移动设备界面开发: 专业Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre设计工具箱

移动设备界面开发: 专业Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre设计工具箱,第1张

概述   用性测试,更关注设计创新!] <<  Android UI Design Patterns | 首 页 | 触摸手势参数指南  >> 2010-08-17 移动设备界面开发: 专业Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre设计工具箱 - [设计资源 ] 版权声明 :转载时请以超链接形式


用性测试,更关注设计创新!] @H_502_7@ <<  Android UI Design Patterns | 首 页 | 触摸手势参数指南  >> 2010-08-17 移动设备界面开发: 专业AndroID,iPhone,iPad,Palm Pre设计工具箱 - [设计资源 ]

版权声明 :转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明

从事移动终端设计的朋友,一定对不同平台的设计规范有了解。实际在终端平台上开发软件是需要在遵循规范的前提下保持创新精神。否则设计的 ui就只是骨架上的皮而已,没有肉感了。其实要做到这点不容易,首先是平台都有各自的约束,要能绕过约束再在规范前提下有所创新,真得费N根烟的功夫和精 力。@H_502_7@

User interface development is an important part of the mobile application development. At the same time getting started with it you can spend hours just looking for the right tools. To make your life a little bit easIEr we have put down a List of the useful UI resources for mobile user interface development which can help you easily speed up your work,including prototyPing/wireframing tools,templates for Photoshop,OmniGraffle as well as emulators to simulate the target environment on a computer.@H_502_7@

Please feel free to share any thoughts on your favorite tools in the comment area.@H_502_7@ References: User Interface GuIDelines (Official documentation) @H_502_42@Android: User Interface Guidelines iPhone: Human Interface Guidelines iPad: Human Interface Guidelines Palm Pre: User Interface Guidelines PrototyPing / Wireframing iPhone Stencil Kit

Quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes. Brainstorm your application IDeas using stainless steel stencil and mechanical pencil.@H_502_7@



@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ iPad Stencil Kit

Use iPad Stencil Kit to quickly mock-up application IDeas for the Apple iPad. How can you refine the user experIEnce? What type of interaction is going to make the app compelling? Let this iPad Stencil Kit help you answer these questions.@H_502_7@



@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ @L_403_24@

liveVIEw is a specialized remote screen vIEwing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications .@H_502_7@ iPhonePrototype

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ DroidDraw

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ GUI Templates AndroID GUI

Android GUI PSD is inspired by IDea of teehan+lax and is not intented to be used for final implementation. You can use AndroID GUI PSD for all of your projects for free and without any restrictions.@H_502_7@ 1. Android GUI PSD v1.0 by Pavel Matcheck

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 2. Android GUI PSD v2.0 by Vladimir Grishin

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 3. Android GUI PSD by Chris Brummel

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ iPhone GUI 1. iPhone GUI PSD by Teehan+Lax

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 2. iPhone Mockup Toolkit (CS4) by Meta*spark

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 3. iPhone Stencil for OmniGraffle by Patrick Crowley

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 4. iPhone PSD Vector Kit by Renee Rist

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 5. iPhone GUI PSD by FreshBooks

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ 6. iPhone Interface PSD by 320480

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ iPad GUI iPad GUI PSD by Teehan+Lax

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ Palm Pre GUI Palm Pre GUI PSD by Teehan+Lax

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ Emulators MobiOne (for iPhone / Palm Pre)

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ Project Ares (for Pal Pre)

@H_502_7@ @H_502_7@ Full UI Design Suites @L_404_58@

MIDS is the first complex dedicated system for automation of UI design,prototyPing,and usability testing that meets standard process requirements of cellular operators,handset manufacturers,content and service provIDers.@H_502_7@

@H_502_7@@H_502_7@ 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的移动设备界面开发: 专业Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre设计工具箱全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决移动设备界面开发: 专业Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre设计工具箱所遇到的程序开发问题。




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