<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>10</item> <item>20</item> <item>30</item> <item>40</item> <item>50</item> <item>60</item> <item>70</item> <item>80</item></integer-array>
<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>34</item> <item>35</item> <item>36</item> <item>37</item></integer-array>
protected voID showLocalStrings() { Log.d("RESSampler","In Main: " + Arrays.toString(getResources().getIntArray(com.adip.sampler.R.array.my_int_values))); Log.d("RESSampler","In libr: " + Arrays.toString(getResources().getIntArray(com.samples.projb.R.array.my_int_values)));}
In Main: [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80]In libr: [10,80]
@H_502_46@解决方法 从 Library Projects at Android Developers开始,有许多参考文献,他们明确表示在构建时发生合并,并且具有相同ID的资源会相互覆盖.在库项目com.samples.projb.R.array.my_int_values中:
public static final class array { public static final int my_int_values=0x7fAndroID工具生成了相同的值,所以难怪我得到这种行为.如果我从一个整数数组中更改密钥,我可以摆脱这种行为,但想象你有一些包含大量资源的大型项目,依赖库以及迟早你可能碰到这种问题:拥有具有相同键值的相同类型的资源(我用字符串检查并且字符串数组和上面的行为也出现在那里).所以问题是:
<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>10</item> <item>20</item> <item>30</item> <item>40</item> <item>50</item> <item>60</item> <item>70</item> <item>80</item></integer-array>0;<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>10</item> <item>20</item> <item>30</item> <item>40</item> <item>50</item> <item>60</item> <item>70</item> <item>80</item></integer-array>
public static final class array { public static final int my_int_values = 0x7f<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>10</item> <item>20</item> <item>30</item> <item>40</item> <item>50</item> <item>60</item> <item>70</item> <item>80</item></integer-array>0;<integer-array name="my_int_values"> <item>10</item> <item>20</item> <item>30</item> <item>40</item> <item>50</item> <item>60</item> <item>70</item> <item>80</item></integer-array>
In cases where a resource ID is defined in both the application and
the library,the tools ensure that the resource declared in the
application gets priority and that the resource in the library project
is not compiled into the application .apk. This gives your application
the flexibility to either use or redefine any resource behaviors or
values that are defined in any library.
… your application can add references to multiple library projects,then
specify the relative priority of the resources in each library. This
lets you build up the resources actually used in your application in a
cumulative manner. When two librarIEs referenced from an application
define the same resource ID,the tools select the resource from the
library with higher priority and discard the other.
Use prefixes to avoID resource conflicts
To avoID resource conflicts for common resource IDs,consIDer using a
prefix or other consistent naming scheme that is unique to the project
(or is unique across all projects).
如何在command line中设置库中的优先级
总结If you are adding references to multiple librarIEs,note that you can set their relative priority (and merge order) by manually editing the project.propertIEs file and adjusting the each reference’s .n index as appropriate.