: Undefined offset: 459, File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 121
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 473, decode(

概述Realm Swift 当前这个翻译,主要是方便我自己查阅api,有很多地方写的比较晦涩或者没有翻译,敬请谅解 version 0.98.7 官方文档 参考文献 Realm支持类型 String,NSString Int Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64 Float Double Bool NSData NSDate RealmOptional Object List Realm Ob Realm Swift

version 0.98.7


Realm支持类型 String,Nsstring
Realm Object Model PropertIEs


Class => T:Object

Type Non-optional Optional
声明类型 非可选类型声明方式 可选类型声明方式
Bool dynamic var value = false let value = RealmOptional()
Int dynamic var value = 0 let value = RealmOptional()
float dynamic var value:float = 0.0 let value = RealmOptional()
Double dynamic var value:Double = 0 let value = RealmOptional()
String dynamic var value = “” dynamic var value: String? = nil
Data dynamic var value = Data() dynamic var value: NSData? = nil
Date dynamic var value = Date() dynamic var value: Date? = nil
Object n/a: must be optional dynamic var value: Class?
List let value = List n/a: must be non-optional
注意事项: Object只能声明成可选类型. List和RealmOptional只能声明成非可选类型. 使用var修饰变量,必须要使用dynamic.具体原因请查照) Relationships 一对一(To-One Relationships)
class Dog: Object {    // ... other property declarations    dynamic var owner: Person? // to-one relationships must be optional}
一对多(To-Many Relationships)
class Person: Object {    // ... other property declarations    let dogs = List<Dog>()}
反向链接(Inverse Relationships / backlink)
class Dog: Object {    dynamic var name = ""    dynamic var age = 0    var owners: [Person] {        // Realm 并不会存储这个属性,因为这个属性只定义了 getter        // 定义“owners”,和 Person.dogs 建立反向关系        return linkingObjects(Person.self,forProperty: "dogs")    }}
Indexed PropertIEs


class Book: Object {  dynamic var price = 0  dynamic var Title = ""  overrIDe static func indexedPropertIEs() -> [String] {    return ["Title"]  }}


strings integers booleans NSDate 注意事项

Indexing a property will greatly speed up querIEs where the property is compared for equality (i.e. the = and IN operators),at the cost of slower insertions.


auto-Updating Objects


let myDog = Dog() = "FIDo"myDog.age = 1try! realm.write {  realm.add(myDog)}let mypuppy = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age == 1").firsttry! realm.write {  mypuppy!.age = 2}print("age of my dog: \(myDog.age)") // => 2

当数据变化,需要更新界面时,需要配合 [Realm notifications](#Realm notifications) 或 [key-value observation](#key-value observation)实现,后续会详细描述这2个功能

Primary Keys

一旦带有主键的对象被添加到 Realm 之后,该对象的主键将不可修改。

class Person: Object {  dynamic var ID = 0  dynamic var name = ""  overrIDe static func primaryKey() -> String? {    return "ID"  }}
Ignored PropertIEs

重写 Object.ignoredPropertIEs() 可以防止 Realm 存储数据模型的某个属性。Realm 将不会干涉这些属性的常规 *** 作,它们将由成员变量(ivar)提供支持,并且您能够轻易重写它们的 setter 和 getter。

class Person: Object {  dynamic var tmpID = 0  var name: String { // read-only propertIEs are automatically ignored    return "\(firstname) \(lastname)"  }  dynamic var firstname = ""  dynamic var lastname = ""  overrIDe static func ignoredPropertIEs() -> [String] {    return ["tmpID"]  }}

所有写入 *** 作(添加,修改,删除)都必须依托一个write transaction.

由于write transaction会占用一定的资源,所以尽量精简write transaction的个数.当队列写入时,只需要一个就write transaction

Creating Objects


// (1) Create a Dog object and then set its propertIEs var myDog = Dog() = "Rex" myDog.age = 10 // (2) Create a Dog object from a dictionary let myOtherDog = Dog(value: ["name" : "Pluto","age": 3]) // (3) Create a Dog object from an array let myThirdDog = Dog(value: ["FIDo",5])
nested Objects


// Instead of using already existing dogs...let aPerson = Person(value: ["Jane",30,[aDog,anotherDog]])// ...we can create them inlinelet anotherPerson = Person(value: ["Jane",[["Buster",5],["Buddy",6]]])
Adding Objects

write *** 作是阻塞 *** 作,如果有一个写 *** 作,那么其他线程的write *** 作都会被阻塞.

最好是将write *** 作放在一个单独的线程中.

// Create a Person object let author = Person() = "DavID Foster Wallace" // Get the default Realm let realm = try! Realm() // You only need to do this once (per thread) // Add to the Realm insIDe a transaction try! realm.write { realm.add(author) }
Updating Objects Typed Updates
// Update an object with a transactiontry! realm.write { = "Thomas Pynchon"}
Creating and Updating Objects With Primary Keys

update:true Object必须具有PrimaryKeys.否则会报错.

