android– 如何在ExoPlayer的PlayerView上使用类似的中心裁剪机制,但不在中心?

android– 如何在ExoPlayer的PlayerView上使用类似的中心裁剪机制,但不在中心?,第1张






我发现缩放PlayerVIEw的唯一方法是将它显示在它拥有的整个空间中,但保持纵横比(当然需要裁剪时),使用app:resize_mode =“zoom “.以下是中心作物:的工作原理示例.显示内容的视图具有相似的宽高比越多,所需的裁剪越少.







经过大量尝试最好的使用(并查看video-crop repository,SuperImageView repository和JCropImageView repository,其中包含ImageVIEw和视频的缩放/裁剪示例),我发布了一个似乎正确显示视频的工作示例,但我我仍然不确定它,因为我也使用在它开始播放之前显示在它上面的ImageVIEw(有一个更好的过渡而不是黑色内容).


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {    private val imageResID = R.drawable.test    private val vIDeoResID = R.raw.test    private val percentageY = 0.2f    private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null    overrIDe fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        window.setBackgroundDrawable(colorDrawable(0xff000000.toInt()))        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)        if (cache == null) {            cache = SimpleCache(file(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheevictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))        }        setContentVIEw(R.layout.activity_main)//        imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE        imageVIEw.setimageResource(imageResID)        imageVIEw.doOnPreDraw {            imageVIEw.imageMatrix = prepareMatrixForImageVIEw(imageVIEw, imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicWIDth.tofloat(), imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicHeight.tofloat())//            imageVIEw.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageVIEw, imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicWIDth.tofloat(), imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicHeight.tofloat())//            imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.VISIBLE        }    }    overrIDe fun onStart() {        super.onStart()        playVIDeo()    }    private fun prepareMatrix(vIEw: VIEw, contentWIDth: float, contentHeight: float): Matrix {        var scaleX = 1.0f        var scaleY = 1.0f        val vIEwWIDth = vIEw.measureDWIDth.tofloat()        val vIEwHeight = vIEw.measuredHeight.tofloat()        Log.d("AppLog", "vIEwWIDth $vIEwWIDth vIEwHeight $vIEwHeight contentWIDth:$contentWIDth contentHeight:$contentHeight")        if (contentWIDth > vIEwWIDth && contentHeight > vIEwHeight) {            scaleX = contentWIDth / vIEwWIDth            scaleY = contentHeight / vIEwHeight        } else if (contentWIDth < vIEwWIDth && contentHeight < vIEwHeight) {            scaleY = vIEwWIDth / contentWIDth            scaleX = vIEwHeight / contentHeight        } else if (vIEwWIDth > contentWIDth)            scaleY = vIEwWIDth / contentWIDth / (vIEwHeight / contentHeight)        else if (vIEwHeight > contentHeight)            scaleX = vIEwHeight / contentHeight / (vIEwWIDth / contentWIDth)        val matrix = Matrix()        val pivotPercentageX = 0.5f        val pivotPercentageY = percentageY        matrix.setScale(scaleX, scaleY, vIEwWIDth * pivotPercentageX, vIEwHeight * pivotPercentageY)        return matrix    }    private fun prepareMatrixForVIDeo(vIEw: VIEw, contentWIDth: float, contentHeight: float): Matrix {        val msWIDth = vIEw.measureDWIDth        val msHeight = vIEw.measuredHeight        val matrix = Matrix()        matrix.setScale(1f, (contentHeight / contentWIDth) * (msWIDth.tofloat() / msHeight), msWIDth / 2f, percentageY * msHeight) /*,msWIDth/2f,msHeight/2f*/        return matrix    }    private fun prepareMatrixForImageVIEw(vIEw: VIEw, contentWIDth: float, contentHeight: float): Matrix {        val DW = contentWIDth        val dh = contentHeight        val msWIDth = vIEw.measureDWIDth        val msHeight = vIEw.measuredHeight//        Log.d("AppLog", "vIEwWIDth $msWIDth vIEwHeight $msHeight contentWIDth:$contentWIDth contentHeight:$contentHeight")        val scalew = msWIDth.tofloat() / DW        val theoryh = (dh * scalew).toInt()        val scaleh = msHeight.tofloat() / dh        val theoryw = (DW * scaleh).toInt()        val scale: float        var dx = 0        var dy = 0        if (scalew > scaleh) { // fit wIDth            scale = scalew//            dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * 0.0f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding        } else {            scale = scaleh            dx = ((msWIDth - theoryw) * 0.5f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding        }        dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * percentageY + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding        val matrix = Matrix()//        Log.d("AppLog", "scale:$scale dx:$dx dy:$dy")        matrix.setScale(scale, scale)        matrix.postTranslate(dx.tofloat(), dy.tofloat())        return matrix    }    private fun playVIDeo() {        player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this@MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())        player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(textureVIEw)        player!!.addVIDeoListener(object : VIDeoListener {            overrIDe fun onVIDeoSizeChanged(wIDth: Int, height: Int, unapplIEdRotationdegrees: Int, pixelWIDthHeightRatio: float) {                super.onVIDeoSizeChanged(wIDth, height, unapplIEdRotationdegrees, pixelWIDthHeightRatio)                Log.d("AppLog", "onVIDeoSizeChanged: $wIDth $height")                val vIDeoWIDth = if (unapplIEdRotationdegrees % 180 == 0) wIDth else height                val vIDeoHeight = if (unapplIEdRotationdegrees % 180 == 0) height else wIDth                val matrix = prepareMatrixForVIDeo(textureVIEw, vIDeoWIDth.tofloat(), vIDeoHeight.tofloat())                textureVIEw.settransform(matrix)            }            overrIDe fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {                Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")                player!!.removeVIDeoListener(this)//                imageVIEw.animate().Alpha(0f).setDuration(5000).start()                imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE            }        })        player!!.volume = 0f        player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL        player!!.playRawVIDeo(this, vIDeoResID)        player!!.playWhenReady = true        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this@MainActivity, "")    }    overrIDe fun onStop() {        super.onStop()        player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(null)        //        playerVIEw.player = null        player!!.release()        player = null    }    companion object {        const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L        var cache: com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.Cache? = null        @JvmStatic        fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {            val packageManager = context.packageManager            val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packagename, 0)            val appname = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()            return Util.getUserAgent(context, appname)        }    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVIDeo(context: Context, @RawRes rawVIDeoRes: Int) {        val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildrawResourceUri(rawVIDeoRes))        val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)        val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }        prepare(LooPingMediaSource(ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(rawResourceDataSource.uri)))    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeofile(context: Context, file: file) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.fromfile(file))    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {        val factory = if (cache != null)            CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaulthttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))        else            DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))        val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)        prepare(mediaSource)    }}








