cocos2d-x v3.2 Label的一些坑

cocos2d-x v3.2 Label的一些坑,第1张

概述这是篇旧文了,原文请猛戳: http://galoisplusplus.coding.... cocos2d-x v3.2的Label实现bug真是不少,前段时间恰好排查了几个与之相关的问题,在此记录一下。 文字换行 文字换行是一个困扰我们挺长时间的问题:之前就常常有文字超过指定长度却没有换行的情况出现,后来加入韩文、泰文等“奇葩”文字后问题就更严重了。cocos2d-x引擎在v3.2后大改了这部


cocos2d-x v3.2的Label实现BUG真是不少,前段时间恰好排查了几个与之相关的问题,在此记录一下。



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bool Labeltextformatter::multilineText(Label *theLabel){    auto limit = theLabel->_limitShowCount;    auto strWhole = theLabel->_currentUTF16String;    std::vector<char16_t> multiline_string;    multiline_string.reserve( limit );    std::vector<char16_t> last_word;    last_word.reserve( 25 );    bool   isstartOfline  = false,isstartOfWord = false;    float  startOfline = -1,startOfWord   = -1;    int skip = 0;        int tIndex = 0;    float scalsX = theLabel->getScaleX();    float linewidth = theLabel->_maxlinewidth;    bool breaklineWithoutSpace = theLabel->_lineBreakWithoutSpaces;    Label::LetterInfo* info = nullptr;    for (int j = 0; j+skip < limit; j++)    {                    info = & theLabel->;        unsigned int justSkipped = 0;        while (info->def.valIDDeFinition == false)        {            justSkipped++;            tIndex = j+skip+justSkipped;            if (strWhole[tIndex-1] == '\n')            {                StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector(last_word);                last_word.push_back('\n');                multiline_string.insert(multiline_string.end(),last_word.begin(),last_word.end());                last_word.clear();                isstartOfWord = false;                isstartOfline = false;                startOfWord = -1;                startOfline = -1;            }            if(tIndex < limit)            {                info = & theLabel-> tIndex );            }            else                break;        }        skip += justSkipped;        tIndex = j + skip;        if (tIndex >= limit)            break;        char16_t character = strWhole[tIndex];        if (!isstartOfWord)        {            startOfWord = info->position.x * scalsX;            isstartOfWord = true;        }        if (!isstartOfline)        {            startOfline = startOfWord;            isstartOfline  = true;        }                // 1) Whitespace.        // 2) This character is non-CJK,but the last character is CJK        bool isspace = StringUtils::isUnicodeSpace(character);        bool isCJK = false;        if(!isspace)        {            isCJK = StringUtils::isCJKUnicode(character);        }        if (isspace ||            (!last_word.empty() && StringUtils::isCJKUnicode(last_word.back()) && !isCJK))        {            // if current character is white space,put it into the current word            if (isspace) last_word.push_back(character);            multiline_string.insert(multiline_string.end(),last_word.end());            last_word.clear();            isstartOfWord = false;            startOfWord = -1;            // put the CJK character in the last word            // and put the non-CJK(ASCII) character in the current word            if (!isspace) last_word.push_back(character);            continue;        }        float posRight = (info->position.x + info->def.xAdvance) * scalsX;        // Out of bounds.        if (posRight - startOfline > linewidth)        {            if (!breaklineWithoutSpace && !isCJK)            {                last_word.push_back(character);                int found = StringUtils::getIndexOfLastNotChar16(multiline_string,' ');                if (found != -1)                    StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector(multiline_string);                else                    multiline_string.clear();                if (multiline_string.size() > 0)                    multiline_string.push_back('\n');                isstartOfline = false;                startOfline = -1;            }            else            {                StringUtils::trimUTF16Vector(last_word);                //issue #8492:endless loop if not using system Font,and constrained length is less than one character wIDth                if (isstartOfline && startOfWord == startOfline && last_word.size() == 0)                    last_word.push_back(character);                else                    --j;                last_word.push_back('\n');                                multiline_string.insert(multiline_string.end(),last_word.end());                last_word.clear();                isstartOfWord = false;                isstartOfline = false;                startOfWord = -1;                startOfline = -1;            }        }        else        {            // Character is normal.            last_word.push_back(character);        }    }    multiline_string.insert(multiline_string.end(),last_word.end());    std::u16string strNew(multiline_string.begin(),multiline_string.end());    theLabel->_currentUTF16String = strNew;    theLabel->computeStringNumlines();    theLabel->computeHorizontalKernings(theLabel->_currentUTF16String);    return true;}