// Creating a book with the same primary key as a prevIoUsly saved booklet cheeseBook = Book()cheeseBook.Title = "Cheese recipes"cheeseBook.price = 9000cheeseBook.ID = 1 // Updating book with ID = 1try! realm.write {  realm.add(cheeseBook,update: true)} // Assuming a "Book" with a primary key of `1` already exists.try! realm.write {  realm.create(Book.self,value: ["ID": 1,"price": 9000.0],update: true)  // the book's `Title` property will remain unchanged.}
Key-Value Coding
let persons = realm.objects(Person)try! realm.write {  persons.first?.setValue(true,forKeyPath: "isFirst")  // set each person's planet property to "Earth"  persons.setValue("Earth",forKeyPath: "planet")}
Deleting Objects
// let cheeseBook = ... Book stored in Realmtry! realm.write {// Delete an object with a transaction  realm.delete(cheeseBook)  realm.delete(List<T:Object>)  realm.delete(Results<T:Object>)  // Delete all objects from the realm  realm.deleteall()}

通过查询 *** 作,Realm 将会返回包含 Object 集合的Results实例。Results 的表现和 Array 十分相似,并且包含在 Results 中的对象能够通过索引下标进行访问。

所有的查询(包括查询和属性访问)在 Realm 中都是延迟加载的,只有当属性被访问时,才能够读取相应的数据。也就是说当没有使用数据前,进行多次排序或者过滤都是不需要额外cpu时间的

查询结构不是copy对象,而是引用对象.所以在Write *** 作中修改查询数据,是直接修改数据库中的数据.


let dogs = realm.objects(Dog) // retrIEves all Dogs from the default Realm



// query using a predicate stringvar tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'") // query using an nspredicatelet predicate = nspredicate(format: "color = %@ AND name BEGINSWITH %@","tan","B")tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter(predicate)var tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan'").filter("name BEGINSWITH 'B'")
支持的断言类型 比较 *** 作数(comparison operand)可以是属性名称或者某个常量,但至少有一个 *** 作数必须是属性名称; 比较 *** 作符 ==、<=、<、>=、>、!=,以及 BETWEEN 支持 int、long、long long、float、double 以及 NSDate 属性类型的比较,比如说 age == 45 相等比较 ==以及!=,比如说Results().filter(“company == %@”,company) 比较 *** 作符 == and != 支持布尔属性 对于 Nsstring 和 NSData 属性来说,我们支持 ==、!=、BEGINSWITH、CONTAINS 以及 ENDSWITH *** 作符,比如说 name CONTAINS ‘Ja’ 字符串支持忽略大小写的比较方式,比如说 name CONTAINS[c] ‘Ja’ ,注意到其中字符的大小写将被忽略 **Realm 支持以下复合 *** 作符:“AND”、“OR” 以及 “NOT”。比如说 name BEGINSWITH ‘J’ AND age >= 32;
包含 *** 作符 IN,比如说 name IN {‘lisa’,‘Spike’,‘Hachi’}** ==、!=支持与 nil 比较,比如说 Results().filter(“ceo == nil”)。注意到这只适用于有关系的对象,这里 ceo 是 Company 模型的一个属性 ANY 比较,比如说 ANY student.age < 21 支持复合表达式类型@count,@min,@max,@sum and @avg.例如realm.objects(Company).filter(“employees.@count > 5”) 子查询有如下限制 @count is the only operator that may be applIEd to the SUBquery Expression The SUBquery(…).@count Expression must be compared with a constant correlated subquerIEs are not yet supported Sorting
// Sort tan dogs with names starting with "B" by namelet sortedDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'").sorted("name") //倒序let sortedDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'").sorted("name",ascending:false)
auto-Updating Results


let puppIEs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age < 2")puppIEs.count // => 0try! realm.write {  realm.create(Dog.self,value: ["name": "FIDo","age": 1])}puppIEs.count // => 1
limiting Results
// Loop through the first 5 Dog objects// restricting the number of objects read from disklet dogs = try! Realm().objects(Dog)for i in 0..<5 {  let dog = dogs[i]  // ...}
Realms Realm Configuration

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config.直接设置默认配置

func setDefaultRealmForUser(username: String) {  var config = Realm.Configuration()  // Use the default directory,but replace the filename with the username  config.path = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(config.path!)                  .URLByDeletingLastPathComponent?                  .URLByAppendingPathComponent("\(username).realm")                  .path  // Set this as the configuration used for the default Realm  Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config}
Other Realms


let config = Realm.Configuration(    // Get the path to the bundled file    path: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("MyBundledData",ofType:"realm"),// Open the file in read-only mode as application bundles are not writeable    Readonly: true)// Open the Realm with the configurationlet realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)// Read some data from the bundled Realmlet results = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age > 5")


