解决方法 你的例子实际上看起来并不太糟糕.您的代码运行速度快,浏览器只能以60fps呈现,所以它花费了一段时间(最多16ms)等待下一个渲染循环.这是Chrome开发人员工具时间轴面板的“框架”视图中特别令人担忧的快照.
酒吧底部的黄色和绿色区域呈现淡黄色和绿色区域,表明事件处理,绘画和合成都运行得很快 – 足够快到落在水平线下,表示30fps阈值,并且可能比60fps阈值大多数时间(行未显示)
Chrome的工程师Nat Duca在this post提供了更多信息:
GPU boundedness typically comes from two things:
having -webkit-filter,preserves3D propertIEs on elements. Those eat away at the gpu like… um,something hungry. having too many big layers.Layers? “Show composited layer borders” to see them. The place most folks get in trouble is not layer count really,but rather the area of the layers.
Rule of thumb: most computers are designed so that they can touch every pixel on its main screen about 4 times. As a really simple example,a 2-year-old MacBook Air is provisioned for its LCD’s size. When you plug in a 30″ monitor that has more than one layer,it starts getting GPU bound.
Why does this matter? [HanDWaving,] a layer touches a pixel once when we draw the screen. If a layer is the size of your window,e.g. you’ve got a wIDth=100% height=100% div with -webkit-transform: translateZ(0),then you’re touching every pixel of the screen once. So,count up the the area of your layers and if you exceed 4 times the area of your monitor,you may not be able to go to space [because you’re GPU bound].
A good test for gpu boundedness is to shrink the window size by 1/2 in each dimension. If things stay slow,then something else is happening… if things get faster,you were probably hitting the GPU.
在我的情况(显示在最上面的图片),我仍然试图找出导致灰色条纹的原因.代码没有改变,性能过去很好.可能是因为某些原因,较新版本的Chrome(今天运行的是31.0.1650.57 m)与此代码不同.再次,灰色区域表示渲染线程忙于未测量的代码,所以很难说出发生了什么.