


1冲锋 go mad!/go go go!

2稍等!全部停止! hold on!/stop!/wait!

3发现敌人! it's the enemy!/enemies founded!(其实如果用found这个词,被动语态应该就是found,founded意思是“已成立”,可能听起来顺口一点的缘故。)

4在后方!behind us!/they're trying to flank us!

5请求支援! help!/i need help!/request backup!

6请求掩护! keep firing i say!

7区域防守完毕! area secure!

8全部后退! retreat!/move back!

9跟我来! this way,come on!/i lead!


1收到! roger!

2办不到! unable to comply!

3正在前往! i'm on my way!

4对不起! apology!

5很棒! good job!/well done!/excellent!

6谢谢! thank you!/i'm very grateful!

7不要挡路,请让开! move!/get out of the way!

8准备结束! standing by!

9出来啊胆小鬼! come out you coward!/hey,you coward,show that's all!(听的不是很清楚)


1请求首要目标指示! requesting primary target information!(队长可以设定首要目标,通常回答是“setting the primary target/primary target is here”

2请求侦察支援! requesting operations on (最后一个词听不出)

3听从队长的指挥! do as the commander's order!/do you not hear your order

4后方有敌情!they're flanking us!

5 执行任务!focus on the mission!

6消灭敌人!wipe out the enemy first!/let's take care of the enemy first!

7请破坏/修理坦克!destroy/repair the tank!(联军还可以说“get rpg hit that tank!”)

请安放炸d!set the charge NOW!

8正在修理坦克!i'm repairing the tank!(同盟) they're repairing their tank,stop them!(联军)

c4安装完毕! c4 done!

9请优先消灭坦克周围的敌人! let's wipe out the enemy first!(可能跟6搞混了)

发现c4! spoor on the c4!/I found the C-bomb!

The output is the last step in computer operation It changes the computer’s results from binary machine language into a form that people can understand There are several kinds of output devices

Suppose a shoe store owner wants to know which style of shoe is selling best He uses a printer It actually prints, or types, the numbers of shoes sold on a long strip of paper The machine printout shows him which shoes he should order High-speed printers can print an entire ling at the same time turning out as many as twenty thousand lines a minute

A city planner, though, may use her computer in a different way She wants to plan a new bus route to serve the largest number of people Using a plotter as the output, she gets a drawing, actually a map, showing the route chosen by the computer

The telephone operator who looks up telephone numbers uses a computer But she does not need a printed copy, nor a drawing of the number Therefore, she has a computer terminal with a CTR the screen flashes the number of a little while, and then it disappears, ready for the next request

Students in many schools are taught by a computerSome of these courses are in foreign languagesTo learn a language,you must hear it spoken correctlythese computers have an audio outputThey actually produce the sounds of the language perfectly pronounced

The modern computer is truly an amazing machineBut it is not able to think ror itselfit is only as smart as the person who prepares its programNor can a computer produce correct answers unless it is fed correct data

Many people are a little afraid of computersThey think of computers as machines with minds of their ownjust remember this,thoughA computer is nothing more than a human toolIt stretches our abilitiesJust as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall,so you use a computer to help you solve a problemComputers are our servants,not our masters