In-Memory Realms





Error Handling


do {  let realm = try Realm()} catch let error as NSError {  // handle error}
copying Objects Between Realms


realm.create(MyObjectSubclass.self,value: originalObjectInstance) 
Auxiliary Realm files


.realm.lock - A lock file for resource locks. .realm.log_a,.realm.log_b - Log files for transaction logs. .realm.note - A named pipe for notifications. Class Subsets


let config = Realm.Configuration(objectTypes: [MyClass.self,MyOtherClass.self])let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
Deleting Realm files




autoreleasepool {  // all Realm usage here}let manager = NSfileManager.defaultManager()let realmPath = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.path as! Nsstringlet realmPaths = [  realmPath as String,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("lock")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("log_a")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("log_b")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("note")!]for path in realmPaths {  do {    try manager.removeItemAtPath(path)  } catch {    // handle error  }}
Using Realm with Background App Refresh





Realm在多线程处理上不需要使用线程锁,只需要注意写入 *** 作需要在Write事件中.



Seeing Changes From Other Threads 在UI线程或者其他添加Runloop的线程上,Realm都会自动更新其他线程Runloop的 *** 作结果.(这里是说其他线程有更新,UI线程或Runloop线程都不会更新数据)

在其他类型的线程上 *** 作,都是基于Snapshots.






```###Passing Instances Across Threads继承于NSObject的类,是可以在线程之间传递的.<BR>继承于Realm,Object,Results,or List的类,是无法在线程之间传递的.否则会引起崩溃.<BR>多线程之间传递数据的解决方案:<BR>* Object:可以通过primary key来实现.* Results:可以filter或者nspredicate来实现.**Realm一些可以多线程 *** 作的属性和方法,如下*** Realm: all propertIEs,class methods,and initializers.* Object: invalIDated,objectSchema,realm,and initializers.* Results: objectClassname and realm.* List: invalIDated,objectClassname,and realm.###Using a Realm Across Threads**想要在不同线程中,访问同一个Realm文件,就必须要在各自线程中获取相同配置的Realm实例.就是重新调用Realm.realm().**<BR>

let queue = dispatch_queue_create(“test”,disPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
dispatch_async(queue) {
autoreleasepool {
// Get realm and table instances for this thread
let realm = try! Realm()

// Break up the writing blocks into smaller portions// by starting a new transactionfor IDx1 in 0..<1000 {  realm.beginWrite()  // Add row via dictionary. Property order is ignored.  for IDx2 in 0..<1000 {    realm.create(Person.self,value: [      "name": "\(IDx1)","birthdate": NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: NSTimeInterval(IDx2))    ])  }  // Commit the write transaction  // to make this data available to other threads  try! realm.commitWrite()}


##JsON不支持Json数据直接导入,但是支持 NSJsONSerialization.JsONObjectWithData(_:options:)转换的导入.<BR>

// A Realm Object that represents a city
class City: Object {
dynamic var city = “”
dynamic var ID = 0
// other propertIEs left out …

// Insert from NSData containing JsON
try! realm.write {
let Json = try! NSJsONSerialization.JsONObjectWithData(data,options: NSJsONReadingOptions())
realm.create(City.self,value: Json,update: true)

######注意事项* float propertIEs should be initialized with float-backed NSNumbers(float类型需要使用NSNumber来声明)* * * * * * * * * NSDate and NSData propertIEs cannot be automatically inferred from strings,but should be converted to the appropriate type before passing to Realm().create(_:value:update:).(**没理解**)* If a JsON null (i.e. NSNull) is supplIEd for a required property,an exception will be thrown.(如果一个Json对象为null,会抛出异常)* If no property is supplIEd on insert for a required property,an exception will be thrown.(如果一个声明属性,没有对应的值,会抛出异常)* Realm will ignore any propertIEs in the JsON not defined by the Object.(当Json对象中有Object没有声明变量,会忽略)##Notifications多线程中对特定数据有修改时,会发送Notifications.<BR>**需要注意的是,addNotificationBlock返回的Token是必须要被强引用的,否则无法回调**<BR>支持的调用方式:* Realm.addNotificationBlock(_:)* AnyRealmCollection.addNotificationBlock(_:)* Results.addNotificationBlock(_:)* List.addNotificationBlock(_:)* NotificationToken.stop()

// Observe Realm Notifications
let token = realm.addNotificationBlock { notification,realm in

// later

// Observe Results Notifications
let token = realm.objects(Person).filter(“age > 5”).addNotificationBlock { results,error in
// results is IDentical to ‘realm.objects(Person).filter(“age > 5”)’

// later

