Cocos Creator轮盘抽奖

Cocos Creator轮盘抽奖,第1张

概述Cocos Creator 组件式开发,刚开始学习,使用js语言,写个轮盘抽奖测试。 github链接 查看效果 cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { spinBtn: { default: null, // The default value will be used o

Cocos Creator 组件式开发,刚开始学习,使用Js语言,写个轮盘抽奖测试。

cc.Class({    extends: cc.Component,propertIEs: {        spinBtn: {            default: null,// The default value will be used only when the component attachin // to a node for the first time            type:cc.button,// optional,default is typeof default            visible: true,default is true            displayname: 'SpinBtn',// optional        },wheelSp:{            default:null,type:cc.Sprite        },maxSpeed:{            default:3,type:cc.float,max:10,min:2,},duration:{            default:3,max:5,min:1,tooltip:"减速前旋转时间"        },acc:{            default:0.1,max:0.2,min:0.01,tooltip:"加速度"        },targetID:{            default:0,type:cc.Integer,max:17,min:0,tooltip:"指定结束时的齿轮"        },springback:{            default:true,tooltip:"旋转结束是否回d"        },effectAudio:{            default:null,url:cc.AudioClip        }    },// use this for initialization    onLoad: function () {        cc.log("....onload");        this.wheelState = 0;            this.curSpeed = 0;        this.spinTime = 0;                   //减速前旋转时间        this.gearNum = 18;        this.defaultAngle = 360/18/2;        //修正默认角度        this.gearangle = 360/this.gearNum;   //每个齿轮的角度        this.wheelSp.node.rotation = this.defaultAngle;        this.finalAngle = 0;                   //最终结果指定的角度        this.effectFlag = 0;                 //用于音效播放        if(!cc.sys.isbrowser)        {            cc.loader.loadRes('Sound/game_turntable',function(err,res){if(err){cc.log('...err:'+err);}});        }        this.spinBtn.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.touch_END,function(event) {            cc.log("begin spin");            if(this.wheelState !== 0)            {                 return;            }            this.decAngle = 2*360;  // 减速旋转两圈            this.wheelState = 1;            this.curSpeed = 0;            this.spinTime = 0;            // var act = cc.rotateto(10,360*10);            // this.wheelSp.node.runAction(act.easing(cc.easeSineInOut()));        }.bind(this));    },start:function() {        // cc.log('....start');    },caculateFinalAngle:function(targetID) {        this.finalAngle = 360-this.targetID*this.gearangle + this.defaultAngle;        if(this.springback)        {            this.finalAngle += this.gearangle;        }    },editBoxDIDBegin:function(edit) {    },editBoxDIDChanged:function(text) {    },editBoxDIDEndEditing:function(edit) {        var res = parseInt(edit.string);        if(isNaN(res))        {            if(cc.sys.isbrowser)            {                alert('please input a number!');            }else cc.log(".....invalID input");            this.targetID = Math.round(Math.random()*(this.gearNum-1));            return;        }        this.targetID = res;    },// called every frame,uncomment this function to activate update callback    update: function (dt) {        if(this.wheelState === 0)        {            return;        }        // cc.log('......update');        // cc.log('......state=%d',this.wheelState);        this.effectFlag += this.curSpeed;        if(!cc.sys.isbrowser && this.effectFlag >= this.gearangle)        {            if(this.audioID)            {                // cc.audioEngine.pauseEffect(this.audioID);            }            // this.audioID = cc.audioEngine.playEffect(this.effectAudio,false);            this.audioID = cc.audioEngine.playEffect(cc.url.raw('resources/Sound/game_turntable.mp3'));            this.effectFlag = 0;        }        if(this.wheelState == 1)        {            // cc.log('....加速,speed:' + this.curSpeed);            this.spinTime += dt;            this.wheelSp.node.rotation = this.wheelSp.node.rotation + this.curSpeed;            if(this.curSpeed <= this.maxSpeed)            {                this.curSpeed += this.acc;            }            else            {                if(this.spinTime<this.duration)                {                    return;                }                // cc.log('....开始减速');                //设置目标角度                this.finalAngle = 360-this.targetID*this.gearangle + this.defaultAngle;                this.maxSpeed = this.curSpeed;                if(this.springback)                {                    this.finalAngle += this.gearangle;                }                this.wheelSp.node.rotation = this.finalAngle;                this.wheelState = 2;            }        }        else if(this.wheelState == 2)        {            // cc.log('......减速');            var curRo = this.wheelSp.node.rotation; //应该等于finalAngle            var hadRo = curRo - this.finalAngle;            this.curSpeed = this.maxSpeed*((this.decAngle-hadRo)/this.decAngle) + 0.2;             this.wheelSp.node.rotation = curRo + this.curSpeed;            if((this.decAngle-hadRo)<=0)            {                  // cc.log('....停止');                this.wheelState = 0;                this.wheelSp.node.rotation = this.finalAngle;                if(this.springback)                {                    //倒转一个齿轮                    var act = new cc.rotateBy(0.5,-this.gearangle);                    var seq = cc.sequence(new cc.delayTime(0.3),act,cc.callFunc(this.showRes,this));                    this.wheelSp.node.runAction(seq);                }                else                {                    this.showRes();                }            }        }    },showRes:function() {        var Config = require("Config");        if(cc.sys.isbrowser)        {            alert('You have got ' + Config.gearInfo[this.targetID]);        }        else cc.log(Config.gearInfo[this.targetID]);    }});

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