有两种解决方法,需要注意的是 *** 作前一定要备份所有的个人数据。
4、打开MTerminal 输入:su 然后输入alpine(如此前已更改密码则输你改过的密码)(此步骤为获取root权限)
5、然后输入:cd Documents
6、然后输入:chmod +x SemiRestore10-Lite
即类似于之前的cydia eraser,会还原到非越狱的原厂系统状态,此方式法会删除所以数据。
4、添加完以上两个源后,安装插件Stashing for iOS 92-102
1、 具体的“站、立”
stand v站立
assist v协助。as=to,sist词根“站立”,字面义“站在一边”,从而起到协助的作用,想一下手术时站在医生身边协助的助手。
consist v组成,con前缀“共同”,sist词根“站立”,如所有同学站在一起才能组成一个班级。
constituent n成分,stit词根“站立”,指站在一起组成某整体的东西,即“成分”。
contrast v对比,对照。Contra前缀“相对”,如counter(柜台)就是面对面站着的地方;st“站立”,相对而立,从而形成“对比”。
distance n距离。Dis前缀“分开”,如disrupt;st“站立”;ance名词后缀。分开而立,从而形成“距离”。
obstacle n障碍。Ob前缀“相对,相逆”,sta“站立”,cle名词后缀。前进路上对着你站着的东西,不让你通过,就是你的“障碍”。
resist v抵抗。Re前缀“相反,往回”,sist“站立”,当逆流向你扑面而来,你却对着它站立岿然不动,这就在“抵抗”逆流。
stab v刺,戳。将木棒戳在地上能让它“站立”。
stick v插入,刺入。
stadium n体育场
stage n舞台
stair n楼梯。联想:stair=st(站)+air(空气),站在楼梯上就像站在空中,站在空气中一样。
stake n桩;刑柱。“立”于地上之物。
stalk n茎,干;叶柄,花梗。支撑植物竖“立”起来之物。
stem n(花草的)茎。
station n车站。“站”着等车的地方。这一说法可能不严谨,见下文。
steep a陡峭的。悬崖直“立”即为陡峭。
step n台阶。站着的地方。
substitute n代替者,替代物。Sub前缀“下”,stit词根“站”,ute后缀。形象一点的话,球赛中站在场下的队员是等着替补上场的“代替者”。
stone n石头。想一下巨石阵里都是“立”着的石头。谐音:石头。
estate n(上有大片建筑物的)土地,住宅区。房屋“站立”的地方。
2、 抽象的“树立、建立、成立”
establish v建立。其中e是为了发音方便而加,stab=stable稳固,-ish动词后缀“使…”,字面义即“使稳固”。Stable见下文。
institution n机构。“成立”机构。
state n国,州。“建立”国家。顺便提及,中亚的那些斯坦国,如与中国相交甚好的巴基斯坦(Pakistan),它们名字中的stan(“斯坦”,即指国家)的最关键成分就是st。
statue n雕塑。“树立”一座雕塑。或理解为雕塑都是“站着”的。
standard v标准。“建立”一套标准。
statue n法令。“设立”一套法令。
constituent n宪法,章程;组成,设立。“设立”宪法。
superstition n迷信。Super前缀“上方”,stit“立”,ion名词后缀。“上方”这一前缀,给人一种悬在半空,虚浮的、不脚踏实地的感觉,所以可以理解为:“树立”的一种“虚浮”的信仰,即迷信。
instance n例子。个人理解:使某种说法“成立”之物。你想让“我是一个好学生”这个说法站得住脚,就得拿出你刻苦学习的种种例子。
prestige n威信。Pre前缀“向前”,向前“树立”一种威信。个人解释,与词源有出入。
3、 表方位、处境“处于…”
exist v存在。Ex前缀“外”,词根相当于sist,“处于…”。实实在在地“处于”外在的环境中,即“存在”。
stage n阶段。“处于”某一时间段内。联想:stage=st(处于)+age(年代),处于某一年代,即“阶段”。
status n地位。“处于”社会某一阶层。
substance n实质。Sub前缀“下方”,“位于”事物下方的,而非浮于表面的东西。
4、 表“静止、不动”
stable a稳定的。“静止”就是一种稳定状态。stable=st(站立)+able(可以…的),即“可以站得住的”,就是稳定的了。
steady a稳定的。
rest v休息。仅个人理解:re前缀“往回”,st“静止,不动”,字面义“回去驻扎不动”,一种回归静养的意味。
estate n不动产。
stall v使熄火,使停止转动。
stare v凝视。目光“静止不动”,停留在一个地方,就是“凝视”了。谐音:死呆,目光死呆呆的。
stun v使吃惊。
static a静止的。
stationary a静止的。
still a静止的
stop v停止 n车站。“车站”就是车“停”放的地方。也许上文提及的station“车站”也是这个逻辑吧。
stay v逗留。停止在一个地方“不动”。
store v贮藏,存放。商品在市场上本应是交换、流动的,一旦在市场上“静止”下来,一定是被贮藏在仓库里伺机卖出了。
stock n库存 v囤积
stack v堆积
sticky a粘的。粘在一处“不动”。
5、 表“不变的”、“不知变通的”
steel n钢。钢很坚硬,很难折弯,不易变形,即形状“不变”。
staple n主要产品;主食。企业的主要产品不会经常变化;一地的主食也已成为习惯,“南米北面”可不是一朝一夕能够更易的。
stern a严厉的,严峻的;坚定的,不动摇的。法令“严厉”执行,就是指没有“变通”的余地,不能因为判罚的对象不同而有所变化。态度“不变”即坚定。
stiff a严厉的;僵硬的,坚硬的;呆板的。遇事不知变通即为“呆板”。
stubborn a顽固的。遇事不知变通,坚持己见,即为“顽固”。
stupid a愚蠢的,迟钝的。遇事不知变通,以不变的思维应万变,即为“愚蠢”,如:刻舟求剑。
sturdy a坚定的。态度不变即“坚定”。
圣骑的角色设置说明/////////////////////// YAMB for 111b by Foster ///////////////////////////////
// This bot is originally written by DarkSpirit
// Derived from ChainXP by ET aka cougio (irc) aka kougio (bh)
// Collaborator: wurscht, sumo1
