public class Main extends BaseActivity { private static final String TAG = "tag"; private static final int STATUS_CHANGE = 0; ExpandableListVIEw mElv; ArrayList<GroupInfo> mGroupArray; @OverrIDe public voID onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentVIEw(R.layout.main); mElv = (ExpandableListVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.contact_List); mStatus = (TextVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.setStatus); mGroupArray = getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("groupArray");// => 取数据 mExpandableAdapter = new ExpandableAdapter(this,Main.this); mElv.setAdapter(mExpandableAdapter); // 异步对比服务器分组和本地分组 HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("handler_thread"); handlerThread.start(); UpdateGroupHandler myHandler = new UpdateGroupHandler( handlerThread.getLooper()); Message message = myHandler.obtainMessage(); message.sendToTarget(); mHandler = new Handler() { public voID handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case STATUS_CHANGE: // 处理UI更新等 *** 作 updateUI(); break; } }; }; } /** * 发送消息更新UI */ private voID sendMessagetoUpdateUI() { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = STATUS_CHANGE; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); // 向Handler发送消息,更新UI } private voID updateUI() { // 详细的更新 mExpandableAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // 更新ExpandableListVIEw } /** * 异步刷新分组的handler * * @author administrator * */ class UpdateGroupHandler extends Handler { public UpdateGroupHandler() { } public UpdateGroupHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @OverrIDe public voID handleMessage(Message msg) { ContactsManagerDbAdapter dbAdapter = new ContactsManagerDbAdapter( Main.this); dbAdapter.open(); // =>doSomeThing... mGroupArray = groupList; System.out.println("========数据更新后,刷新ListvIEw========="); sendMessagetoUpdateUI(); } } private class ExpandableAdapter extends Baseexpandablelistadapter { Activity activity; LayoutInflater layoutInflater; public ExpandableAdapter(Activity a,Context context) { activity = a; layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); } public Object getChild(int groupposition,int childposition) { return mGroupArray.get(groupposition).getChildList() .get(childposition); } public long getChildID(int groupposition,int childposition) { return childposition; } public int getChildrenCount(int groupposition) { return mGroupArray.get(groupposition).getChildList().size(); } public VIEw getChildVIEw(int groupposition,int childposition,boolean isLastChild,VIEw convertVIEw,VIEwGroup parent) { // ..... return vi; } public Object getGroup(int groupposition) { return mGroupArray.get(groupposition); } public int getGroupCount() { return mGroupArray.size(); } public long getGroupID(int groupposition) { return groupposition; } public VIEw getGroupVIEw(int groupposition,boolean isExpanded,VIEwGroup parent) { GroupInfo groupInfo = mGroupArray.get(groupposition); String string = groupInfo.getname(); convertVIEw = (VIEw) layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.group_layout,null); final TextVIEw textVIEw = (TextVIEw) convertVIEw .findVIEwByID(R.ID.groupname); if (textVIEw != null) { textVIEw.setText(string); } return convertVIEw; } public boolean hasStableIDs() { return true; } public boolean isChildSelectable(int groupposition,int childposition) { return true; } } }
=>1.java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: InvalID location 3,size is 3
=>2.The content of the adapter has changed but ListVIEw dID not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modifIEd from a background thread,but only from the UI thread.
Message.obj = groupList;
@OverrIDe public voID onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentVIEw(R.layout.main); mElv = (ExpandableListVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.contact_List); mStatus = (TextVIEw) findVIEwByID(R.ID.setStatus); mGroupArray = getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("groupArray"); // => 取数据 mExpandableAdapter = new ExpandableAdapter(this,Main.this); mElv.setAdapter(mExpandableAdapter); // 异步对比服务器分组和本地分组 HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("handler_thread"); handlerThread.start(); UpdateGroupHandler myHandler = new UpdateGroupHandler( handlerThread.getLooper()); Message message = myHandler.obtainMessage(); message.sendToTarget(); mHandler = new Handler() { public voID handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case STATUS_CHANGE: // 处理UI更新等 *** 作 updateUI(msg.obj); break; } }; }; } /** * 发送消息更新UI */ private voID sendMessagetoUpdateUI(ArrayList<GroupInfo> groupList) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = STATUS_CHANGE; msg.obj = groupList; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); // 向Handler发送消息,更新UI } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private voID updateUI(Object obj) { // 详细的更新 mGroupArray = (ArrayList<GroupInfo>) obj; mExpandableAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // 更新ExpandableListVIEw } /** * 异步刷新分组的handler * * @author administrator * */ class UpdateGroupHandler extends Handler { public UpdateGroupHandler() { } public UpdateGroupHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @OverrIDe public voID handleMessage(Message msg) { ContactsManagerDbAdapter dbAdapter = new ContactsManagerDbAdapter( Main.this); dbAdapter.open(); // =>doSomeThing... System.out.println("========数据更新后,刷新ListvIEw========="); sendMessagetoUpdateUI(groupList); } }