这有效,但为什么jar必须存在于两个地方(.apk和私人外部存储)? DexClassLoader必须以文件路径作为参数.
有没有办法给它一个直接路径到/ assets文件夹中的文件,这样我就不必使用外部存储来获取已存在的文件的额外副本?
// somewhere in my main Activity ... final file aExtractedDexfile = new file(getDir("dex",Context.MODE_PRIVATE),liBRARY_DEX_JAR); extractDexTo(aExtractedDexfile); loadlibraryProvIDer(aExtractedDexfile);
/** Extract the jar file that contains the implementation class.dex and place in private storage */private voID extractDexTo(file tJarInternalStoragePath) { BufferedinputStream aJarinputStream = null; OutputStream aDexOutputStream = null; try { aJarinputStream = new BufferedinputStream(getAssets().open(liBRARY_DEX_JAR)); aJarOutputStream = new bufferedoutputstream(new fileOutputStream(tJarInternalStoragePath)); byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; int len; while ((len = aJarinputStream.read(buf,BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { aJarOutputStream.write(buf,len); } aJarOutputStream.close(); aJarinputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (aDexOutputStream != null) { try { aJarOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printstacktrace(); } } if (aJarinputStream != null) { try { aJarinputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printstacktrace(); } } }}
/** Use DexClassLoader to load the classes from libraryProvIDer */private voID loadlibraryProvIDer(file tfile) { // Internal storage where the DexClassLoader writes the optimized dex file to. final file aOptimizedDexOutputPath = getDir("outdex",Context.MODE_PRIVATE); // Initialize the class loader with the secondary dex file. DexClassLoader cl = new DexClassLoader(tfile.getabsolutePath(),aOptimizedDexOutputPath.getabsolutePath(),null,getClassLoader()); Class<?> alibProvIDerClazz = null; try { // Load the library class from the class loader. alibProvIDerClazz = cl.loadClass(liBRARY_PROVIDER_CLASS); slibraryProvIDer = (libraryInterface) alibProvIDerClazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception exception) { // Handle exception gracefully here. exception.printstacktrace(); }}解决方法 有没有办法给它一个直接路径到/ assets文件夹中的文件,这样我就不必使用外部存储来获取已存在的文件的额外副本?
答案是否定的.我想您遵循this blog posted by official source实施您的代码.如果有更好的做事方式,那么bloger应该在他的博客中推荐它.
您需要optimizeDirectory的原因在in the API中解释:
This class loader requires an application-private,writable directory to cache optimized classes.
First,it has to be copIEd to a storage location whose path can be supplIEd to the class loader.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – 如何从我的.apk文件中打包的jar文件中加载一个类?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – 如何从我的.apk文件中打包的jar文件中加载一个类?所遇到的程序开发问题。