// Thanks to Snarg who started the whole thing with his MultiXP and by encouraging me to publish this
// Thanks to Matt Lanteigne aka mattlant for his pathing work YAM uses
// Original XP scripts authors : 2KH, Xizeta, DaBeerMan, LordOfMars, FruitBar, HPB_Forever
// Collaborators : Ven0m, Muellsammler, Darien, Killkeeper, Damoon, HellNucleus,
// Gill_105, Syadasti, Smoke, sicojola and others
// Am I forgetting someone Oh yea, the core! Thanks to bubbafate for cracking it :-D
// Legal stuff :
// This program is free software; You can redistribute freely as long as this
// notice stays intact If you don't want to submit your modifications and want
// to redistribute this script, you must rename it by replacing with your own
// name to avoid conflicts
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY
// This is the file you should be editing!!!
// General configs can be found at the top
// Class specific configuration can be found in the sections below
// For skill codes, refer to "skillstxt" in the sdk folder or use the exact skill name
// For potion drinking settings, edit the LifeWatchXP associated via YAM_LifeWatchPath
// To use a character specific configuration, see header of bots/YAMd2j
// Game configuration
// YAM_StartGameDelay = rnd(min,max) Random delay in milliseconds before game initialization
// YAM_GameCatchup = number (msec) Time delay to let d2jsp catchup after an area change
// YAM_MaxGameLength = number (sec) Maximum game length before aborting, in seconds Use 0 for infinite length
// YAM_MinGameLength = number (sec) Minimum game length under which bot will stall after runs, in seconds
// YAM_MustIdle=true/false Set to true to force YAMB to idle (uses HOTIP module idler)
// Useful if you need to perm your mule
YAM_StartGameDelay = 0 // Use rdn(0,0) or just 0 for no delay起始游戏的延时设定
YAM_GameCatchup = 1000;//转换场景的延时设定
YAM_MaxGameLength = 660; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !最大游戏时间
YAM_MinGameLength = 360;//最小游戏时间
// Module configuration
// This is the list of currently available boss to run
// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed
// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss
// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty,
// to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first
// Follower, enchanter, bo script
// Team Botting configuration
// PublicMode = 0/1/2 0 - Private, 1 - Public, >1 - Supports Leeches
// YAM_TPMsg = value define the boardcast msg to use to signal to the team bots to enter your tp
// WaitForPortal = true/false; Set to true to wait for a YAM_TPMsg before entering tp
// rather than teleporting to the boss itself
// DC_UseFriendsList = true/false Set to true to use the "/f m" command for your team bots
// to join your game rather than message them individually
// if true, you need to add the accounts of your team bots
// to your bnet friends list!
