知识点2:Swift REPL

知识点2:Swift REPL,第1张

关于REPL简介: REPL:英文缩写(Read-Eval-Print-Loop)即读取-执行-输出-循环的意思。Xcode 6.1 引入了另一种以交互式的方式体验Sw ift的方法。主要特点:直接运行代码,不需要创建包含调试语句的源代码文件以及进行编译、运行、查看 *** 作。直接进行完整的读取指令、执行指令、输出结果、重新开始 *** 作流程。设置默认版本:确保Xcode是Mac计算机运行的Xcode默认版本输入命令行、回车输入电脑密码。
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
终端(Terminal) *** 作 打开REPL :打开终端(Terminal)输入:xcrun swift即可唤起这个交互模式。
xcrun swift
 1> let name:String = "ZhangSan"
name: String = "ZhangSan"
 2> var age:Int = 15
age: Int = 15
 3> print("Name is:\(name),Age is:\(age)")
Name is:ZhangSan,Age is:15
 4> func play(name:String,age:Int) ->String{
 5.     return "The boy Name is:\(name),Age is:\(age) playing"
 6. }
 7> play(name:name,age:age)
$R0: String = "The boy Name is:ZhangSan,Age is:15 playing"
其他 *** 作

 输入: Control+A

 输入: Control+E
  9> :help

The REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) acts like an interpreter.  Valid
statements, expressions, and declarations are immediately compiled and
The complete set of LLDB debugging commands are also available as described
Commands must be prefixed with a colon at the REPL prompt (:quit for
example.)  Typing just a colon followed by return will switch to the LLDB
Type “< path” to read in code from a text file “path”.
Debugger commands:
  apropos           -- List debugger commands related to a word or subject.
  breakpoint        -- Commands for operating on breakpoints (see 'help b'
                       for shorthand.)
  command           -- Commands for managing custom LLDB commands.
  disassemble       -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current
                       target.  Defaults to the current function for the
                       current thread and stack frame.
  expression        -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread. 
                       Displays any returned value with LLDB's default
  frame             -- Commands for selecting and examing the current
                       thread's stack frames.
  gdb-remote        -- Connect to a process via remote GDB server.  If no
                       host is specifed, localhost is assumed.
  gui               -- Switch into the curses based GUI mode.
  help              -- Show a list of all debugger commands, or give
                       details about a specific command.
  kdp-remote        -- Connect to a process via remote KDP server.  If no
                       UDP port is specified, port 41139 is assumed.
  language          -- Commands specific to a source language.
  log               -- Commands controlling LLDB internal logging.
  memory            -- Commands for operating on memory in the current
                       target process.
  platform          -- Commands to manage and create platforms.
  plugin            -- Commands for managing LLDB plugins.
  process           -- Commands for interacting with processes on the
                       current platform.
  quit              -- Quit the LLDB debugger.
  register          -- Commands to access registers for the current thread
                       and stack frame.
  reproducer        -- Commands for manipulating reproducers. Reproducers
                       make it possible to capture full debug sessions with
                       all its dependencies. The resulting reproducer is
                       used to replay the debug session while debugging the
                       Because reproducers need the whole the debug session
                       from beginning to end, you need to launch the
                       debugger in capture or replay mode, commonly though
                       the command line driver.
                       Reproducers are unrelated record-replay debugging,
                       as you cannot interact with the debugger during
  script            -- Invoke the script interpreter with provided code and
                       display any results.  Start the interactive
                       interpreter if no code is supplied.
  session           -- Commands controlling LLDB session.
  settings          -- Commands for managing LLDB settings.
  source            -- Commands for examining source code described by
                       debug information for the current target process.
  statistics        -- Print statistics about a debugging session
  target            -- Commands for operating on debugger targets.
  thread            -- Commands for operating on one or more threads in the
                       current process.
  trace             -- Commands for loading and using processor trace
  type              -- Commands for operating on the type system.
  version           -- Show the LLDB debugger version.
  watchpoint        -- Commands for operating on watchpoints.
Current command abbreviations (type ':help command alias' for more info):
  add-dsym  -- Add a debug symbol file to one of the target's current
               modules by specifying a path to a debug symbols file or by
               using the options to specify a module.
  attach    -- Attach to process by ID or name.
  b         -- Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats.
  bt        -- Show the current thread's call stack.  Any numeric argument
               displays at most that many frames.  The argument 'all'
               displays all threads.  Use 'settings set frame-format' to
               customize the printing of individual frames and 'settings
               set thread-format' to customize the thread header.
  c         -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process.
  call      -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  continue  -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process.
  detach    -- Detach from the current target process.
  di        -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. 
               Defaults to the current function for the current thread and
               stack frame.
  dis       -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. 
               Defaults to the current function for the current thread and
               stack frame.
  display   -- Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'help target
  down      -- Select a newer stack frame.  Defaults to moving one frame, a
               numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number.
  env       -- Shorthand for viewing and setting environment variables.
  exit      -- Quit the LLDB debugger.
  f         -- Select the current stack frame by index from within the
               current thread (see 'thread backtrace'.)
  file      -- Create a target using the argument as the main executable.
  finish    -- Finish executing the current stack frame and stop after
