我希望能够使用AndroID JUnit测试来确认这些摘要更改都正确执行.但是,关于如何做到这一点的信息似乎很少.
我已尝试在ListPreference上使用setValue()的变体,无论是在测试线程中还是通过runOnUiThread(),都没有成功 – 这不会触发对onPreferenceChange()的调用.我在调用setValue()之后也尝试了getInstrumentation().waitForIDleSync(),但这也没有成功.
解决方法 再过几个小时的工作就产生了这个有效的解决方案,但我很好奇其他人是否有更好的解决方案.这个代码的灵感来自于 this solution的类似问题,但这种情况在两个方面有所不同:>它适用于AndroID JUnit,这意味着它需要通过runOnUiThread()调用ListPreference UI点击.
private voID clickListPreference(String _ListPreferenceKey,int _ListItemPos){ final String ListPreferenceKey = _ListPreferenceKey; final int ListItemPos = _ListItemPos; mActivity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { public voID run() { // get a handle to the particular ListPreference ListPreference ListPreference= (ListPreference) mActivity.findPreference(ListPreferenceKey); // bring up the dialog Box mActivity.getPreferenceScreen().onItemClick( null,null,getPreferenceposition(),0 ); // click the requested item AlertDialog ListDialog = (AlertDialog) ListPreference.getDialog(); ListVIEw ListVIEw = ListDialog.getListVIEw(); ListVIEw.performItemClick(ListVIEw,ListItemPos,0); } /*** * Finding a ListPreference is difficult when Preference CategorIEs are involved,* as the category header itself counts as a position in the preferences screen * List. * * This method iterates over the preference items insIDe preference categorIEs * to find the ListPreference that is wanted. * * @return The position of the ListPreference relative to the entire preferences screen List */ private int getPreferenceposition(){ int counter = 0; PreferenceScreen screen = mActivity.getPreferenceScreen(); // loop over categorIEs for (int i = 0; i < screen.getPreferenceCount(); i++){ Preferencecategory cat = (Preferencecategory) screen.getPreference(i); counter++; // loop over category items for (int j = 0; j < cat.getPreferenceCount(); j++){ if (cat.getPreference(j).getKey().contentEquals(ListPreferenceKey)){ return counter; } counter++; } } return 0; // dID not match } } ); getInstrumentation().waitForIDleSync();}总结
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