关于 IPAD, IPHONE 的 UI 精华设计方案

关于 IPAD, IPHONE 的 UI 精华设计方案,第1张

概述  Apple don’t have any comprehensive pre-built GUI resources for app development, making it very hard to match the uniformed style of the iPhone or the iPad. You will need to create your own.   To hel

  Apple don’t have any comprehensive pre-built GUI resources for app development,making it very hard to match the uniformed style of the iPhone or the iPad. You will need to create your own.

  To help streamline your iPhone app design and development,we have put together a fairly comprehensive collection of iPhone & iPad GUI kits that will allow you to focus on develoPing rather than having to design everything from scratch.
Within this post you will find complete GUI kits and stencils,iPhone GUI elements and PSDs and finally a collection of the best icon-sets perfectly suited for the iPhone. (Some of the prevIEw images are intentionally to large to show the as much of each GUI as possible).









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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1091384.html

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