The output is the last step in computer operation It changes the

computer’s results from binary machine language into a form that

people can understand There are several kinds of output devices

输出是计算机处理的最后一步。其结果用二进制转换成人们能够理解的形式。有许多种输出设备。比如一个鞋店老板想知道哪种鞋卖得最好,他使用打印机。可以打印鞋的数目在一长串纸上。输出结果可以让他选择他应该卖哪种鞋。 在同一时间,高速打印机可以打印多至每分钟二万条线.但是一个城市规划师,可以用另一种方式使用电脑.她想规划出一条新的汽车路线以满足最大的人流量.使用一个计划作为输出,他可以得到图纸,实际是一张地图,通过电脑选择展现路线.查询电话号码的电话接线员也使用电脑.但她不需要打印和电话薄.因此,她有一个CTR电脑终端,瞬间可以显示出电话号码然后立即消失了准备下一次需求.在许多学校的学生也是用电脑授课.有些课还用外语.为了学习一门语言,你必须听得很准确.这些电脑有一个自动输出.他们实际上制造了语言正确标准的读音.现代电脑确实是一种令人惊奇的机器.但是它没有思想.只有当人给它准备了程序后才会变得聪明起来.一台电脑不会正确计算除非给它正确的数据.许多人有一点害怕电脑.他们认为电脑是一种有思想的机器.记住一点,电脑只是人类的一种工具而已.它们加强了我们的能力.电脑为你解决问题就像你用一个锤子把一颗螺丝钉敲进墙里一样.电脑是我们的仆人,而不是主人.

帮补充1楼的 如果你想一按“[”就有shopmenu (什么键自己选 我只是举例) 就在控制台打"bind [ shopmenu "记得空格 凡是想有一个键就按出来的(如买东西的b 附加装备o啊) 就可以这样









*** 作码

*** 作数

组成。 *** 作码表示要执行的 *** 作性质,即执行什么 *** 作,或做什么; *** 作数是 *** 作码执行时的 *** 作对象,即对什么数进行 *** 作。计算机执行一条指定的指令时,必须首先分析这条指令的 *** 作码是什么,以决定 *** 作的性质和方法,然后才能控制计算机其他各部件协同完成指令表达的功能。这个分析工作由译码器来完成

、指令 也许你是一名服务器的OP,但苦于自己也要从lv1升起吗?玩够了一个能力系但又不能更换成别的能力系吗?别担心,AC中完备指令可以帮助你解决这一切。

2、 指令的使用条件是在单机下已开启了作弊模式;或是在服务器中拥有作弊权限。

3、 输入/aim help会列出AC中的指令帮助,在此我不做过多叙述,具体内容请到游戏中自行参阅。

4、 /aim指令是有开关的,默认为关闭。



7、 警告:不合理的使用指令将会破坏你对于AcademyCraft的游戏体验,请慎重选择。

8、 /aim skills 技能列表中文译名 在使用/aim skills时,所列出的技能表格并未翻译为汉语,所以编者在此处给出这些技能的译名。

9、 电击使(electromaster) 开外挂就行了任务 副本 还有就是充钱。




获取链接:轻触 「渐变壁纸生成器」,并选择「使用 Safari 浏览器」打开,轻触「获取快捷指令」即可, 首次运行请在确认对话框中轻触「运行捷快捷指令」。

近些年渐变色被广泛应用在 UI、品牌 Logo、海报、插画甚至机身设计中,如果厌倦了普通壁纸,可以使用这个快捷指令快速生成一款间约渐变色壁纸,样式随机。


获取链接:轻触 「时间戳相机」,并选择「使用 Safari 浏览器」打开,轻触「获取快捷指令」即可, 首次运行请在确认对话框中轻触「运行捷快捷指令」。



获取链接:轻触 「调整分辨率」,并选择「使用 Safari 浏览器」打开,轻触「获取快捷指令」即可, 首次运行请在确认对话框中轻触「运行捷快捷指令」。


App Store 应用详情翻译

获取链接:轻触 「App Store 应用详情页翻译」,并选择「使用 Safari 浏览器」打开,轻触「获取快捷指令」即可, 首次运行请在确认对话框中轻触「运行捷快捷指令」。

在 App Store 打开应用,通过分享菜单调用快捷指令就可以查看翻译结果,可以在一定程度上起到辅助作用。

以上就是关于ava各项指令的英文翻译是什么全部的内容,包括:ava各项指令的英文翻译是什么、求 一篇关于《计算机硬件的介绍》或者《计算机组成》英语文章,附带翻译。、魔兽CS1.5指令翻译拜托各位大神等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/9559447.html

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