package ios { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageQuality; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import; import; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; [Bindable] public class iOsstageVIDeo extends Sprite { private var vIDeoPath:String; private var vIDeoWIDth:Number; private var vIDeoHeight:Number; private var _sv:StageVIDeo; private var _vd:VIDeo; private var _obj:Object; private var _ns:NetStream; public function iOsstageVIDeo( path:String,w:Number,h:Number ):voID { vIDeoPath = path; vIDeoWIDth = w; vIDeoHeight = h; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,onAddedToStage); } //stage is ready private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):voID { stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.top_left; var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); _ns = new NetStream(nc); _obj = new Object(); _ns.clIEnt = _obj; _ns.bufferTime = 2; _ns.clIEnt = _obj; _obj.onMetaData = MetaData; _sv = stage.stageVIDeos[0]; _sv.vIEwPort = new Rectangle(0,42,vIDeoWIDth,vIDeoHeight ); _sv.attachNetStream(_ns); playVIDeo(); } //vIDeo is ready,play it //public,can be called externally public function playVIDeo():voID{ vIDeoPath ); _ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,vIDeoStatus); } //required Metadata for stagevIDeo,even if not used private function MetaData(info:Object):voID{ } //get vIDeo status private function vIDeoStatus(e:NetStatusEvent):voID{ switch({ case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound": //do something break; case "NetStream.Play.Start": //do something break case "NetStream.Play.Stop": //do something trace('the vIDeo has ended'); stopVIDeo(); break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty": //do something break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Full": //do something break; case "NetStream.Buffer.Flush": //do something break; case "NetStream.Play.Complete": //do something break; } } //stop and clear the vIDeo //public,can be called externally public function stopVIDeo():voID{ trace("StopVIDeo is ran."); _ns.close(); _ns.dispose(); dispatchEvent( new Event('vIDeodone',true ) ); } public function stopVIDeoBack():voID { _ns.close(); _ns.dispose(); }}
<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="utf-8"?><s:VIEw xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" title="" backgroundAlpha="0" creationComplete="init(event)" addedToStage="onAddedToStage(event)" ><fx:Script> <![cdaTA[ import ios.iOsstageVIDeo; import mx.core.UIComponent; import; protected var path:String = new String(""); protected var backPage:String = new String(""); protected var vID:iOsstageVIDeo = new iOsstageVIDeo( path,1280,720 ); private var arr:Array; //protected var vID:iOsstageVIDeo; protected var container:UIComponent = new UIComponent(); protected function init(event:FlexEvent):voID { // Sets up the back button to back to the right slIDe arr = data as Array; trace(data); path = String(arr[0]); backPage = String(arr[1]) //creates the vIDeo vID = new iOsstageVIDeo( path,720 ); loadVIDeo(); //takes out the trash when the back button is hit so the stage vIDeo is ready when the new vIEw is loaded stage.addEventListener("keyDown",handlebuttons,false,1); stage.addEventListener("keyUp",1); } overrIDe public function createReturnObject():Object { var returnedobject:Object = new Object(); returnedobject.myValue = arr[2]; trace("arr[2] ->" + arr[2]) return returnedobject; } protected function loadVIDeo():voID { //loades the vIDeo vID.addEventListener('vIDeodone',vIDeoStop); container.wIDth = stage.stageWIDth; container.height = stage.stageHeight; addElement( container ); container.addChild( vID ); } protected function playVIDeo(event:MouseEvent):voID { vID.playVIDeo(); } private function vIDeoStop(e:Event):voID { //removes container container.removeChild( vID ); removeElement( container ); navigator.popVIEw(); } private function removeEverything():voID { vID.stopVIDeoBack(); try { container.removeChild( vID ); removeElement( container ); } catch(error:Error) { trace("error with container"); } } protected function onAddedToStage(event:Event):voID { if (stage.autoOrIEnts) { stage.removeEventListener(StageOrIEntationEvent.ORIENTATION_CHANGING,orIEntationChanging); stage.addEventListener(StageOrIEntationEvent.ORIENTATION_CHANGING,orIEntationChanging,100,true); } } private function orIEntationChanging(event:StageOrIEntationEvent):voID { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (event.afterOrIEntation == StageOrIEntation.ROTATED_left || event.afterOrIEntation == StageOrIEntation.ROTATED_RIGHT) { event.preventDefault(); } } protected function handlebuttons(event:KeyboardEvent):voID { if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.HOME) { // Handle Home button. } else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.BACK) { // Hanlde back button. removeEverything(); } } ]]></fx:Script><fx:Declarations> <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g.,services,value objects) here --></fx:Declarations></s:VIEw>
-locale en_US-swf-version=13 -target-player=11.0-define CONfig::LOGGING false -define CONfig::FLASH_10_1 true
<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="utf-8"?><s:VIEw xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" title="vIDeo" backgroundAlpha="0" creationComplete="init(event)" ><fx:Script> <![cdaTA[ import mx.core.UIComponent; protected var vIDeoPath:String = new String("vIDeo.mp4"); private var vIDeoWIDth:Number = 1280; private var vIDeoHeight:Number = 680; private var stageVIDeoAvail:Boolean; private var sv:StageVIDeo; private function init(e:Event):voID { trace("ran one"); onAddedToStage(); } private function onAddedToStage():voID { trace('test'); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.top_left; stage.addEventListener(StageVIDeoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABIliTY,onStageVIDeoAvailability); } private function onStageVIDeoAvailability( e : StageVIDeoAvailabilityEvent ) : voID { if (e.availability == StageVIDeoAvailability.AVAILABLE){ stageVIDeoAvail = true; initVIDeo(); } else { stageVIDeoAvail = false; } } private function initVIDeo():voID { var obj:Object = new Object(); var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns.clIEnt = obj; if(stageVIDeoAvail) { sv = stage.stageVIDeos[0]; sv.addEventListener(StageVIDeoEvent.RENDER_STATE,onRender); sv.attachNetStream(ns); trace('available'); } else { var vID:VIDeo = new VIDeo(vIDeoWIDth,768); addChild(vID); vID.attachNetStream(ns); trace('not'); } vIDeoPath ); } private function onRender(e:StageVIDeoEvent):voID { sv.vIEwPort = new Rectangle(0,768); } public function onMetaData(e:Object):voID { } public function onXMPData(e:Object):voID { } ]]></fx:Script><fx:Declarations> <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g.,value objects) here --></fx:Declarations></s:VIEw>
解决方法 闪烁的一个可能原因是,在调用之前,您不会侦听StageVideo
可用性.通过收听 StageVideoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABILITY
,您可以管理获得和失去StageVIDeo. 代替
private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):voID{ ... _sv = stage.stageVIDeos[0]; _sv.vIEwPort = new Rectangle(0,vIDeoHeight ); _sv.attachNetStream(_ns); playVIDeo(); }
private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):voID { stage.addEventListener( StageVIDeoAvailabilityEvent.STAGE_VIDEO_AVAILABIliTY,onStageVIDeoAvailability ); } private function onStageVIDeoAvailability( event : StageVIDeoAvailabilityEvent ) : voID { var available : Boolean = (event.availability == StageVIDeoAvailability.AVAILABLE); ... if ( available ) { addStageVIDeo(); } else { //implement an alternative e.g. addRegularVIDeo(); } playVIDeo(); }
Adobe Developer Connection在本教程中讨论了如何监听StageVIDeo的可用性:
Getting started with stage video
Creating a StageVideo Test in FDT with Flex 4.5 and FlashPlayer 10.2