// YAM_WaitInChat=true/false; false to bot as normal and true to wait in chat for team botting
PublicMode = 0;//0私人游戏;1公众游戏;>1支援吸经验值模式
YAM_TPMsg="tp up";//进入TP讯息
// General configuration
// XP_BossLOS = true/false Move closer to the boss if no LOS or too far
// XP_DropItems = true/false If XP_SellBackItems is set to true but gold is full, drop items instead (faster)
// XP_SellBackItems = true/false Set to true to sell items your bmitems_XPini says not to keep to NPCs
// YAM_ClearInv = true/false Set to true to clear inventory of junk before stashing and during npc interactions
// YAM_StopFullInv = true/false Set to true to stop the bot if the inventory and stash are full
// YAM_StopNoRepair=true/false Set to true to stop if we have no enough gold to repair and some items is in critical level
// YAM_OpenChests = true/false Set to true to allow pather to open chests if they are found
// DCH_MaxDistance = number max distance away we will go for a chest
// YAM_OpenGoldenChest = true/false Set to true to open golden chests
// YAM_UseShrines = true/false Set to true to use shrines if they are found, during Meph or Shenk runs
// DS_MaxDistance = number max distance away we will go for a shrine
XP_BossLOS = true;//是否移近头目;如果发生LOS或落点离太远时
XP_DropItems = true;//当下一行设成ture时;当身上钱满了又有东西卖时会直接丢掉要卖的东西
XP_SellBackItems = true;//设成ture时会把bmitems_XPini档内设定不留的东西卖掉
YAM_ClearInv = false;//和NPC交易及辩识前会清理辩识卷
YAM_StopFullInv = true;//身上的辩识卷满了没地方放时会自动停止
YAM_StopNoRepair = true;//没钱修理是是否停止
YAM_OpenChests = false;//是否开箱子
DCH_MaxDistance = 20;//离多远的距离会去开子
YAM_OpenGoldenChest = true;//是否开金箱子(注:应该是地穴内会发光的箱子吧)
YAM_UseShrines = false; // leave it on false for now True will freeze your bot for more then 20 seconds是否去摸神坛
DS_MaxDistance = 20;//离多远距离的神坛会去摸
// Snagit configuration
// DSN_MinGoldStack = number Minimum gold stack amount to pickup Set to 0 to ignore all gold stacks, 1 to pick all
// DSN_PickPotions = true/false Set to true to include potions in the pickup checking
// DSN_SnagType = number Type of pickup: 0 = Best item first and 1 = Closest item first
// DSN_UseTK = true/false Set to true to use Telekinesis to pick certain items
// DSN_SnagRange = number Radius to check for dropped items 40 is a good number here
// DSN_GoldSnagRange = number Radius to check for gold (usually smaller than item range)
// DSN_SnagDelay = number This is the amount of time to wait before snagit picks up items
// DSN_PickPotions = true/false; Set to true to include potions in the checking
// DSN_FillBelt = true/false; Set to true to stop picking pots if belt is full
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
DSN_MinGoldStack = 1000;//多少钱会去捡
DSN_PickPotions = true;//是否捡药水
DSN_SnagType = 1;//先捡那一种类的物品
DSN_UseTK = false;//是否使用心灵传动捡东西
DSN_SnagRange = 40;//捡取半径
DSN_GoldSnagRange = 25;//捡钱的半径
DSN_SnagDelay = 200;//捡取延时
// NIP files configuration
// Each section has a set of nip files for a given char This is useful
// in case you wanted to have a different file depending on chars or to
// have char-specific files
// If you want to add your own nip files, just copy any line and enter the
// exact nip file name ( example : DSN_NIPFilePathpush("myownnip"); )
// To disable a nip file, just add "//" at the start of the line or delete the line
// Finally, shopping and gambling will use the same files without problems
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cubing configuration
// YAM_EnableCubing = true/false Set to true to enable cubing
YAM_EnableCubing = false;//是否合成
// Stashing configuration
// DT_FreeSpace = number Minimum number of free columns: if less full columns are free, go to stash
// DT_MinGoldToStash = number Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash
DT_FreeSpace = 3;//剩下多少行时放到箱子去
DT_MinGoldToStash = 100000;//多少钱在身上时去放箱子
// The numbers correspond to your inventory Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it
// This allows you to keep charms in inventory Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0
// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed
// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms)
// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose
// your existing items!