##Key-Value Observation**这章略过,由于不熟悉KVO,所以先不学习这章**<BR>Realm objects are Key-Value Observing compliant for most propertIEs. All persisted (non-ignored) propertIEs on your Object subclasses are KVO-compliant,along with the invalIDated property on Object and List.Observing propertIEs of standalone instances of Object subclasses works just like with any other dynamic property,but note that you cannot add an object to a Realm (with realm.add(obj) or other similar methods) while it has any registered observers.Observing propertIEs of persisted objects works a little differently. With persisted objects,there are three times when the value of a property may change: when you directly assign to it; when you call realm.refresh() or the Realm is automatically refreshed after a write transaction is committed on a different thread; and when you call realm.beginWrite() after changes on a different thread which have not been picked up by a refresh on the current thread.In the latter two cases,all of the changes made in the write transaction(s) on another thread will be applIEd at once,and KVO notifications will all be sent at once. Any intermediate steps are discarded,so if in the write transaction you incremented a property from one to ten,on the main thread you’ll get a single notification of a change directly from one to ten. Because propertIEs can change in value when not in a write transaction or even as part of beginning a write transaction,trying to modify persisted Realm objects from within observeValueForKeyPath(_:ofObject:change:context:) is not recommended.Unlike NSMutableArray propertIEs,observing changes made to List propertIEs does not require using mutableArrayValueForKey(_:),although that is supported for compatiblity with things not written for Realm. Instead,you can simply call the modification methods on List directly,and anyone observing the property it is stored in will be notifIEd. List propertIEs do not need to be marked as dynamic to be observable,unlike normal propertIEs.In our example apps you can find a short example of using Realm with ReactiveCocoa from Objective‑C,and ReactKit from Swift.##Migrations**数据迁移,版本迭代时,数据库常用**<BR>###为什么要进行数据库迁移

class Person: Object {
dynamic var firstname = “”
dynamic var lastname = “”
dynamic var age = 0


class Person: Object {
dynamic var fullname = “”
dynamic var age = 0

那么就需要用到数据迁移了.###Performing a Migration

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.schemaVersion = 2;
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.migrationBlock = {migration,oldSchemaVersion in
if oldSchemaVersion < 1 {
migration.enumerate(Person.classname(),{ (oldobject,newObject) in
let firstname = oldobject![“firstname”] as! String
let lastname = oldobject![“lastname”] as! String
newObject![“fullname”] = “(firstname) (lastname)”

###Adding more versions

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.schemaVersion = 2;
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.migrationBlock = {migration,oldSchemaVersion in
if oldSchemaVersion < 10 {
migration.enumerate(Person.classname(),newObject) in
if oldSchemaVersion < 1 {
let firstname = oldobject![“firstname”] as! String
let lastname = oldobject![“lastname”] as! String
newObject![“fullname”] = “(firstname) (lastname)”

// Add the `email` property to Realms with a schema version of 0 or 1                        if oldSchemaVersion < 2 {                            newObject!["email"] = ""                        }            })        }    };
###linear Migrations需要考虑跨版本的数据库迁移,例如v0直接升级到v3版本,而不是只考虑v2升级到v3.##Encryption**Realm的加密只支持OS X,IOS,WatchKit.但是不支持watchOS**<BR> Realm的加密方式为:**key为64字节,AES-256+SHA2**<BR> **加密过的 Realm 只会带来很少的额外资源占用(通常最多只会比平常慢10%)**<BR> **注:如果数据库加密后,由于不知道加密方式,即使有原始key,也无法获取解密key,所以无法用Realm browser查看.****注:如果数据库加密,每次获取Realm实例时,必须使用encryptionKey.**
func getKey() -> NSData {    // IDentifIEr for our keychain entry - should be unique for your application    let keychainIDentifIEr = "io.Realm.Test"    let keychainIDentifIErData = keychainIDentifIEr.dataUsingEnCoding(NSUTF8StringEnCoding,allowLossyConversion: false)!    // First check in the keychain for an existing key    var query: [Nsstring: AnyObject] = [        kSecclass: kSecclassKey,kSecAttrApplicationTag: keychainIDentifIErData,kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: 512,kSecReturnData: true    ]    // To avoID Swift optimization BUG,should use withUnsafeMutablePointer() function to retrIEve the keychain item    // See also:    var dataTypeRef: AnyObject?    var status = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&dataTypeRef) { SecItemcopyMatching(query,UnsafeMutablePointer([+++])) }    if status == errSecSuccess {        return dataTypeRef as! NSData    }    // No pre-existing key from this application,so generate a new one    let keyData = NSMutableData(length: 64)!    let result = SecRandomcopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault,64,UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(keyData.mutableBytes))    assert(result == 0,"Failed to get random bytes")    // Store the key in the keychain    query = [        kSecclass: kSecclassKey,kSecValueData: keyData    ]    status = SecItemAdd(query,nil)    assert(status == errSecSuccess,"Failed to insert the new key in the keychain")    return keyData}



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Realm Swift全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Realm Swift所遇到的程序开发问题。


File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 126, InsideLink()
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 166, include(/www/wwwroot/
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 30, include(/www/wwwroot/
Realm Swift_app_内存溢出