               returning.  Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  history   -- Dump the history of commands in this session.
               Commands in the history list can be run again using
               "!".   "!-" will re-run the command that is
                commands from the end of the list (counting the
               current command).
  image     -- Commands for accessing information for one or more target
  j         -- Set the program counter to a new address.
  jump      -- Set the program counter to a new address.
  kill      -- Terminate the current target process.
  l         -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand
  list      -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand
  n         -- Source level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  next      -- Source level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  nexti     -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. 
               Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  ni        -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. 
               Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  p         -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  parray    -- parray   -- lldb will evaluate EXPRESSION
               to get a typed-pointer-to-an-array in memory, and will
               display COUNT elements of that type from the array.
  po        -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with formatting controlled by the type's
  poarray   -- poarray   -- lldb will evaluate
               EXPRESSION to get the address of an array of COUNT objects
               in memory, and will call po on them.
  print     -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  q         -- Quit the LLDB debugger.
  r         -- Launch the executable in the debugger.
  rbreak    -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
  re        -- Commands to access registers for the current thread and
               stack frame.
  repl      -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  run       -- Launch the executable in the debugger.
  s         -- Source level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  shell     -- Run a shell command on the host.
  si        -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls. 
               Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  sif       -- Step through the current block, stopping if you step
               directly into a function whose name matches the
  step      -- Source level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  stepi     -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls. 
               Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  t         -- Change the currently selected thread.
  tbreak    -- Set a one-shot breakpoint using one of several shorthand
  undisplay -- Stop displaying expression at every stop (specified by
               stop-hook index.)
  up        -- Select an older stack frame.  Defaults to moving one frame,
               a numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number.
  v         -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all
               arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument,
               local, file static and file global variables can be
               specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified
               such as 'var->child.x'.  The -> and [] operators in 'frame
               variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist,
               but directly access the specified element.  If you want to
               trigger operator overloads use the expression command to
               print the variable instead.
               It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators,
               when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame
               var local_var' produce the same results.  However, 'frame
               variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information
               and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and
               evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and
               running code in the target program.
  var       -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all
               arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument,
               local, file static and file global variables can be
               specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified
               such as 'var->child.x'.  The -> and [] operators in 'frame
               variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist,
               but directly access the specified element.  If you want to
               trigger operator overloads use the expression command to
               print the variable instead.
               It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators,
               when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame
               var local_var' produce the same results.  However, 'frame
               variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information
               and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and
               evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and
               running code in the target program.
  vo        -- Show variables for the current stack frame. Defaults to all
               arguments and local variables in scope. Names of argument,
               local, file static and file global variables can be
               specified. Children of aggregate variables can be specified
               such as 'var->child.x'.  The -> and [] operators in 'frame
               variable' do not invoke operator overloads if they exist,
               but directly access the specified element.  If you want to
               trigger operator overloads use the expression command to
               print the variable instead.
               It is worth noting that except for overloaded operators,
               when printing local variables 'expr local_var' and 'frame
               var local_var' produce the same results.  However, 'frame
               variable' is more efficient, since it uses debug information
               and memory reads directly, rather than parsing and
               evaluating an expression, which may even involve JITing and
               running code in the target program.
  x         -- Read from the memory of the current target process.
For more information on any command, type ':help '.


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/996488.html

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