Serial queues (also kNown as private dispatch queues) execute one task
at a time in the order in which they are added to the queue. The
currently executing task runs on a distinct thread (which can vary
from task to task) that is managed by the dispatch queue.
总结The main dispatch queue is a globally available serial queue that executes tasks on the application’s main thread. […] Because it runs on your application’s main thread,the main queue is often used as a key synchronization point for an application.
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 在GCD中,串行队列中的所有任务都保证在同一个线程中运行吗?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 在GCD中,串行队列中的所有任务都保证在同一个线程中运行吗?所遇到的程序开发问题。