Realm Swift

Realm Swift,第1张

概述Realm Swift 当前这个翻译,主要是方便我自己查阅api,有很多地方写的比较晦涩或者没有翻译,敬请谅解 version 0.98.7 官方文档 参考文献 Realm支持类型 String,NSString Int Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64 Float Double Bool NSData NSDate RealmOptional Object List Realm Ob Realm Swift

version 0.98.7


Realm支持类型 String,Nsstring
Realm Object Model PropertIEs


Class => T:Object

Type Non-optional Optional
声明类型 非可选类型声明方式 可选类型声明方式
Bool dynamic var value = false let value = RealmOptional()
Int dynamic var value = 0 let value = RealmOptional()
float dynamic var value:float = 0.0 let value = RealmOptional()
Double dynamic var value:Double = 0 let value = RealmOptional()
String dynamic var value = “” dynamic var value: String? = nil
Data dynamic var value = Data() dynamic var value: NSData? = nil
Date dynamic var value = Date() dynamic var value: Date? = nil
Object n/a: must be optional dynamic var value: Class?
List let value = List n/a: must be non-optional
注意事项: Object只能声明成可选类型. List和RealmOptional只能声明成非可选类型. 使用var修饰变量,必须要使用dynamic.具体原因请查照) Relationships 一对一(To-One Relationships)
class Dog: Object {    // ... other property declarations    dynamic var owner: Person? // to-one relationships must be optional}
一对多(To-Many Relationships)
class Person: Object {    // ... other property declarations    let dogs = List<Dog>()}
反向链接(Inverse Relationships / backlink)
class Dog: Object {    dynamic var name = ""    dynamic var age = 0    var owners: [Person] {        // Realm 并不会存储这个属性,因为这个属性只定义了 getter        // 定义“owners”,和 Person.dogs 建立反向关系        return linkingObjects(Person.self,forProperty: "dogs")    }}
Indexed PropertIEs


class Book: Object {  dynamic var price = 0  dynamic var Title = ""  overrIDe static func indexedPropertIEs() -> [String] {    return ["Title"]  }}


strings integers booleans NSDate 注意事项

Indexing a property will greatly speed up querIEs where the property is compared for equality (i.e. the = and IN operators),at the cost of slower insertions.


auto-Updating Objects


let myDog = Dog() = "FIDo"myDog.age = 1try! realm.write {  realm.add(myDog)}let mypuppy = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age == 1").firsttry! realm.write {  mypuppy!.age = 2}print("age of my dog: \(myDog.age)") // => 2

当数据变化,需要更新界面时,需要配合 [Realm notifications](#Realm notifications) 或 [key-value observation](#key-value observation)实现,后续会详细描述这2个功能

Primary Keys

一旦带有主键的对象被添加到 Realm 之后,该对象的主键将不可修改。

class Person: Object {  dynamic var ID = 0  dynamic var name = ""  overrIDe static func primaryKey() -> String? {    return "ID"  }}
Ignored PropertIEs

重写 Object.ignoredPropertIEs() 可以防止 Realm 存储数据模型的某个属性。Realm 将不会干涉这些属性的常规 *** 作,它们将由成员变量(ivar)提供支持,并且您能够轻易重写它们的 setter 和 getter。

class Person: Object {  dynamic var tmpID = 0  var name: String { // read-only propertIEs are automatically ignored    return "\(firstname) \(lastname)"  }  dynamic var firstname = ""  dynamic var lastname = ""  overrIDe static func ignoredPropertIEs() -> [String] {    return ["tmpID"]  }}

所有写入 *** 作(添加,修改,删除)都必须依托一个write transaction.

由于write transaction会占用一定的资源,所以尽量精简write transaction的个数.当队列写入时,只需要一个就write transaction

Creating Objects


// (1) Create a Dog object and then set its propertIEs var myDog = Dog() = "Rex" myDog.age = 10 // (2) Create a Dog object from a dictionary let myOtherDog = Dog(value: ["name" : "Pluto","age": 3]) // (3) Create a Dog object from an array let myThirdDog = Dog(value: ["FIDo",5])
nested Objects


// Instead of using already existing dogs...let aPerson = Person(value: ["Jane",30,[aDog,anotherDog]])// ...we can create them inlinelet anotherPerson = Person(value: ["Jane",[["Buster",5],["Buddy",6]]])
Adding Objects

write *** 作是阻塞 *** 作,如果有一个写 *** 作,那么其他线程的write *** 作都会被阻塞.

最好是将write *** 作放在一个单独的线程中.

// Create a Person object let author = Person() = "DavID Foster Wallace" // Get the default Realm let realm = try! Realm() // You only need to do this once (per thread) // Add to the Realm insIDe a transaction try! realm.write { realm.add(author) }
Updating Objects Typed Updates
// Update an object with a transactiontry! realm.write { = "Thomas Pynchon"}
Creating and Updating Objects With Primary Keys

update:true Object必须具有PrimaryKeys.否则会报错.

// Creating a book with the same primary key as a prevIoUsly saved booklet cheeseBook = Book()cheeseBook.Title = "Cheese recipes"cheeseBook.price = 9000cheeseBook.ID = 1 // Updating book with ID = 1try! realm.write {  realm.add(cheeseBook,update: true)} // Assuming a "Book" with a primary key of `1` already exists.try! realm.write {  realm.create(Book.self,value: ["ID": 1,"price": 9000.0],update: true)  // the book's `Title` property will remain unchanged.}
Key-Value Coding
let persons = realm.objects(Person)try! realm.write {  persons.first?.setValue(true,forKeyPath: "isFirst")  // set each person's planet property to "Earth"  persons.setValue("Earth",forKeyPath: "planet")}
Deleting Objects
