[imageVIEw setimageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageUrl] placeholderImage:[UIImage imagenamed:@"default.jpg"] completed:^(UIImage *image,NSError *error,SDImageCacheType cacheType) { }];
解决方法 有效的iOS 10,不再需要我原来答案的手动预取代码.只需设置一个prefetchDataSource.例如,在Swift 3中:overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() { super.vIEwDIDLoad() tableVIEw.prefetchDataSource = self}
extension VIEwController: UItableVIEwDataSourcePrefetching { public func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,prefetchRowsAt indexPaths: [IndexPath]) { let urls = indexPaths.map { baseURL.appendingPathComponent(images[overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UItableVIEwCell { let cell = tableVIEw.dequeueReusableCell(withIDentifIEr: "Cell",for: indexPath) let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(images[indexPath.row]) cell.imageVIEw?.sd_setimage(with: url,placeholderImage: placeholder) return cell}.row]) } SDWebImagePrefetcher.shared().prefetchURLs(urls) }}
extension VIEwController: UItableVIEwDataSourcePrefetching { public func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,prefetchRowsAt indexPaths: [IndexPath]) { let requests = indexPaths.map { URLRequest(url: baseURL.appendingPathComponent(images[overrIDe func tableVIEw(_ tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,for: indexPath) let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(images[indexPath.row]) cell.imageVIEw?.af_setimage(withURL: url,placeholderImage: placeholder) return cell}.row])) } AlamofireImage.ImageDownloader.default.download(requests) }}
[self.tableVIEw reloadData];dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^{ [self prefetchImagesFortableVIEw:self.tableVIEw];});
- (voID)scrollVIEwDIDEndDecelerating:(UIScrollVIEw *)scrollVIEw { [self prefetchImagesFortableVIEw:self.tableVIEw];}- (voID)scrollVIEwDIDEndDragging:(UIScrollVIEw *)scrollVIEw willDecelerate:(BOol)decelerate { if (!decelerate) [self prefetchImagesFortableVIEw:self.tableVIEw];}
#pragma mark - Prefetch cellsstatic NSInteger const kPrefetchRowCount = 10;/** Prefetch a certain number of images for rows prior to and subsequent to the currently visible cells * * @param tableVIEw The tablevIEw for which we're going to prefetch images. */- (voID)prefetchImagesFortableVIEw:(UItableVIEw *)tableVIEw { NSArray *indexPaths = [self.tableVIEw indexPathsForVisibleRows]; if ([indexPaths count] == 0) return; NSIndexPath *minimumIndexPath = indexPaths[0]; NSIndexPath *maximumIndexPath = [indexPaths lastObject]; // they should be sorted already,but if not,update min and max accordingly for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in indexPaths) { if ([minimumIndexPath compare:indexPath] == NSOrderedDescending) minimumIndexPath = indexPath; if ([maximumIndexPath compare:indexPath] == NSOrderedAscending) maximumIndexPath = indexPath; } // build array of imageURLs for cells to prefetch NSMutableArray<NSIndexPath *> *prefetchIndexPaths = [NSMutableArray array]; NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *precedingRows = [self tableVIEw:tableVIEw indexPathsForPrecedingRows:kPrefetchRowCount fromIndexPath:minimumIndexPath]; [prefetchIndexPaths addobjectsFromArray:precedingRows]; NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *followingRows = [self tableVIEw:tableVIEw indexPathsForFollowingRows:kPrefetchRowCount fromIndexPath:maximumIndexPath]; [prefetchIndexPaths addobjectsFromArray:followingRows]; // build array of imageURLs for cells to prefetch (how you get the image URLs will vary based upon your implementation) NSMutableArray<NSURL *> *urls = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSIndexPath *indexPath in prefetchIndexPaths) { NSURL *url = self.objects[indexPath.row].imageURL; if (url) { [urls addobject:url]; } } // Now prefetch if ([urls count] > 0) { [[SDWebImagePrefetcher sharedImagePrefetcher] prefetchURLs:urls]; }}/** RetrIEve NSIndexPath for a certain number of rows preceding particular NSIndexPath in the table vIEw. * * @param tableVIEw The tablevIEw for which we're going to retrIEve indexPaths. * @param count The number of rows to retrIEve * @param indexPath The indexPath where we're going to start (presumably the first visible indexPath) * * @return An array of indexPaths. */- (NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *)tableVIEw:(UItableVIEw *)tableVIEw indexPathsForPrecedingRows:(NSInteger)count fromIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSMutableArray *indexPaths = [NSMutableArray array]; NSInteger row = indexPath.row; NSInteger section = indexPath.section; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (row == 0) { if (section == 0) { return indexPaths; } else { section--; row = [tableVIEw numberOfRowsInSection:section] - 1; } } else { row--; } [indexPaths addobject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:row inSection:section]]; } return indexPaths;}/** RetrIEve NSIndexPath for a certain number of following particular NSIndexPath in the table vIEw. * * @param tableVIEw The tablevIEw for which we're going to retrIEve indexPaths. * @param count The number of rows to retrIEve * @param indexPath The indexPath where we're going to start (presumably the last visible indexPath) * * @return An array of indexPaths. */- (NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *)tableVIEw:(UItableVIEw *)tableVIEw indexPathsForFollowingRows:(NSInteger)count fromIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSMutableArray *indexPaths = [NSMutableArray array]; NSInteger row = indexPath.row; NSInteger section = indexPath.section; NSInteger rowCountForSection = [tableVIEw numberOfRowsInSection:section]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) { row++; if (row == rowCountForSection) { row = 0; section++; if (section == [tableVIEw numberOfSections]) { return indexPaths; } rowCountForSection = [tableVIEw numberOfRowsInSection:section]; } [indexPaths addobject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:row inSection:section]]; } return indexPaths;}
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 在重用UITableViewCell时使用SDWebImage处理图像下载全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 在重用UITableViewCell时使用SDWebImage处理图像下载所遇到的程序开发问题。