import androID.content.Contextimport androID.os.Bundleimport androID.vIEw.TextureVIEwimport androID.vIEw.VIEwimport androIDx.annotation.RawResimport androIDx.core.vIEw.doOnPreDrawimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerFactoryimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.Playerimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.SimpleExoPlayerimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.source.ExtractorMediaSourceimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.source.LooPingMediaSourceimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.trackselection.DefaultTrackSelectorimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.*import com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.Cacheimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheDataSourceFactoryimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.LeastRecentlyUsedCacheevictorimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.SimpleCacheimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.util.Utilimport com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.vIDeo.VIDeoListenerimport kotlinx.androID.synthetic.main.activity_main.*import MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {    companion object {        private val FOCAL_POINT = PointF(0.5f, 0.2f)        private const val IMAGE_RES_ID = R.drawable.test        private const val VIDEO_RES_ID = R.raw.test        private var cache: Cache? = null        private const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L        @JvmStatic        fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {            val packageManager = context.packageManager            val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packagename, 0)            val appname = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()            return Util.getUserAgent(context, appname)        }    }    private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null    overrIDe fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)        setContentVIEw(R.layout.activity_main)        if (cache == null)            cache = SimpleCache(file(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheevictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))        //        imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE        imageVIEw.setimageResource(IMAGE_RES_ID)    }    private fun prepareMatrix(vIEw: VIEw, mediawidth: float, mediaHeight: float, focalPoint: PointF): Matrix? {        if (vIEw.visibility == VIEw.GONE)            return null        val vIEwHeight = (vIEw.height - vIEw.paddingtop - vIEw.paddingBottom).tofloat()        val vIEwWIDth = (vIEw.wIDth - vIEw.paddingStart - vIEw.paddingEnd).tofloat()        if (vIEwWIDth <= 0 || vIEwHeight <= 0)            return null        val matrix = Matrix()        if (vIEw is TextureVIEw)        // Restore true media size for further manipulation.            matrix.setScale(mediawidth / vIEwWIDth, mediaHeight / vIEwHeight)        val scaleFactorY = vIEwHeight / mediaHeight        val scaleFactor: float        var px = 0f        var py = 0f        if (mediawidth * scaleFactorY >= vIEwWIDth) {            // Fit height            scaleFactor = scaleFactorY            px = -(mediawidth * scaleFactor - vIEwWIDth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor)        } else {            // Fit wIDth            scaleFactor = vIEwWIDth / mediawidth            py = -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - vIEwHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor)        }        matrix.postscale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, px, py)        return matrix    }    private fun playVIDeo() {        player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this@MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())        player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(textureVIEw)        player!!.addVIDeoListener(object : VIDeoListener {            overrIDe fun onVIDeoSizeChanged(vIDeoWIDth: Int, vIDeoHeight: Int, unapplIEdRotationdegrees: Int, pixelWIDthHeightRatio: float) {                super.onVIDeoSizeChanged(vIDeoWIDth, vIDeoHeight, unapplIEdRotationdegrees, pixelWIDthHeightRatio)                textureVIEw.settransform(prepareMatrix(textureVIEw, vIDeoWIDth.tofloat(), vIDeoHeight.tofloat(), FOCAL_POINT))            }            overrIDe fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {                //                Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")                player!!.removeVIDeoListener(this)                imageVIEw.animate().Alpha(0f).setDuration(2000).start()                //                imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE            }        })        player!!.volume = 0f        player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL        player!!.playRawVIDeo(this, VIDEO_RES_ID)        player!!.playWhenReady = true        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this@MainActivity, "")    }    overrIDe fun onStart() {        super.onStart()        imageVIEw.doOnPreDraw {            val imageWIDth: float = imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicWIDth.tofloat()            val imageHeight: float = imageVIEw.drawable.intrinsicHeight.tofloat()            imageVIEw.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageVIEw, imageWIDth, imageHeight, FOCAL_POINT)        }        playVIDeo()    }    overrIDe fun onStop() {        super.onStop()        if (player != null) {            player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(null)            //        playerVIEw.player = null            player!!.release()            player = null        }    }    overrIDe fun onDestroy() {        super.onDestroy()        if (!isChangingConfigurations)            cache?.release()    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVIDeo(context: Context, @RawRes rawVIDeoRes: Int) {        val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildrawResourceUri(rawVIDeoRes))        val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)        val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }        prepare(LooPingMediaSource(ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(rawResourceDataSource.uri)))    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeofile(context: Context, file: file) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.fromfile(file))    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {        val factory = if (cache != null)            CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaulthttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))        else            DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))        val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)        prepare(mediaSource)    }}