// let cheeseBook = ... Book stored in Realmtry! realm.write {// Delete an object with a transaction  realm.delete(cheeseBook)  realm.delete(List<T:Object>)  realm.delete(Results<T:Object>)  // Delete all objects from the realm  realm.deleteall()}

通过查询 *** 作,Realm 将会返回包含 Object 集合的Results实例。Results 的表现和 Array 十分相似,并且包含在 Results 中的对象能够通过索引下标进行访问。

所有的查询(包括查询和属性访问)在 Realm 中都是延迟加载的,只有当属性被访问时,才能够读取相应的数据。也就是说当没有使用数据前,进行多次排序或者过滤都是不需要额外cpu时间的

查询结构不是copy对象,而是引用对象.所以在Write *** 作中修改查询数据,是直接修改数据库中的数据.


let dogs = realm.objects(Dog) // retrIEves all Dogs from the default Realm



// query using a predicate stringvar tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'") // query using an nspredicatelet predicate = nspredicate(format: "color = %@ AND name BEGINSWITH %@","tan","B")tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter(predicate)var tanDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan'").filter("name BEGINSWITH 'B'")
支持的断言类型 比较 *** 作数(comparison operand)可以是属性名称或者某个常量,但至少有一个 *** 作数必须是属性名称; 比较 *** 作符 ==、<=、<、>=、>、!=,以及 BETWEEN 支持 int、long、long long、float、double 以及 NSDate 属性类型的比较,比如说 age == 45 相等比较 ==以及!=,比如说Results().filter(“company == %@”,company) 比较 *** 作符 == and != 支持布尔属性 对于 Nsstring 和 NSData 属性来说,我们支持 ==、!=、BEGINSWITH、CONTAINS 以及 ENDSWITH *** 作符,比如说 name CONTAINS ‘Ja’ 字符串支持忽略大小写的比较方式,比如说 name CONTAINS[c] ‘Ja’ ,注意到其中字符的大小写将被忽略 **Realm 支持以下复合 *** 作符:“AND”、“OR” 以及 “NOT”。比如说 name BEGINSWITH ‘J’ AND age >= 32;
包含 *** 作符 IN,比如说 name IN {‘lisa’,‘Spike’,‘Hachi’}** ==、!=支持与 nil 比较,比如说 Results().filter(“ceo == nil”)。注意到这只适用于有关系的对象,这里 ceo 是 Company 模型的一个属性 ANY 比较,比如说 ANY student.age < 21 支持复合表达式类型@count,@min,@max,@sum and @avg.例如realm.objects(Company).filter(“employees.@count > 5”) 子查询有如下限制 @count is the only operator that may be applIEd to the SUBquery Expression The SUBquery(…).@count Expression must be compared with a constant correlated subquerIEs are not yet supported Sorting
// Sort tan dogs with names starting with "B" by namelet sortedDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'").sorted("name") //倒序let sortedDogs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("color = 'tan' AND name BEGINSWITH 'B'").sorted("name",ascending:false)
auto-Updating Results


let puppIEs = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age < 2")puppIEs.count // => 0try! realm.write {  realm.create(Dog.self,value: ["name": "FIDo","age": 1])}puppIEs.count // => 1
limiting Results
// Loop through the first 5 Dog objects// restricting the number of objects read from disklet dogs = try! Realm().objects(Dog)for i in 0..<5 {  let dog = dogs[i]  // ...}
Realms Realm Configuration

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config.直接设置默认配置

func setDefaultRealmForUser(username: String) {  var config = Realm.Configuration()  // Use the default directory,but replace the filename with the username  config.path = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(config.path!)                  .URLByDeletingLastPathComponent?                  .URLByAppendingPathComponent("\(username).realm")                  .path  // Set this as the configuration used for the default Realm  Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config}
Other Realms


let config = Realm.Configuration(    // Get the path to the bundled file    path: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("MyBundledData",ofType:"realm"),// Open the file in read-only mode as application bundles are not writeable    Readonly: true)// Open the Realm with the configurationlet realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)// Read some data from the bundled Realmlet results = realm.objects(Dog).filter("age > 5")


In-Memory Realms





Error Handling


do {  let realm = try Realm()} catch let error as NSError {  // handle error}
copying Objects Between Realms


realm.create(MyObjectSubclass.self,value: originalObjectInstance) 
Auxiliary Realm files


.realm.lock - A lock file for resource locks. .realm.log_a,.realm.log_b - Log files for transaction logs. .realm.note - A named pipe for notifications. Class Subsets


let config = Realm.Configuration(objectTypes: [MyClass.self,MyOtherClass.self])let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
Deleting Realm files




autoreleasepool {  // all Realm usage here}let manager = NSfileManager.defaultManager()let realmPath = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.path as! Nsstringlet realmPaths = [  realmPath as String,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("lock")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("log_a")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("log_b")!,realmPath.stringByAppendingPathExtension("note")!]for path in realmPaths {  do {    try manager.removeItemAtPath(path)  } catch {    // handle error  }}
Using Realm with Background App Refresh





Realm在多线程处理上不需要使用线程锁,只需要注意写入 *** 作需要在Write事件中.



Seeing Changes From Other Threads 在UI线程或者其他添加Runloop的线程上,Realm都会自动更新其他线程Runloop的 *** 作结果.(这里是说其他线程有更新,UI线程或Runloop线程都不会更新数据)

在其他类型的线程上 *** 作,都是基于Snapshots.






