what's the real life?

what's the real life?,第1张

概述the life i really want. our world is full of desire., and i might be losing my position. i want buy ipad, i want buy new cellphone. should it be i really want? oh, no. may be i really want is a jeep.

the life i really want. our world is full of desire.,and i might be losing my position.@H_419_7@

i want buy ipad,i want buy new cellphone.@H_419_7@

should it be i really want?@H_419_7@

oh,no. may be i really want is a jeep.@H_419_7@

oh,i forget before that i want a girl,i mean my girl,you kNow that.@H_419_7@

i want travel,not for show off,not for tell some body i 've been there,but for enjoy myself.@H_419_7@

i want write english,for i feel free,for just comes natrure to me. i dont't want the life is design step by step. i am the Archer,i was gift to be.@H_419_7@

i like to using my dell laptop,cause we match,and i am not the elite of top business,which wear tightly,i love sportswear,though i do not good at sports at all.@H_419_7@

so next time,before i got my new laptop,the thinkpad is not my first choice-- it doesnt mean that it's not tough.@H_419_7@


i want enjoy my life,and the work.@H_419_7@ 总结

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1094662.html

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