39个优秀的Swift UI开源库

39个优秀的Swift UI开源库,第1张

概述毫无疑问,Swift已经成为github上最受欢迎的语言之一,对于iOS开发者来说,学习开源库可以帮你快速学习和掌握这门语言。Mybridge AI从将近2700个开源Swift UI库中筛选了39个项目推荐给开发者,这些项目被选中的几率只有1.4%,在GitHub上的star平均数是2527。 Animation UI No 1  Spring [9164 stars on Github] A

毫无疑问,Swift已经成为github上最受欢迎的语言之一,对于iOS开发者来说,学习开源库可以帮你快速学习和掌握这门语言。MybrIDge AI从将近2700个开源Swift UI库中筛选了39个项目推荐给开发者,这些项目被选中的几率只有1.4%,在GitHub上的star平均数是2527。

Animation UI

No 1 Spring [9164 stars on Github]

A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.

No 2 Material [6120 stars on Github]

An animation and graphics framework that is used to create beautiful applications .

No 3 RazzleDazzle [2291 stars on Github]

A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS,written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.

No 4 Stellar [1881 stars on Github].

A fantastic Physical animation library for swift

No 5 Macaw [594 stars on Github]

Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support.

Transition UI

No 6 PagingMenuController [1305 stars on Github]

Paging vIEw controller with customizable menu in Swift.

No 7 PreviewTransition [1025 stars on Github]

A simple prevIEw gallery controller.

No 8 PinterestSwift [1007 stars on Github]

Transition like Pinterest in Swift.

No 9 YouTube Transition [786 stars on Github]

Watch a vIDeo on the right corner like Youtube iOS app,written in Swift 3.

No 10 Twicket Segmented Control [680 stars on Github]

Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS,written in Swift.

Pop up UI

No 11 SCLAlertView-Swift [3056 stars on Github]

Beautiful animated Alert VIEw written in Swift.

No 12 SwiftMessages [1356 stars on Github]

Very flexible alert messages written in Swift.

No 13 XLActionController [1346 stars on Github]

Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift 3.

No 14 Popover [852 stars on Github]

Balloon pop up library like Facebook app,written in pure swift.

No 15 Presentr [635 stars on Github]

Wrapper for custom VIEwController presentations.

Feed UI

No 16 FoldingCell [4285 stars on Github]

An expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material.

No 17 ExpandingCollection [2425 stars on Github]

A card peek/pop controller.

No 18 DGElasticPullToRefresh [2308 stars on Github]

Elastic pull to refresh component written in Swift.

No 19 Persei [2269 stars on Github]

Animated top menu for UItableVIEw / UICollectionVIEw / UIScrollVIEw written in Swift .

No 20 IGListKit [2443 stars on Github]

A data-driven UICollectionVIEw framework for building fast and flexible Lists—Instagram Engineering.

No 21 PullToMakeSoup [1301 stars on Github]

Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollVIEw.

No 22 DZNEmptyDataSet [6552 stars on Github]

Empty State UI library.

No 23 Instructions [2256 stars on Github]

Create walkthroughs and guIDed tours in Swift.

No 24 Presentation [1680 stars on Github]

Make tutorials,release notes and animated pages.

color UI

No 25 Chameleon [7071 stars on Github]

Flat color Framework for Swift Developers.

No 26 Hue [1612 stars on Github]

All-in-one coloring utility that you’ll ever need to write in Swift.

No 27 DynamicColor [1310 stars on Github]

Extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift.

Image UI

No 28. FaceAware [1424 stars on Github]

An extension that gives UIImageVIEw the ability to focus on faces within an image when using AspectFill.

No 29. ComplimentaryGradientView [384 stars on Github]

Create complementary gradIEnts generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplIEd image.

Graph UI

No 30. Charts [11433 stars on Github]

Beautiful charts for iOS built in Swift .

No 31. Scrollable-GraphView [3065 stars on Github]

An adaptive scrollable graph vIEw for iOS to visualize simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.

Icon UI

No 32. Paper Switch [1849 stars on Github]

RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent vIEw when the switch is turned on.

No 33. Circle Menu [1768 stars on Github]

A simple,elegant menu with a circular layout.

Schedule UI

No 34. JTAppleCalendar [1026 stars on Github]

The Unofficial Swift Apple Calendar library. VIEw. Control. for iOS & tvOS .

No 35. DateTimePicker [455 stars on Github]

A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time .

Form UI

No 36 Eureka [4117 stars on Github]

Elegant iOS form builder in Swift .

Layout UI

No 37 Neon [3439 stars on Github]

A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework for iPhone & iPad .

Message UI

No 38 NMessenger [1492 stars on Github]

A fast,lightweight messenger component built on Asyncdisplaykit and written in Swift.

Search UI

No 39 Reel-search [1364 stars on Github]

A search controller that allows you to choose options from a List.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的39个优秀的Swift UI开源库全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决39个优秀的Swift UI开源库所遇到的程序开发问题。



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