_ID a b c d 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 1
_ID a b c d result 1 1 1 1 0 NulL 2 0 1 1 1 50% 3 1 0 0 1 25% 4 0 1 0 1 33%
解决方法Select CurAndNext.T1_ID,Sum( Case When D1.Val + D2.Val = 1 Then 1 End ) As CntInEitherRow,Sum( Case When D1.Val + D2.Val = 2 Then 1 End ) / 4.000 As PercBothFrom ( Select T1._ID As T1_ID,Max( T2._ID ) As T2_ID From Mytable As T1 left Join Mytable As T2 On T2._ID < T1._ID Group By T1._ID ) As CurAndNext Join ( Select _ID,'a' As Col,a As Val From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,'b',b From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,'c',c From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,'d',d From Mytable As T1 ) As D1 On D1._ID = CurAndNext.T1_ID left Join ( Select _ID,a As Val From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,b From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,c From Mytable As T1 Union All Select _ID,d From Mytable As T1 ) As D2 On D2._ID = CurAndNext.T2_ID And D2.Col = D1.ColGroup By CurAndNext.T1_ID
Create table Student ( ID int not null Primary Key,name varchar(50) not null )Create table Class ( ID int not null Primary Key,name varchar(50) not null )-- if using dates,this would be the equivalent-- of a calendar tableCreate table ClassDay ( DayNum int not null Primary Key )-- ClassDayNum would be better as a Date Create table Attendence ( StudentID int References Student( ID ),ClassID int References Class( ID ),ClassDayNum int not null References ClassDay( DayNum ),Unique( StudentID,ClassID,ClassDayNum ) )Insert Student( ID,name )Select 1,'a'Union All Select 2,'b'Union All Select 3,'c'Union All Select 4,'d'Insert Class( ID,name )Values (1,'Some Class' )Insert ClassDay( DayNum )Select 1Union All Select 2Union All Select 3Union All Select 4Insert Attendence( ClassID,StudentID,ClassDay )Select 1,1,1Union All Select 1,3Union All Select 1,2,2Union All Select 1,4Union All Select 1,3,4,4
总结of all the columns a,c and d that have a 1 in EITHER the current or prevIoUs row
Select Class.ID,ClassDay.DayNum,Count(distinct A.StudentID) As Attendence,Count(distinct A.StudentID) / 4.000 As RatioFrom Class Cross Join Student Cross Join ClassDay left Join Attendence As A On A.ClassID = Class.ID And A.StudentID = Student.ID And A.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum And A.ClassDayNum > 1 left Join Attendence As A2 On A2.ClassID = Class.ID And A2.StudentID = Student.ID And A2.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum - 1Where Not( A.StudentID Is Not Null And A2.StudentID Is Not Null )Group By Class.ID,ClassDay.DayNum结果:
DayNum Attendence | Ratio1 | 0 | 02 | 1 | .253 | 1 | .254 | 1 | .25what percentage have a 1 in BOTH the current and prevIoUs row
Select ClassDay.DayNum,Sum( Case When A.StudentID Is Not Null And A2.StudentID Is Not Null Then 1 End ),Sum( Case When A.StudentID Is Not Null And A2.StudentID Is Not Null Then 1 End ) / 4.000From Class Cross Join Student Cross Join ClassDay left Join Attendence As A On A.ClassID = Class.ID And A.StudentID = Student.ID And A.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum And A.ClassDayNum > 1 left Join Attendence As A2 On A2.ClassID = Class.ID And A2.StudentID = Student.ID And A2.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum - 1Group By ClassDay.DayNumDayNum | Attendence | Ratio1 | NulL | NulL2 | 2 | 0.5000003 | 1 | 0.2500004 | 1 | 0.250000
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – SQLite中一行与另一行的比较全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – SQLite中一行与另一行的比较所遇到的程序开发问题。