```###Passing Instances Across Threads继承于NSObject的类,是可以在线程之间传递的.<BR>继承于Realm,Object,Results,or List的类,是无法在线程之间传递的.否则会引起崩溃.<BR>多线程之间传递数据的解决方案:<BR>* Object:可以通过primary key来实现.* Results:可以filter或者nspredicate来实现.**Realm一些可以多线程 *** 作的属性和方法,如下*** Realm: all propertIEs,class methods,and initializers.* Object: invalIDated,objectSchema,realm,and initializers.* Results: objectClassname and realm.* List: invalIDated,objectClassname,and realm.###Using a Realm Across Threads**想要在不同线程中,访问同一个Realm文件,就必须要在各自线程中获取相同配置的Realm实例.就是重新调用Realm.realm().**<BR>

let queue = dispatch_queue_create(“test”,disPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
dispatch_async(queue) {
autoreleasepool {
// Get realm and table instances for this thread
let realm = try! Realm()

// Break up the writing blocks into smaller portions// by starting a new transactionfor IDx1 in 0..<1000 {  realm.beginWrite()  // Add row via dictionary. Property order is ignored.  for IDx2 in 0..<1000 {    realm.create(Person.self,value: [      "name": "\(IDx1)","birthdate": NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: NSTimeInterval(IDx2))    ])  }  // Commit the write transaction  // to make this data available to other threads  try! realm.commitWrite()}


##JsON不支持Json数据直接导入,但是支持 NSJsONSerialization.JsONObjectWithData(_:options:)转换的导入.<BR>

// A Realm Object that represents a city
class City: Object {
dynamic var city = “”
dynamic var ID = 0
// other propertIEs left out …

// Insert from NSData containing JsON
try! realm.write {
let Json = try! NSJsONSerialization.JsONObjectWithData(data,options: NSJsONReadingOptions())
realm.create(City.self,value: Json,update: true)

######注意事项* float propertIEs should be initialized with float-backed NSNumbers(float类型需要使用NSNumber来声明)* * * * * * * * * NSDate and NSData propertIEs cannot be automatically inferred from strings,but should be converted to the appropriate type before passing to Realm().create(_:value:update:).(**没理解**)* If a JsON null (i.e. NSNull) is supplIEd for a required property,an exception will be thrown.(如果一个Json对象为null,会抛出异常)* If no property is supplIEd on insert for a required property,an exception will be thrown.(如果一个声明属性,没有对应的值,会抛出异常)* Realm will ignore any propertIEs in the JsON not defined by the Object.(当Json对象中有Object没有声明变量,会忽略)##Notifications多线程中对特定数据有修改时,会发送Notifications.<BR>**需要注意的是,addNotificationBlock返回的Token是必须要被强引用的,否则无法回调**<BR>支持的调用方式:* Realm.addNotificationBlock(_:)* AnyRealmCollection.addNotificationBlock(_:)* Results.addNotificationBlock(_:)* List.addNotificationBlock(_:)* NotificationToken.stop()

// Observe Realm Notifications
let token = realm.addNotificationBlock { notification,realm in

// later

// Observe Results Notifications
let token = realm.objects(Person).filter(“age > 5”).addNotificationBlock { results,error in
// results is IDentical to ‘realm.objects(Person).filter(“age > 5”)’