// Belt configuration
// YAM_UseBeltManager = true/false Leave at true if you want the bot to buy potions
// YAM_UseABM = true/false Set to true to use the Advanced Belt Manager (slower but gets full belt most of the time)
YAM_UseBeltManager = true;//是否使用腰带管理员
YAM_UseABM = true;//是否使用进阶腰带管理员(会较慢一些)
// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv Can use other potion types too (untested!)
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types)
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns)
// Recommendation: Since YAMB supports potion-swapping there is no point in reserving
// a column for rejuvenations anymore
DT_BeltColType[0] = "hp"; // Column 1 in belt
DT_BeltColType[1] = "hp"; // Column 2
DT_BeltColType[2] = "hp"; // Column 3
DT_BeltColType[3] = "mp"; // Column 4
// Minimum amount of potions in each column before needing refilling
// If there's less potions then this number in the column we go and shop
// Set to 4 to go shopping as soon as there's a potion missing
// Leave columns set to "rv" at 0, since shops don't carry rejuvs
DT_BeltColMin[0] = 2;
DT_BeltColMin[1] = 2;
DT_BeltColMin[2] = 2;
DT_BeltColMin[3] = 2;
// ShopIt!
// YAM_ShopIt = true/false Set to true to shop every npc you talk to, false to skip this
// YAM_RandomNPC = true/false Set to true to always visit a random NPC before a run
// YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = true/false Set to true to always visit the local healer before a run
// YAM_AlwaysRepair = true/false Set to true to always visit the repair npc before a run
// YAM_AlwaysAkara = true/false Set to true to always visit Akara when in act 1
// YAM_AlwaysCharsi = true/false Set to true to always visit Charsi when in act 1
// YAM_AlwaysOrmus = true/false Set to true to always visit Ormus when in act 3
// YAM_AlwaysMalah = true/false Set to true to always visit Malah when in act 5
// YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = true/false Set to true to always visit Larzuk when in act 5
// YAM_AlwaysAnya = true/false Set to true to always visit Anya before killing Pindle if ShopIt is true
// Will also shop after comming back if PXP_EscapeThroughPortal is true
YAM_ShopIt = false;//是否和你谈话的NPC购物
YAM_RandomNPC = false;//是否在开始前随机找NPC谈话
YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = false;//是否每次开始前找那一章的治疗NPC谈话
YAM_AlwaysRepair = false;//是否在开始前都去修理一下
YAM_AlwaysAkara = false;//是否在开始前都去找阿卡拉(在第一章)
YAM_AlwaysCharsi = false;//是否在开始前都去找恰西(在第一章)
YAM_AlwaysOrmus = false;//是否在开始前都去找奥玛斯(在第三章)
YAM_AlwaysMalah = false;//是否在开始前都去找玛拉(在第五章)
YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = false;//是否在开始前都去找拉苏克(在第五章)
YAM_AlwaysAnya = false;//是否在开始前去找安亚(在第五章)
// GambleIt!
