升级您的Android Google移动广告SDK,以确保广告继续投放

升级您的Android Google移动广告SDK,以确保广告继续投放,第1张

概述我今天收到了这条消息: Hi AdMob Publisher, In early July, we sent out a notice to AdMob Publishers who have apps running on SDK version 6.4.1 and lower, to inform them about deprecating SDK versions and the need 我今天收到了这条消息:

Hi AdMob Publisher,In early July,we sent out a notice to AdMob
Publishers who have apps running on SDK version 6.4.1 and lower,to
inform them about deprecating SDK versions and the need to upgrade by
September 15,2016. We apologize for any inconvenIEnce or unclarity
that the email may have caused to some developers. To ensure that you
have sufficIEnt time to make the changes,we have extended the
deprecation date to October 17,2016. We also reevaluated the SDK
versions being deprecated,so here is the updated information. What
will happen starting on October 17,2016: • All support for non-Google
Play Services supported SDKs and Google Mobile Ads SDK version Listed
here will be deprecated. • This means that all traffic from these SDKs
will be Disabled. What you will need to do: In order to ensure that
your AdMob ads continue to serve after October 17,2016,please
upgrade your apps to run on the minimum SDK versions Listed here. If
you are using a Google Mobile Ads SDK version from Play Services that
is Listed on this link,you are not required to take any action. If
you have any questions,please contact us on the developer forum.
Thank you,and stay tuned for more updates and tips. Cheers,The
AdMob Team


解决方法 单击电子邮件 https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/android-legacy-release-notes中提供的链接

“Prior to becoming part of Google Play services,AdMob had a
standalone SDK with the following versions and release notes Listed
below ( Refer to link ).

On October 17th,AdMob will stop serving ads to the SDK versions
Listed below. If your apps are still using any of these SDKs,follow
our Get Started to integrate with AdMob’s Google Play services SDK.”


如果你的Google_play_services_version> 4,您不需要立即更新,但最好是升级到最新版本的播放服务库.

编辑2016年10月7日:如果您使用的是此link中列出的Play服务的Google移动广告SDK版本,则无需采取任何 *** 作.

我认为大多数混淆是由于Admob Standalone SDK与Google Play服务的版本号之间的版本号造成的.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的升级您的Android Google移动广告SDK,以确保广告继续投放全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决升级您的Android Google移动广告SDK,以确保广告继续投放所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1128130.html

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