如果还是不行 还应该就是POCO的原因 因为很多时候 我也传不上去
没速度的话 就是你网速问题了
目前已支持POCO-SDK的所有游戏引擎(Unity3d、Cocos2dx系列、白鹭、UE4),使用前需游戏已接入SDK。v140-beta更新后就可以使用啦~ (预计五一后更新)
Poco 是一个基于 UI 控件搜索的跨引擎自动化测试框架。支持主流游戏引擎:Cocos2d-x、Unity3d、安卓原生应用
Poco中提供了一个很简单的类Environment来实现这个功能。这个类的定义如下: 1 获取系统第一块网卡的信息; 2 获取、设置指定名称的环境变量值;3 获取 *** 作系统名称、版本、结构;4 获取处理器数量。
class Foundation_API Environment /// This class provides access to environment variables /// and some general system information
typedef UInt8 NodeId[6]; /// Ethernet address
static std::string get(const std::string& name); /// Returns the value of the environment variable /// with the given name Throws a NotFoundException /// if the variable does not exist
static std::string get(const std::string& name, const std::string& defaultValue);
/// Returns the value of the environment variable /// with the given name If the environment variable /// is undefined, returns defaultValue instead
static bool has(const std::string& name); /// Returns true iff an environment variable /// with the given name is defined
static void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); /// Sets the environment variable with the given name /// to the given value
static std::string osName(); /// Returns the operating system name static std::string osVersion(); /// Returns the operating system version
static std::string osArchitecture(); /// Returns the operating system architecture
static std::string nodeName(); /// Returns the node (or host) name
static void nodeId(NodeId& id); /// Returns the Ethernet address of the first Ethernet /// adapter found on the system /// Throws a SystemException if no Ethernet adapter is available
static std::string nodeId(); /// Returns the Ethernet address (format "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx") /// of the first Ethernet adapter found on the system /// Throws a SystemException if no Ethernet adapter is available
static unsigned processorCount(); /// Returns the number of processors installed in the system /// If the number of processors cannot be determined, returns 1
static Poco::UInt32 libraryVersion(); /// Returns the POCO C++ Libraries version as a hexadecimal /// number in format 0xAABBCCDD, where /// - AA is the major version number, /// - BB is the minor version number, /// - CC is the revision number, and /// - DD is the patch level number /// Some patch level ranges have special meanings: /// - Dx mark development releases, /// - Ax mark alpha releases, and
/// - Bx mark beta releases