后来本渣在网上看到大神的patch,又自我扫盲了FreeType的基础概念,总算看懂了。cocos2d-x引擎在FontFreeType::getGlyphBitmap函数中会把不带描边的文字字形(glyph)和描边文字字形的bitmap都存到同一个数组里,在FontFreeType::renderCharat中渲染。而描边文字字形是调用FreeType API生成的,其轮廓和不带描边的文字字形轮廓的间距并不能确保一定是我们所指定的描边大小,这个patch便是记下该间距和描边大小的offset,在拷贝bitmap时根据offset作调整。

unsigned char* FontFreeType::getGlyphBitmap(unsigned short theChar,long &outWIDth,long &outHeight,Rect &outRect,int &xAdvance){    bool invalIDChar = true;    unsigned char * ret = nullptr;    do     {        if (!_FontRef)            break;        auto glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(_FontRef,theChar);        if(!glyphIndex)            break;        if (_distanceFIEldEnabled)        {            if (FT_Load_Glyph(_FontRef,glyphIndex,FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING | FT_LOAD_NO_autoHINT))                break;        }        else        {            if (FT_Load_Glyph(_FontRef,FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_autoHINT))                break;        }        outRect.origin.x    = _FontRef->glyph->metrics.horibearingX >> 6;        outRect.origin.y    = - (_FontRef->glyph->metrics.horibearingY >> 6);        outRect.size.wIDth  =   (_FontRef->glyph->metrics.wIDth  >> 6);        outRect.size.height =   (_FontRef->glyph->metrics.height >> 6);        xAdvance = (static_cast<int>(_FontRef->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance >> 6));        outWIDth  = _FontRef->glyph->bitmap.wIDth;        outHeight = _FontRef->glyph->bitmap.rows;        ret = _FontRef->glyph->bitmap.buffer;        // apply patch from:        if (_outlinesize > 0)        {            auto copyBitmap = new unsigned char[outWIDth * outHeight];            memcpy(copyBitmap,ret,outWIDth * outHeight * sizeof(unsigned char));            long bitmapWIDth;            long bitmapHeight;            FT_BBox bBox;            auto outlineBitmap = getGlyphBitmapWithOutline(theChar,bBox);            if(outlineBitmap == nullptr)            {                ret = nullptr;                delete [] copyBitmap;                break;            }            long glyphMinX = outRect.origin.x;            long glyphMaxX = outRect.origin.x + outWIDth;            long glyphMinY = -outHeight - outRect.origin.y;            long glyphMaxY = -outRect.origin.y;                        auto outlineMinX = bBox.xMin >> 6;            auto outlineMaxX = bBox.xMax >> 6;            auto outlineMinY = bBox.yMin >> 6;            auto outlineMaxY = bBox.yMax >> 6;            auto outlinewidth = outlineMaxX - outlineMinX;            auto outlineHeight = outlineMaxY - outlineMinY;            bitmapWIDth = outlineMaxX - outlineMinX;            bitmapHeight = outlineMaxY - outlineMinY;            int offsetWIDth = 0;            int offsetHeight = 0;            if(glyphMinX - outlineMinX != _outlinesize) {                offsetWIDth = glyphMinX - outlineMinX - _outlinesize;            }            if(outlineMaxY - glyphMaxY != _outlinesize) {                offsetHeight = outlineMaxY - glyphMaxY - _outlinesize;            }            long index;            auto blendImage = new unsigned char[bitmapWIDth * bitmapHeight * 2];            memset(blendImage,bitmapWIDth * bitmapHeight * 2);            for (int x = 0; x < bitmapWIDth; ++x)            {                for (int y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; ++y)                {                    index = x + y * bitmapWIDth;                    blendImage[2 * index] = outlineBitmap[index];                }            }            long maxX = outWIDth + _outlinesize;            long maxY = outHeight + _outlinesize;            for (int x = _outlinesize + offsetWIDth; x < maxX + offsetWIDth & x < bitmapWIDth; ++x)            {                for (int y = _outlinesize + offsetHeight; y < maxY + offsetHeight & y < bitmapHeight; ++y)                {                    index = x + y * bitmapWIDth;                    long index2 = x - _outlinesize - offsetWIDth + (y - _outlinesize - offsetHeight) * outWIDth;                    blendImage[2 * index + 1] = copyBitmap[index2];                }            }            outRect.origin.x = bBox.xMin >> 6;            outRect.origin.y = - (bBox.yMax >> 6);            xAdvance += bitmapWIDth - outRect.size.wIDth;            outRect.size.wIDth  =  bitmapWIDth;            outRect.size.height =  bitmapHeight;            outWIDth  = bitmapWIDth;            outHeight = bitmapHeight;            delete [] outlineBitmap;            delete [] copyBitmap;            ret = blendImage;        }        invalIDChar = false;    } while (0);    if (invalIDChar)    {        outRect.size.wIDth  = 0;        outRect.size.height = 0;        xAdvance = 0;        return nullptr;    }    else    {       return ret;    }}

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的cocos2d-x v3.2 Label的一些坑全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决cocos2d-x v3.2 Label的一些坑所遇到的程序开发问题。




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