psql 的 \d 命令输出一个数据库对象,包括 Sequence,表,视图和索引。你还可以使用 \ds 命令只查看当前数据库的所有序列。例如:
pigdb-# \ds
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | author_ids | sequence | ichexw
public | shipments_ship_id_seq | sequence | ichexw
(2 rows)
yum install postgresql96-contrib -- 安装插件
find / -name extension --可以看到btree_gincontrol存在
create extension btree_gin; -- 添加索引
表字段:id ,basic_acc_no,id_card,name,sex,telephone,json_t
basic_account_info_al -- btree
basic_account_info_al2 --gin
basic_account_info_al3 -- btree multi
basic_account_info_al 单列索引 id,basic_acc_no,name,json_t
basic_account_info_al2 gin索引 (id,basic_acc_no,id_card,name),(json_t)
basic_account_info_al3 复合索引 (id,basic_acc_no),(name,id)(json_t,id)
basic_account_info_al 表达式索引 (json_t->>id)
basic_account_info_al2表达式索引 ((json_t->>'id'))
1唯一值属性:索引字段都是唯一 id,basic_acc_no
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;
2重复值属性: name是有重复值的。
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where name ='张燕洪';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where name ='张燕洪';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where name ='张燕洪';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;
create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t);
create index inx_btree_json on basic_account_info_al (json_t);
create index inx_btree_2_js on basic_account_info_al3 (json_t,id );
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al WHERE json_t @> '{"id": 21782879}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 WHERE json_t @> '{"id": 21782879}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 WHERE json_t @> '{"id": 21782879}';
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where (json_t->>id)= '24426014' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t->>id)= '24426014' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al3 where (json_t->>id)='24426014' ;
查询条件 表名 查询时使用的索引名称 查询时间(5次平均)/ms
(json_t->>id)= '24426014' basic_account_info_al inx_json_id 0040
basic_account_info_al3 inx_json_id_2 0039
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al where (json_t->>id)= '24426014' ;
explain analyse select from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t->>id)= '24426014' ;
jsonb支持两种特有的GIN索引jsonb_ops和jsonb_path_ops。 jsonb_ops调用gin_extract_jsonb函数生成key,每个键和值都作为一个单独的索引项。而jsonb_path_ops使用函数gin_extract_jsonb_path抽取:只为每个值创建一个索引项。{“foo”:{“bar”,”baz”}}, jsonb_ops生成3个索引项,jsonb_path_ops由foo,bar,baz组合一个hash值作为一个索引项。jsonb_path_ops索引要比jsonb_ops的小很多,性能上也会有所提升。
create index inx_gin_patn_json ON publicbasic_account_info_al4 USING gin (json_t jsonb_path_ops); -- jsonb_path_ops
create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t); --jsonb_ops
下表显示了gin索引对于jsonb数据类型可使用的 *** 作符。
名称 索引数据类型 可索引 *** 作符
jsonb_ops jsonb & | @>
json_path_ops jsonb @>
注: & | 索引key是否包含在jsonb中
对于范围(json_t->>'id')< 20000079,这样的条件 gin索引不起作用, 这里采用表达式索引方式,查询条件的两边数据类型相同才可以做索引查询,否则全表扫描。
CREATE INDEX inx_json_id_2 ON publicbasic_account_info_al2 USING btree (((json_t->>'id')::int));
总结: 当仅有一个条件查询时,gin索引与btree索引的性能差异不大,但有多个条件查询时,gin,btree单
列索引没有btree复合索引的性能高。jsonb是以二进制格式存储且不保证键的顺序。可以使用表达式索引指定到jsonb的具体键值,但是如果不能提前知道查询数据中的哪个键,确定定义GIN索引和使用@>(或者其他有利于索引的 *** 作符)查询。
{"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} -> {"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1}
UPDATE basic_account_info_al4 SET json_t = json_t || '{"age":"18"}'::jsonb; -- 更新语句
gin索引名称 索引方式 修改前大小 修改后大小 带索引更新时间
inx_gin_patn_json jsonb_path_ops 574M 615M 643561004 ms
inx_gin_json jsonb_ops 665M 695M 时间过长超过1h
当json_t为{"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间
130372955 ms
当json_t为{"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间
148971011 ms
mysql:show databases
pgsql:\l 或者\l+(显示的信息要多一些)
mysql:use xx
pgsql:\c xx
mysql:show tables
1、通过命令行查询 \d 数据库 —— 得到所有表的名字 \d 表名 —— 得到表结构 2、通过SQL语句查询 "select from pg_tables" —— 得到当前db中所有表的信息(这里pg_tables是系统视图) "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='public
\d+ 表名
select aattname AS field,aattnum from pg_class c,pg_attribute a
where aattrelid = coid and aattnum > 0 and crelname = 'xx'
以上就是关于postgresql数据库怎么查询所有的序列名全部的内容,包括:postgresql数据库怎么查询所有的序列名、postgresqL 的Btree 与gin索引、PostgreSQL 与Mysql对照等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!