我还尝试过在计算机上解压缩示例docx文件,将所有文件和文件夹都移到资产文件夹中,包括document.xml文件,只是尝试将其压缩而不添加我自己的document.xml文件,而是使用示例一那也不起作用.我尝试的另一件事是将实际的docx文件放在我的资产文件夹中,将其解压缩到我的外部存储中,然后不执行任何 *** 作就将其重新压缩.这也失败了.
private boolean moveDocxFoldersFromAssetsToExternalStorage(){ file rootDir = new file(this.externalPath); rootDir.mkdir(); copy(""); // This is to get around a glitch in AndroID which doesnt List files or folders // with an underscore at the beginning of the name in the assets folder. // This renames them once they are saved to the device. // We need it to show up in the List in order to move them. file relsDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/word/rels"); file renameDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/word/_rels"); relsDir.renameTo(renameDir); relsDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/rels"); renameDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/_rels"); relsDir.renameTo(renameDir); // This is to get around a glitch in AndroID which doesnt List hIDden files. // We need it to show up in the List in order to move it. relsDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/_rels/rels.rename"); renameDir = new file(this.externalPath + "/_rels/.rels"); relsDir.renameTo(renameDir); return true;}private voID copy(String outfilerelativePath){ String files[] = null; try { files = this.mAssetManager.List(ASSETS_relative_PATH + outfilerelativePath); } catch (IOException e) { e.printstacktrace(); } String assetfilePath = null; for(String filename : files){ if(!filename.contains(".")){ String outfile = outfilerelativePath + java.io.file.separator + filename; copy(outfile); } else { file createfile = new file(this.externalPath + java.io.file.separator + outfilerelativePath); createfile.mkdir(); file file = new file(createfile, filename); assetfilePath = ASSETS_relative_PATH + outfilerelativePath + java.io.file.separator + filename; inputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = this.mAssetManager.open(assetfilePath); out = new fileOutputStream(file); copyfile(in, out); in.close(); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }}private voID copyfile(inputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read; while((read = in.read(buffer)) != -1){ out.write(buffer, 0, read); }}private voID zipFolder(String srcFolder, String destZipfile) throws Exception{ fileOutputStream fileWriter = new fileOutputStream(destZipfile); ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter); zip.setMethod(Deflater.DEFLATED); zip.setLevel(ZipOutputStream.STORED); addFolderToZip(this.externalPath, "", zip); zip.finish(); zip.close();}private voID addFolderToZip(String externalPath, String folder, ZipOutputStream zip){ file file = new file(externalPath); String files[] = file.List(); for(String filename : files){ try { file currentfile = new file(externalPath, filename); if(currentfile.isDirectory()){ String outfile = externalPath + java.io.file.separator + filename; addFolderToZip(outfile, folder + java.io.file.separator + filename, zip); } else { byte[] buffer = new byte[8000]; int len; fileinputStream in = new fileinputStream(currentfile); zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(folder + java.io.file.separator + filename)); while((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0){ zip.write(buffer, 0, len); } zip.closeEntry(); in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printstacktrace(); } }}
这是我编写的代码,以便根据下面的@ edi9999说正确的代码.我创建了一个单独的类,Im将对其进行扩展和添加,并可能会进行一些清理,但这是有效的代码.它将目录中的所有文件添加到zip文件中,然后递归调用自身以添加所有子文件和文件夹.
private class Zip { private ZipOutputStream mZipOutputStream; private String pathToZipDestination; private String pathTofilesToZip; public Zip(String pathToZipDestination, String pathTofilesToZip) { this.pathToZipDestination = pathToZipDestination; this.pathTofilesToZip = pathTofilesToZip; } public voID zipfiles() throws Exception{ fileOutputStream fileWriter = new fileOutputStream(pathToZipDestination); this.mZipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter); this.mZipOutputStream.setMethod(Deflater.DEFLATED); this.mZipOutputStream.setLevel(8); AddfilesToZip(""); this.mZipOutputStream.finish(); this.mZipOutputStream.close(); } private voID AddfilesToZip(String folder){ file mfile = new file(pathTofilesToZip + java.io.file.separator + folder); String mfiles[] = mfile.List(); for(String filename : mfiles){ file currentfile; if(folder != "") currentfile = new file(pathTofilesToZip, folder + java.io.file.separator + filename); else currentfile = new file(pathTofilesToZip, filename); if(currentfile.isDirectory()){ if(folder != "") AddfilesToZip(folder + java.io.file.separator + currentfile.getname()); else AddfilesToZip(currentfile.getname()); } else { try{ byte[] buffer = new byte[8000]; int len; fileinputStream in = new fileinputStream(currentfile); if(folder != ""){ mZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(folder + java.io.file.separator + filename)); } else { mZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename)); } while((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0){ mZipOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len); } mZipOutputStream.closeEntry(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } } }}
当我打开您的corrupted File并在winrar上打开它时,我在文件夹的开头看到了反斜线,这很不寻常:
String outfile = externalPath + java.io.file.separator + filename;
if (externalPath=="") String outfile = externalPath + filename; else String outfile = externalPath + java.io.file.separator + filename;
总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的java-使用压缩生成的docx损坏全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决java-使用压缩生成的docx损坏所遇到的程序开发问题。