新建一个mytxt文件,打开后在其中加一句 “IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE "应用程序图标ico"”。(“应用程序图标ico”是要添加的名,格式一定要是ico),然后保存并退出,将文件格式改为qtdemorc,将和修改格式后的文件一起放入项目。
首先,在资源视图中添加一个图标,假设ID为IDI_ICON1。 然后,在main的开始加上: HWND hwnd=GetConsoleWindow(); SendMessage(hwnd,WM_SETICON,ICON_SMALL,(LPARAM)LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1))); 注意包含头文件: #include "resourceh" #include <windowsh>
Icon”就可以看到在各种平台设置Qt程序图标的方法。Setting the Application Icon on WindowsFirst, create an ICO format bitmap file that contains the iconimage This can be done with eg Microsoft Visual C++: SelectFile|New, then select the File tab in the dialog that appears, andchoose Icon (Note that you do not need to load your applicationinto Visual C++; here we are only using the icon editor)Store the ICO file in your application’s source code directory,for example, with the name myappicoico Then, create a text filecalled, say, myapprc in which you put a single line of text:IDI_ICON1ICONDISCARDABLE"myappicoico"Finally, assuming you are using qmake to generateyour makefiles, add this line to your myapppro file:RC_FILE = myapprcRegenerate your makefile and your applicationThe exe file will now be represented with your icon inExplorerIf you do not use qmake, the necessary steps are: first, run therc program on the rc file, then link your application with theresulting res file *** 作如下:首先准备个ICO图标。例如:myappicoico用记事本新建个文件,里面就写一行:IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE “myappicoico”保存改名为 myapprc并把它和你的图标myappicoico一起复制到你的QT工程项目的目录。用记事本打开你的QT工程文件(如 “myapppro” ),在里面最后新添一行保存,编译你的工程,成功了吧。
以上就是关于QT修改mainwindow前的图标,在资源管理器上显示图标也改变全部的内容,包括:QT修改mainwindow前的图标,在资源管理器上显示图标也改变、vs13下qt工程 生成的exe文件没有图标、Linux/QT 如何设置Qt应用程序图标等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!