// YAM_GambleIt = true/false Set to true to gamble at Anya and Gheed each time you talk to them
// YAM_GambleStartGold = number Set a amount of gold before starting to gamble
// YAM_GambleStopGold = number Set a amount of gold before stopping to gamble It must be smaller than YAM_GambleStartGold
// DT_GambleItem Items that you are gonna gamble Must be nonempty when you set YAM_GambleIt to true
YAM_GambleIt = true;//是否赌博
YAM_GambleStartGold = 1000000;//多少钱开始赌
YAM_GambleStopGold = 200000;//剩多少钱结束
//DT_GambleItempush("rin"); // Rings戒指
//DT_GambleItempush("amu"); // Amulet护身符
DT_GambleItempush("ci0"); // Circlet头环
DT_GambleItempush("ci1"); // Coronet宝冠
// End of general configuration section
function XP_InitConfig() {
// Precasting configuration
// DA_UseCTA = true/false Switch to and use your CTA weapon runeword when doing the precasts
// DA_AutoPrecasts = true/false Set to true to ignore the config below and automatically detect which skills to use for precasts
// RedemMana = number Set this number to the LW_ManaThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value
// RedemLife = number Set this number to the LW_LifeThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value
// UseVigor= true/false True to use vigor in town If you find that you having problem with interact with merchant, set it to false
// DA_Refresh=true/false Set to true to refresh your precasts by default, if DA_AutoPrecasts is false
DA_UseCTA = false;//是否使用CTA
DA_AutoPrecasts = false; // keep on false I think there is a bug in the core是否自动使用防护技能
RedemMana = 50; // set your LW_ManaThresh to this value in your life watch file在mana剩多少时使用救读
RedemLife = 900;//血剩多少时使用救读
DA_Refresh = true;//是否更新防护技能
// Attack configuration
// Skill configuration
// XP_PallyAttack=number // Attack skill number
// XP_PallyAura=number // Aura skill number See /sdk/skillstxt for skill number
XP_PallyAttack=112; // Blessed hammer
XP_PallyAura=113; // Concentration
// Mercenary configuration
// DT_UseMerc = true/false Set to true to watch out for mercenary, revive him when he dies, etc
// YAM_AbortNoMerc = true/false Set to true to abort the game if the merc is dead and failed to be ressurected
// XP_EnchantMerc = true/false Set to true to cast Enchant on your merc when doing other precasts
DT_UseMerc = true;//是否使用pet
YAM_AbortNoMerc = true;//pet死了是否中断
XP_EnchantMerc = false;//是否对pet使用强化
// Other configurations
// DT_RepairPercent = number (%) Go repair if any of your items fall below this percent of durability
// DT_SkipHealLife = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your life, you won't go to a Healer Also the percent of life at which Safe Check will go to heal before a boss
// DT_SkipHealMana = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your mana, you won't g可以在手机里的Cydia里搜索对应想安装的插件,如果想要安装越狱版app,需要安装afc2add插件以下是网上搜索到的一些插件(你可以自行搜索):
序列 支持与否 插件名称 兼容版本 支持设备
1 是 20 second lockscreen 933 5s
2 是 8Alerts 933 5s
3 是 Action Menu 933 6+
4 是 Action Menu Plus Pack 933 6+
5 是 Activator 933 SE, 6+, 5S, 6s, 6S+
6 是 AdBlocker 2 933 6+,5s
