谷歌搜索“我的水元球在哪里”,我找到了如何在Ludum Dare条目中实现这个精确游戏的描述:
Particle simulator would be best but integrating that to game would take some precIoUs time that I dIDn’t have. So I created a pool and obstacles and hefty amount of small slippery balls with pretty high density. You don’t want any friction, damPing and only small amount of restitution. Radius of one ball is about 0.25m when my full screen size is 48m x 32m.
Simulating lots of dynamic bodIEs that clamp often to one place is really heavy weight operation. This need to be taken consIDeration. For this reason I used really inaccurate physic settings. I stepped world with only one veLocity and position substeps. Also I fixed physic steps to 30/s.(After competition I noticed 20 would be enough) Always when dealing with fixed time step you want to interpolate or extrapolate position when physic are not stepped but rendering is. I choosed extrapolationing. This is simple to pull of.
RenderPos = PhysicalPos + VeLocity * TimeAccumulator
总结My method was to render water drops as Metaballs with radius twice the physical size of the object. Fastest way to make Metaball was just sprite that is opaque at mIDdle and fully transparent at edges with smooth circular gradIEnt.
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