/** * Asynchronous version of memoize for use with callback functions. Asserts * that last argument is the callback. * * @param {Function} func * @return {Function} */ util.memoize.async = function(func) { var cache = {}; return function() { var hash = JsON.stringify(arguments); var args = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments,0); var callback = args.pop(); if (hash in cache) { return callback.apply(this,cache[hash]); } args.push(function() { cache[hash] = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments,0); callback.apply(this,cache[hash]); }); return func.apply(this,args); };};/** * Creates new Image element and calls back with loaded image. * @param {string} url */io.Getimage = function(url,callback) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { callback(img); }; img.src = url;};picker.image_ = util.memoize.async(io.Getimage);
看起来好像Mobile Safari在从DOM中删除图像数据时会删除图像数据.可能是吗?
/** * Creates new Image element and calls back with loaded image. * @param {string} url */var Getimage = function(url,callback) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { callback(img); }; img.src = url;};/** * @param {number} num maximum number of stored images */var ImagePool = function(num) { this.limit_ = num; this.canvases_ = {}; this.order_ = [];};/** * RetrIEve image from cache. * * @param {string} url URL of request image * @param {function(HTMLCanvasElement)} callback */ImagePool.prototype.get = function(url,callback) { if (this.canvases_[url] !== undefined) { callback(this.copy_(url)); } else { if (this.limit_ && this.order_.length == this.limit_) { delete this.canvases_[url]; this.order_.pop(); } Getimage(realUrl,function(img) { var c = document.createElement('canvas'); c.wIDth = img.wIDth; c.height = img.height; var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img,0); this.canvases_[url] = c; this.order_.unshift(url); callback(this.copy_(url)); }.bind(this)); }};/** * @param {string} url * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} * @private */ImagePool.prototype.copy_ = function(url) { var c = document.createElement('canvas'),cached = this.canvases_[url]; c.wIDth = cached.wIDth; c.height = cached.height; var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(cached,0); return c;};解决方法 我认为使用HTML 5离线应用程序缓存可以最好地解决您的问题.您列出了要缓存的资源,并在用户访问请求这些资源的页面后,将其缓存以供以后使用.您仍然必须让您的UI等待,直到您的图像被加载,但一旦加载,您将不必担心它们被删除只是因为它们不在DOM中( This SO question表明它们在DOM,但不显示在屏幕上,也被删除).
显然,Safari Mobile有5MB的缓存限制,可以通过要求用户同意扩展它来增加(Source). this blog post中的评论表明iOS 4时可以使用此扩展提示.
> Apple Developer Guide for HTML 5 Storage – 有关在Safari中使用HTML 5离线应用程序存储的一些文档.
> Blog post outlining iPhone problems of a similar nature – 这是一篇较旧的博客文章(2009-2010),但作者对使用HTML 5功能(在“HTML5离线应用程序缓存”标题下)有一些很好的建议.
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的javascript – 在iPad上使用JS进行图像缓存全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决javascript – 在iPad上使用JS进行图像缓存所遇到的程序开发问题。