/// UIVIEw's useful extensions.////// Author: huangyibiao/// Github: http://github.com/CoderJackyHuang//// Blog: http://www.hybblog.com/extension String { /// Get the length of a string public func hyb_length() ->Int { return self.characters.count } /// 去掉字符串前后的空格,根据参数确定是否过滤换行符 /// /// - parameter trimNewline 是否过滤换行符,默认为false public func hyb_trim(trimNewline: Bool = false) ->String { if trimNewline { return self.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()) } return self.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(.whitespaceCharacterSet()) } /// 去掉字符串前面的空格,根据参数确定是否过滤换行符 /// /// - parameter trimNewline 是否过滤换行符,默认为false public func hyb_trimleft(trimNewline: Bool = false) ->String { if self.isEmpty { return self } var index = self.startIndex while index != self.endindex { let ch = self.characters[index] if ch == Character(" ") { index++ continue } else if ch == Character("\n") { if trimNewline { index++ continue } else { break } } break } return self.substringFromIndex(index) } /// 去掉字符串后面的空格,根据参数确定是否过滤换行符 /// /// - parameter trimNewline 是否过滤换行符,默认为false public func hyb_trimRight(trimNewline: Bool = false) ->String { if self.isEmpty { return self } var index = self.endindex.predecessor() while index != self.startIndex { let ch = self.characters[index] if ch == Character(" ") { index-- continue } else if ch == Character("\n") { if trimNewline { index-- continue } else { index++ break } } break } return self.substringToIndex(index) }}
转自: Swift trim space/new line
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Swift trim space/new line(字符串过滤空格和换行符)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Swift trim space/new line(字符串过滤空格和换行符)所遇到的程序开发问题。