Android 5L上的Valgrind崩溃

Android 5L上的Valgrind崩溃,第1张


我已经使用NDK R10b为Android目标eabi x86交叉编译了Valgrind.
当按步骤启动我的应用程序时,例如here valgrind崩溃.

10-29 11:16:07.468: D/AndroIDRuntime(2240): >>>>>> AndroIDRuntime START com.androID.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<10-29 11:16:07.469: D/AndroIDRuntime(2240): CheckJNI is ON10-29 11:16:07.486: E/memtrack(2240): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)10-29 11:16:07.486: E/androID.os.DeBUG(2240): Failed to load memtrack module: -210-29 11:16:07.500: D/AndroIDRuntime(2240): Calling main entry 11:16:07.502: I/ActivityManager(1236): START u0 {act=androID.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=...} from uID 0 on display 010-29 11:16:07.518: D/AndroIDRuntime(2240): Shutting down VM10-29 11:16:07.519: I/art(2240): DeBUGger is no longer active10-29 11:16:07.522: E/libprocessgroup(2250): Failed to make and chown /acct/uID_10053: Read-only file system10-29 11:16:07.522: W/Zygote(2250): createProcessGroup Failed, kernel missing CONfig_CGROUP_cpuACCT?10-29 11:16:07.523: I/art(2250): Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on)10-29 11:16:07.524: E/art(2240): Thread attaching while runtime is shutting down: Binder_110-29 11:16:07.524: I/AndroIDRuntime(2240): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_1' Failed10-29 11:16:09.746: D/AndroIDRuntime(2264): >>>>>> AndroIDRuntime START com.androID.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<10-29 11:16:09.848: D/AndroIDRuntime(2264): CheckJNI is ON10-29 11:16:10.278: I/art(2264): Counter: 110-29 11:16:10.318: I/ No [stack] line found in /proc/self/maps!10-29 11:16:10.321: A/libc(2264): No [stack] line found in /proc/self/maps!10-29 11:16:10.341: A/libc(2264): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tID 2264 (...)10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): Build fingerprint: 'generic_x86/sdk_phone_x86/generic_x86:5.0/LRX09D/1504858:eng/test-keys'10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): Revision: '0'10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): ABI: 'x86'10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): pID: 2264, tID: 2264, name: ...  >>> /data/local/Inst/bin/valgrind <<<10-29 11:16:10.580: I/DEBUG(948): signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------10-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948): Abort message: 'No [stack] line found in /proc/self/maps!'10-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948):     eax 00000000  ebx 000008d8  ecx 00000006  edx 0000000010-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948):     esi 00000000  edi 0000000010-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948):     xcs 00000073  xds 0000007b  xes 0000007b  xfs 00000000  xss 0000007b10-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948):     eip 3806dd52  ebp 00000000  esp 628cfe40  flags 0020020210-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948): backtrace:10-29 11:16:10.581: I/DEBUG(948):     #00 pc 0006dd52  /data/local/Inst/lib/valgrind/memcheck-x86-linux10-29 11:16:10.583: W/NativeCrashListener(1236): Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pID 226410-29 11:16:10.597: I/DEBUG(948): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_0910-29 11:16:10.597: I/BootReceiver(1236): copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYstem_TOMBSTONE)10-29 11:16:10.637: I/ terminated by exit(1)10-29 11:16:10.638: I/Zygote(954): Process 2250 exited cleanly (1)10-29 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): Error reading pID from wrapped process, child may have dIEd10-29 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at com.androID.internal.os.ZygoteConnection.handleParentProc( 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at com.androID.internal.os.ZygoteConnection.runOnce( 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at com.androID.internal.os.ZygoteInit.runSelectLoop( 11:16:10.639: W/Zygote(954): 	at com.androID.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main( 11:16:10.639: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3129ms so far, Now at startProcess: returned from zygote!10-29 11:16:10.639: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3129ms so far, Now at startProcess: done updating battery stats10-29 11:16:10.639: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3129ms so far, Now at startProcess: building log message10-29 11:16:10.639: I/ActivityManager(1236): Start proc ... for activity ...: pID=2250 uID=10053 gIDs={50053, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=x8610-29 11:16:10.640: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3129ms so far, Now at startProcess: starting to update pIDs map10-29 11:16:10.640: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3130ms so far, Now at startProcess: done updating pIDs map10-29 11:16:10.640: W/ActivityManager(1236): Slow operation: 3130ms so far, Now at startProcess: done starting proc!10-29 11:16:17.520: W/ActivityManager(1236): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!10-29 11:16:20.650: W/ActivityManager(1236): Process ProcessRecord{1daddf3b 2250:.../u0a53} Failed to attach10-29 11:16:20.650: I/ActivityManager(1236): Killing 2250:.../u0a53 (adj -100): start timeout

>在适用于AndroID 5 / L的ARM仿真器上,我也遇到了这种情况
>我正在使用ubuntu 14
>手动valgrind启动,例如/ data / local / Inst / bin / valgrind / data / local / sample-bin可以正常工作
>在模拟器API 18(ARM)上使用相同的Valgrind编译可以正常工作
亚行外壳安装-o重新安装,rw -t yaffs2 / dev / block / mtdblock0 / system

挂载-o ro,重新挂载/ system





E/libprocessgroup﹕ Failed to make and chown /acct/uID_10052: Read-only file system

经过各种网络搜索和实验后,我发现模拟器的/ sdcard实际上设置为只读. (您可以通过尝试触摸或推动adb shell中的文件或使用AndroID设备管理器浏览文件系统来对此进行测试.)

Issue 78434中描述了有效的错误和解决方法.


>转到.androID文件夹中的ADV文件夹,然后找到AVD的config.ini文件,例如〜/ .androID / avd / Nexus5_v19.avd / config.ini.
>将hw.sdCard = no更改为hw.sdCard = yes.
>保存,重新启动仿真器,并测试/ sdcard是否可写.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Android 5 / L上的Valgrind崩溃全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Android 5 / L上的Valgrind崩溃所遇到的程序开发问题。




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