解决方法 如果从命令行运行lint,您可以在项目目录中提供一个lint.xml,并使用以下配置忽略twitter4j jar文件.Issue: Finds API accesses to APIs that are not supported in AndroID
ID: InvalIDPackage
This check scans through librarIEs looking for calls to APIs that are not included in AndroID.
When you create AndroID projects,the classpath is set up such that you can only access classes in the API packages that are included in AndroID. However,if you add other projects to your libs/ folder,there is no guarantee that those .jar files were built with an AndroID specific classpath,and in particular,they Could be accessing unsupported APIs such as java.applet.
This check scans through library jars and looks for references to API packages that are not included in AndroID and flags these. This is only an error if your code calls one of the library classes which wind up referencing the unsupported package.
<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="UTF-8"?><lint> <issue ID="InvalIDPackage"> <ignore path="libs/twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar" /> </issue></lint>
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的在android中使用Twitter4j,在库中获取lint错误 – 库中无效的包引用全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决在android中使用Twitter4j,在库中获取lint错误 – 库中无效的包引用所遇到的程序开发问题。