xcrun -h 显示如下:
xxx@xxxMacBook-Pro ~ % xcrun -h
Usage: xcrun [options] ... arguments ...
Find and execute the named command line tool from the active developer
The active developer directory can be set using `xcode-select`, or via the
DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable. See the xcrun and xcode-select manual
pages for more information.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show the xcrun version
-v, --verbose show verbose logging output
--sdk find the tool for the given SDK name
--toolchain find the tool for the given toolchain
-l, --log show commands to be executed (with --run)
-f, --find only find and print the tool path
-r, --run find and execute the tool (the default behavior)
-n, --no-cache do not use the lookup cache
-k, --kill-cache invalidate all existing cache entries
--show-sdk-path show selected SDK install path
--show-sdk-version show selected SDK version
--show-sdk-build-version show selected SDK build version
--show-sdk-platform-path show selected SDK platform path
--show-sdk-platform-version show selected SDK platform version
xcodebuild -showsdks 显示支持的所有SDK及版本号:
xxx@xxxMacBook-Pro ~ % xcodebuild -showsdks
iOS 15.0 -sdk iphoneos15.0
iOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - iOS 15.0 -sdk iphonesimulator15.0
macOS SDKs:
DriverKit 20.4 -sdk driverkit.macosx20.4
macOS 11.3 -sdk macosx11.3
tvOS SDKs:
tvOS 15.0 -sdk appletvos15.0
tvOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - tvOS 15.0 -sdk appletvsimulator15.0
watchOS SDKs:
watchOS 8.0 -sdk watchos8.0
watchOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - watchOS 8.0 -sdk watchsimulator8.0
xcodebuild 命令选项较多,可根据xcodebuild -h进行查看