//get vector 3D of touch Vector3f touchVector = getRubiksystemCoordinates(mtouchX,mtouchY,square.rubikRotationMatrix); //Get vector 3D of move Vector3f moveVector = getRubiksystemCoordinates(mMoveX,mMoveY,square.rubikRotationMatrix); //get direction of motion float direction = touchVector.substractFrom(moveVector); //get axis for rotation Vector3f axis = touchVector.vectorProductTo(moveVector); //normalize axis axis.normalize(); //get angle of rotation float angle = direction.length; //make IDentity Quad Quaternion quad = new Quaternion(); //make rotation quad quad.makeRotationKvaternion(angle,axis); //from quad recIEve matrix Matrix4f matrix = quad.toMatrix(); //multiply to current modelvIEw matrix gl.glMultMatrixf(matrix.returnArray(),0); //save rotation matrix square.rotationMatrix = square.rotationMatrix.multiply(matrix); //save modelVIEw matrix square.saveModelVIEw(square.initMatrix.returnArray()); // touch coords to current modelVIEw coords private Vector3f getRubiksystemCoordinates(float x, float y, Matrix4f matrix){ // touch coords to normal coords of screen Vector2f normalCoords = (new Vector2f(x,y)).tonormalScreenCoordinates(Settings.vIEwPort[2],Settings.vIEwPort[3]); // to sphere coords in 3D Vector3f sphereVector = new Vector3f(normalCoords.x,normalCoords.y, floatMath.sqrt(2-normalCoords.x*normalCoords.x-normalCoords.y*normalCoords.y)); //Get inverse matrix from ModelVIEw Matrix Matrix4f m = matrix.inverseMatrix(); //Get vector for current modelVIEw 3D coords Vector3f vector = m.multiplyToVector(vector); // make normalize vector vector.normalize(); return vector; }
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