class ScaleCropImageVIEw(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : AppCompatimageVIEw(context, attrs) {    var focalPoint = PointF(0.5f, 0.5f)        set(value) {            fIEld = value            updateMatrix()        }    private val vIEwWIDth: float        get() = (wIDth - paddingleft - paddingRight).tofloat()    private val vIEwHeight: float        get() = (height - paddingtop - paddingBottom).tofloat()    init {        scaleType = ScaleType.MATRIX    }    overrIDe fun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int, olDW: Int, oldh: Int) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, olDW, oldh)        updateMatrix()    }    overrIDe fun setimageDrawable(drawable: Drawable?) {        super.setimageDrawable(drawable)        updateMatrix()    }    @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")    fun updateMatrix() {        if (scaleType != ImageVIEw.ScaleType.MATRIX)            return        val dr = drawable ?: return        imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(                vIEwWIDth, vIEwHeight,                dr.intrinsicWIDth.tofloat(), dr.intrinsicHeight.tofloat(), focalPoint, Matrix()        )    }    private fun prepareMatrix(            vIEwWIDth: float, vIEwHeight: float, mediawidth: float, mediaHeight: float,            focalPoint: PointF, matrix: Matrix    ): Matrix? {        if (vIEwWIDth <= 0 || vIEwHeight <= 0)            return null        var scaleFactor = vIEwHeight / mediaHeight        if (mediawidth * scaleFactor >= vIEwWIDth) {            // Fit height            matrix.postscale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, -(mediawidth * scaleFactor - vIEwWIDth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor), 0f)        } else {            // Fit wIDth            scaleFactor = vIEwWIDth / mediawidth            matrix.postscale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, 0f, -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - vIEwHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor))        }        return matrix    }}


