

概述2.6内核的四种调度算法 In the 2.6 kernel series, there are four interchangeable schedulers, as follows: cfq- “Completely Fair Queuing” makes a good default for most workloads on general-pur...


In the 2.6 kernel serIEs,there are four interchangeable schedulers,as follows:

cfq- “Completely Fair Queuing” makes a good default for most workloads on general-purpose servers. 

as – “Anticipatory Scheduler” is best for workstations and other systems with slow,single-spindle storage.

deadline – “Deadline” is a relatively simple scheduler which trIEs to minimize I/O latency by re-ordering requests to improve performance. Deadline的I/O调度器,在数据吞吐量非常大的数据库系统中表现得更有优势。

noop- “NOOP” is the most simple scheduler of all,and is really just a single FIFO queue.


There are two ways to change the I/O scheduler – at boot time,or with new kernels at runtime. For all linux kernels,appending ‘elevator={noop|deadline}’ to the kernel boot string sets the I/O elevator.

With GRUB,append the string to the end of the kernel command:

Title Fedora Core (2.6.9-5.0.3.EL_lustre.1.4.2custom)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-5.0.3.EL_lustre.1.4.2custom ro
root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb noAPIc quIEt elevator=deadline

With newer linux kernels (Red Hat Enterprise linux v3 Update 3 does not have this feature. It is present in the main linux tree as of 2.6.15),one can change the scheduler while running. If the file /sys/block/<DEVICE>/queue/scheduler exists (where DEVICE is the block device you wish to affect),it will contain a List of available schedulers and can be used to switch the schedulers.

(sda is the <disk>):

[root@cfs2]# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop [anticipatory] deadline cfq
[root@cfs2 ~]# echo deadline > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
[root@cfs2 ~]# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq

The other schedulers (anticipatory and cfq) are better suited for desktop use.


dmesg | grep -i schedular

英文信息copy from lustre manual





原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/1034733.html

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