// later

##Key-Value Observation**这章略过,由于不熟悉KVO,所以先不学习这章**<BR>Realm objects are Key-Value Observing compliant for most propertIEs. All persisted (non-ignored) propertIEs on your Object subclasses are KVO-compliant,along with the invalIDated property on Object and List.Observing propertIEs of standalone instances of Object subclasses works just like with any other dynamic property,but note that you cannot add an object to a Realm (with realm.add(obj) or other similar methods) while it has any registered observers.Observing propertIEs of persisted objects works a little differently. With persisted objects,there are three times when the value of a property may change: when you directly assign to it; when you call realm.refresh() or the Realm is automatically refreshed after a write transaction is committed on a different thread; and when you call realm.beginWrite() after changes on a different thread which have not been picked up by a refresh on the current thread.In the latter two cases,all of the changes made in the write transaction(s) on another thread will be applIEd at once,and KVO notifications will all be sent at once. Any intermediate steps are discarded,so if in the write transaction you incremented a property from one to ten,on the main thread you’ll get a single notification of a change directly from one to ten. Because propertIEs can change in value when not in a write transaction or even as part of beginning a write transaction,trying to modify persisted Realm objects from within observeValueForKeyPath(_:ofObject:change:context:) is not recommended.Unlike NSMutableArray propertIEs,observing changes made to List propertIEs does not require using mutableArrayValueForKey(_:),although that is supported for compatiblity with things not written for Realm. Instead,you can simply call the modification methods on List directly,and anyone observing the property it is stored in will be notifIEd. List propertIEs do not need to be marked as dynamic to be observable,unlike normal propertIEs.In our example apps you can find a short example of using Realm with ReactiveCocoa from Objective‑C,and ReactKit from Swift.##Migrations**数据迁移,版本迭代时,数据库常用**<BR>###为什么要进行数据库迁移

class Person: Object {
dynamic var firstname = “”
dynamic var lastname = “”
dynamic var age = 0


class Person: Object {
dynamic var fullname = “”
dynamic var age = 0

那么就需要用到数据迁移了.###Performing a Migration

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.schemaVersion = 2;
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.migrationBlock = {migration,oldSchemaVersion in
if oldSchemaVersion < 1 {
migration.enumerate(Person.classname(),{ (oldobject,newObject) in
let firstname = oldobject![“firstname”] as! String
let lastname = oldobject![“lastname”] as! String
newObject![“fullname”] = “(firstname) (lastname)”

###Adding more versions

Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.schemaVersion = 2;
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.migrationBlock = {migration,oldSchemaVersion in
if oldSchemaVersion < 10 {
migration.enumerate(Person.classname(),newObject) in
if oldSchemaVersion < 1 {
let firstname = oldobject![“firstname”] as! String
let lastname = oldobject![“lastname”] as! String
newObject![“fullname”] = “(firstname) (lastname)”

// Add the `email` property to Realms with a schema version of 0 or 1                        if oldSchemaVersion < 2 {                            newObject!["email"] = ""                        }            })        }    };
###linear Migrations需要考虑跨版本的数据库迁移,例如v0直接升级到v3版本,而不是只考虑v2升级到v3.##Encryption**Realm的加密只支持OS X,IOS,WatchKit.但是不支持watchOS**<BR> Realm的加密方式为:**key为64字节,AES-256+SHA2**<BR> **加密过的 Realm 只会带来很少的额外资源占用(通常最多只会比平常慢10%)**<BR> **注:如果数据库加密后,由于不知道加密方式,即使有原始key,也无法获取解密key,所以无法用Realm browser查看.****注:如果数据库加密,每次获取Realm实例时,必须使用encryptionKey.**
func getKey() -> NSData {    // IDentifIEr for our keychain entry - should be unique for your application    let keychainIDentifIEr = "io.Realm.Test"    let keychainIDentifIErData = keychainIDentifIEr.dataUsingEnCoding(NSUTF8StringEnCoding,allowLossyConversion: false)!    // First check in the keychain for an existing key    var query: [Nsstring: AnyObject] = [        kSecclass: kSecclassKey,kSecAttrApplicationTag: keychainIDentifIErData,kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: 512,kSecReturnData: true    ]    // To avoID Swift optimization BUG,should use withUnsafeMutablePointer() function to retrIEve the keychain item    // See also:    var dataTypeRef: AnyObject?    var status = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&dataTypeRef) { SecItemcopyMatching(query,UnsafeMutablePointer()) }    if status == errSecSuccess {        return dataTypeRef as! NSData    }    // No pre-existing key from this application,so generate a new one    let keyData = NSMutableData(length: 64)!    let result = SecRandomcopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault,64,UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(keyData.mutableBytes))    assert(result == 0,"Failed to get random bytes")    // Store the key in the keychain    query = [        kSecclass: kSecclassKey,kSecValueData: keyData    ]    status = SecItemAdd(query,nil)    assert(status == errSecSuccess,"Failed to insert the new key in the keychain")    return keyData}



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Realm Swift全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Realm Swift所遇到的程序开发问题。




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