问题是如何 *** 作像ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP这样的图像,但是将焦点从中心移动到距离图像顶部20%的另一个位置.首先,让我们看一下CENTER_CROP的作用:



Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image’s aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (wIDth and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the vIEw (minus padding). The image is then centered in the vIEw. From XML, use this Syntax: androID:scaleType="centerCrop".




那么,在不同的位置(如距离顶部20%)具有类似中心作物的行为意味着什么?与中心裁剪一样,我们可以指定距离图像顶部20%的点和距离视图顶部20%的点将像50%点一样“固定”在中心裁剪中“固定”.此点的水平位置保持在图像和视图的50%.现在可以缩放图像以满足中心裁剪的其他条件,其指定图像的宽度和/或高度将适合视图而没有间隙. (视图大小被理解为视图大小减去填充.)

这是20%作物行为的简短视频.在此视频中,白线显示图像的中间,红线显示视图中的固定点,显示在水平红线后面的蓝线表示距图像顶部20%. (演示项目于GitHub.

以下结果显示了所提供的完整图像以及从静止图像过渡的方框中的视频. .


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {    private val imageResID = R.drawable.test    private val vIDeoResID = R.raw.test    private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null    private val mFocalPoint = PointF(0.5f, 0.2f)    overrIDe fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        window.setBackgroundDrawable(colorDrawable(0xff000000.toInt()))        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)        if (cache == null) {            cache = SimpleCache(file(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheevictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))        }        setContentVIEw(R.layout.activity_main)        //        imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE        imageVIEw.setimageResource(imageResID)        imageVIEw.doOnPreDraw {            imageVIEw.scaleType = ImageVIEw.ScaleType.MATRIX            val imageWIDth: float = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, imageResID)!!.intrinsicWIDth.tofloat()            val imageHeight: float = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, imageResID)!!.intrinsicHeight.tofloat()            imageVIEw.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageVIEw, imageWIDth, imageHeight, mFocalPoint, Matrix())            val b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, imageResID)            val d = BitmapDrawable(resources, b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true))            val c = Canvas(d.bitmap)            val p = Paint()            p.color = resources.getcolor(androID.R.color.holo_red_dark)   = Paint.Style.stroke            val strokeWIDth = 10            p.strokeWIDth = strokeWIDth.tofloat()            // Horizontal line            c.drawline(0f, imageHeight * mFocalPoint.y, imageWIDth, imageHeight * mFocalPoint.y, p)            // Vertical line            c.drawline(imageWIDth * mFocalPoint.x, 0f, imageWIDth * mFocalPoint.x, imageHeight, p)            // line in horizontal and vertical center            p.color = resources.getcolor(androID.R.color.white)            c.drawline(imageWIDth / 2, 0f, imageWIDth / 2, imageHeight, p)            c.drawline(0f, imageHeight / 2, imageWIDth, imageHeight / 2, p)            imageVIEw.setimageBitmap(d.bitmap)            imageVIEwFull.setimageBitmap(d.bitmap)        }    }    fun startPlay(vIEw: VIEw) {        playVIDeo()    }    private fun getVIEwWIDth(vIEw: VIEw): float {        return (vIEw.wIDth - vIEw.paddingStart - vIEw.paddingEnd).tofloat()    }    private fun getVIEwHeight(vIEw: VIEw): float {        return (vIEw.height - vIEw.paddingtop - vIEw.paddingBottom).tofloat()    }    private fun prepareMatrix(targetVIEw: VIEw, mediawidth: float, mediaHeight: float,                              focalPoint: PointF, matrix: Matrix): Matrix {        if (targetVIEw.visibility != VIEw.VISIBLE) {            return matrix        }        val vIEwHeight = getVIEwHeight(targetVIEw)        val vIEwWIDth = getVIEwWIDth(targetVIEw)        val scaleFactorY = vIEwHeight / mediaHeight        val scaleFactor: float        val px: float        val py: float        if (mediawidth * scaleFactorY >= vIEwWIDth) {            // Fit height            scaleFactor = scaleFactorY            px = -(mediawidth * scaleFactor - vIEwWIDth) * focalPoint.x / (1 - scaleFactor)            py = 0f        } else {            // Fit wIDth            scaleFactor = vIEwWIDth / mediawidth            px = 0f            py = -(mediaHeight * scaleFactor - vIEwHeight) * focalPoint.y / (1 - scaleFactor)        }        matrix.postscale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, px, py)        return matrix    }    private fun playVIDeo() {        player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this@MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())        player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(textureVIEw)        player!!.addVIDeoListener(object : VIDeoListener {            overrIDe fun onVIDeoSizeChanged(wIDth: Int, height: Int, unapplIEdRotationdegrees: Int, pixelWIDthHeightRatio: float) {                super.onVIDeoSizeChanged(wIDth, height, unapplIEdRotationdegrees, pixelWIDthHeightRatio)                val matrix = Matrix()                // Restore true media size for further manipulation.                matrix.setScale(wIDth / getVIEwWIDth(textureVIEw), height / getVIEwHeight(textureVIEw))                textureVIEw.settransform(prepareMatrix(textureVIEw, wIDth.tofloat(), height.tofloat(), mFocalPoint, matrix))            }            overrIDe fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {                Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")                player!!.removeVIDeoListener(this)                imageVIEw.animate().Alpha(0f).setDuration(2000).start()                imageVIEw.visibility = VIEw.INVISIBLE            }        })        player!!.volume = 0f        player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL        player!!.playRawVIDeo(this, vIDeoResID)        player!!.playWhenReady = true        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)        //        player!!.playVIDeoFromUrl(this@MainActivity, "")    }    overrIDe fun onStop() {        super.onStop()        if (player != null) {            player!!.setVIDeoTextureVIEw(null)            //        playerVIEw.player = null            player!!.release()            player = null        }    }    companion object {        const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L        var cache: com.Google.androID.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.Cache? = null        @JvmStatic        fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {            val packageManager = context.packageManager            val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packagename, 0)            val appname = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()            return Util.getUserAgent(context, appname)        }    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVIDeo(context: Context, @RawRes rawVIDeoRes: Int) {        val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildrawResourceUri(rawVIDeoRes))        val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)        val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }        prepare(LooPingMediaSource(ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(rawResourceDataSource.uri)))    }    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeofile(context: Context, file: file) = playVIDeoFromUri(context, Uri.fromfile(file))    fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVIDeoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {        val factory = if (cache != null)            CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaulthttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))        else            DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))        val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)        prepare(mediaSource)    }}

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – 如何在ExoPlayer的PlayerView上使用类似的中心裁剪机制,但不在中心?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – 如何在ExoPlayer的PlayerView上使用类似的中心裁剪机制,但不在中心?所遇到的程序开发问题。




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