https://maps.GoogleAPIs.com/maps/API/directions/Json?origin=29.6628166, 52.4230969&destination=27.1908698,56.1678579&key=mykey
private class direction extends AsyncTask<String, VoID, String> { private Context mContext; List<LatLng> pontos; ProgressDialog dialog; double currentLatitude, currentLongitude,destinationLatitude,destinationLongitude; String walkdistance; public direction (Context context,LatLng point){ mContext = context; destinationLatitude = point.latitude; destinationLongitude = point.longitude; } @OverrIDe protected String doInBackground(String... params) { JsONObject obj; String response = httpRequest.get("https://maps.GoogleAPIs.com/maps/API/directions/Json?origin=29.6628166, 52.4230969&destination=27.1908698,56.1678579&key=mykey").body(); try { System.out.println("Response content 1 was " + response); String JsonOutput = response.toString(); JsONObject JsonObject = new JsONObject(JsonOutput); // routesArray contains ALL routes JsONArray routesArray = JsonObject.getJsONArray("routes"); // Grab the first route JsONObject route = routesArray.getJsONObject(0); JsONArray legs = route.getJsONArray("legs"); JsONObject firtsLegs = legs.getJsONObject(0); JsONObject distance = firtsLegs.getJsONObject("distance"); System.out.println("Response test was : " + distance.getString("text")); walkdistance = distance.getString("text"); //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "فاصله شما تا نقطه: " + distance.getString("text"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); JsONObject poly = route.getJsONObject("overvIEw_polyline"); String polyline = poly.getString("points"); pontos = decodepoly(polyline); return response; } catch (Exception e) { // Todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } return ""; } @OverrIDe protected voID onPostExecute(String result) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "distance : "+walkdistance, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); /*System.out.println("Response content 2 was " + result); polygon polygon = mapFragment.addpolygon(new polygonoptions() .add(new LatLng(35.7513974, 51.4350038), new LatLng(35.7713974, 51.4350038), new LatLng(35.7913974, 51.4350038), new LatLng(35.7913974, 51.5350038)) .strokeWIDth(5) .strokecolor(color.BLUE));*/ for (int i = 0; i < pontos.size() - 1; i++) { LatLng src = pontos.get(i); LatLng dest = pontos.get(i + 1); try{ //here is where it will draw the polyline in your map /*polyline line = GoogleMap.addpolyline(new polylineoptions() .add(new LatLng(src.latitude, src.longitude), new LatLng(dest.latitude, dest.longitude)) .wIDth(10).color(color.BLUE).geodesic(false)); */ polygon line = GoogleMap.addpolygon(new polygonoptions() .add(new LatLng(src.latitude, src.longitude), new LatLng(dest.latitude, dest.longitude)) .strokecolor(color.BLUE).geodesic(true)); }catch(NullPointerException e){ Log.e("Error", "NullPointerException onPostExecute: " + e.toString()); }catch (Exception e2) { Log.e("Error", "Exception onPostExecute: " + e2.toString()); } } dialog.dismiss(); } @OverrIDe protected voID onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); dialog = new ProgressDialog(Map.this); dialog.setMessage("در حال مشخص کردن مسیر شما هستیم، لطفا صبر کنید."); dialog.setIndeterminate(false); dialog.setCancelable(false); dialog.show(); /*gps = new GPSTracker(Map.this); // Check if GPS enabled if(gps.canGetLocation()) { currentLatitude = gps.getLatitude(); currentLongitude = gps.getLongitude(); // \n is for new line Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Your Location is - \nLat: " + currentLatitude + "\nLong: " + currentLongitude, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { // Can't get location. // GPS or network is not enabled. // Ask user to enable GPS/network in settings. gps.showSettingsAlert(); }*/ } @OverrIDe protected voID onProgressUpdate(VoID... values) {}}
您正在使用返回的路径对象中的overvIEw_polyline来绘制路径.正如the documentation所说(强调我的)
overvIEw_polyline contains a single points object that holds an encoded polyline representation of the route. This polyline is an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting directions.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – map v2 drawed折线并不完全在路上全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – map v2 drawed折线并不完全在路上所遇到的程序开发问题。