7 是 Aeuria LS 933 6+
8 是 AlarmVolume 933 6+
9 是 Alkaline 932 6
10 是 Anchor 933 6
11 是 AndroidlockXT 933 5s
12 是 App Language Switcher 932 SE
13 是 Appendix 933 6, 5s
14 是 AppHide 933 5s
15 是 Apple File Conduit "2" 933-932 6s, 6
16 是 Appster 933 6, SE
17 是 AppSync Unified 933 6+
18 是 Assistant+ 932 SE
19 是 Assistive+ 933 5S
20 是 Auris 933 5s
21 是 AutoBrightness 933 6+
22 是 Auxo 3 (iOS 9) 933 6
23 是 Ayeris 933 6S
24 是 BackUpIt 932 SE
25 是 Barrel 6S+, 6
26 是 Bars 933 6s+
27 是 BetterFiveColumnHomeScreen 933 6S+, 6
28 是 BetterFiveIconDock 933 6+, 6, 6s+
29 是 BetterWiFi7 933 6
30 是 BioLockdown 933 5s
31 是 BioProtect 933 5S, 6+
32 是 Bloard 933 5S
33 是 BlurryBadges 933 6
34 是 Boxy 2 933 6
35 是 Breadcrumb10 933 6s
36 是 Breadcrumbsaway 933 6S
37 是 Bytafont 3 932 6s, 6
38 是 BytaFont Tweak Mode 933 6
39 是 CacheClearer 933 5s
40 是 Calendar For Lockscreen 933 5s
41 是 CallConnect 933 6
42 是 CCBackground 933 iPhone 6
43 是 CCLoader 933 5s
44 是 CircleIcons 933 6+
45 是 Cloaky 933 5s, 6+
46 是 CocoaTop 933 6
47 是 ColorBadges 933 6+, 5s
48 是 ColorBanners 933 6
49 是 ColorCodedLogs 933 6s
50 是 Copic 2 932 SE
51 是 Cream 933 6S
52 是 Cylinder 92-933 SE, Mini 4, 6
53 是 Datameter 933 6s+
54 是 DateCarrier 112 933 5s
55 是 DeleteCut 933 5S
56 是 DeleteForever 933 6+
57 是 DetailedBatteryUsage 933
58 是 Dim 933 6
59 是 Disk Pie 932 SE
60 是 DismissProgress 933 6+
61 是 DoubleCut 933 Mini3
62 是 Eclipse 3 933 6S
63 是 EnableLivePhotos 933 6
64 是 Facebook++ 933 5S, SE
65 是 Filza 933 6s
66 是 Fingal 5s
67 是 Flame 933 6+
68 是 FlappyGo 933 6s+
69 是 Flash 933 5s
70 是 Flex 3 933 6+,5s
71 是 FlipControlCenter 9342-933 5s
72 是 Flyer 933 5s
73 是 FolderEnhancer 933 5s
74 是 Front Flash 933 6+
75 是 Fuse 933 6
76 是 GIFPaper (iOS 7) 933 6+
77 是 GifViewer
78 是 GoTappa iOS 933 6
79 是 GrabberTime 933 6
80 是 GuizmoDNS 933 SE
81 是 GuizmoO 933 SE
82 是 Harbor
83 是 HardwareSpecs 933 5s
84 是 Harlem Shake 933 6s
85 是 HiddenConvos Pro 933 6s
86 是 iCaughtU Pro 933 6, 6s
87 是 iCleaner 92-933 6+, 5S
88 是 Icon Renamer 933
89 是 Icon Tool 933 5s
90 是 IDBox 933 6s
91 是 iFile 921-933 6S, 5s, 6
92 是 iKeyWi 3 (ios 8 & 9) 932 SE
93 是 IllLookLater 933 6+
94 是 Impulse 933 SE
95 是 indigo 932 6
96 是 Instagram++ 933 6+
97 是 Instalauncher 933 6s+
98 是 InstantTouchID 933 5s
99 是 iTouchSecure for iOS9 933 6+
100 是 Keyboard Accio 933 6+
101 是 KuaiDial (iOS 7/8/9) 933 6+
102 是 LastApp 933 6
103 是 LetMeSwitch 933 6
104 是 Lithium 933 5s
105 是 LocationFaker9 932 6
106 是 LockBeam 933 6
107 是 LockGlyph 933 6+, 5s
108 是 LockKeyboard 933 6
109 是 Lylac 933 6+
110 是 Masterball 933 6s, SE, 6+
111 是 Messages Customizer Pro 933 6+
112 是 Messenger ++ 6S, 6S+
113 是 Minimal Host Blocker 933 iPhone 5S,6
114 是 MiniTime 933
115 是 MTerminal 933 5s, 6S
116 是 MultiIconMover+ 933 5s,6s
117 是 Navigate From Maps 933 SE
118 是 NC Date Customizer 933 iPhone 6
119 是 nds4ios 933 iPhone 6
120 是 Nella 933 iPhone 6
121 是 netKillUI 933 e
122 是 NoAnnoyance 933 5s
123 是 NoAppStoreRedirect 933 6+,5s
124 是 NoDictation 933 6s
125 是 NoMotion 933 Mini 4
126 是 noNoSimAlert 8 933 Mini3
127 是 Notate 933 6+
128 是 NudeKeys 933, 932 5s, 6+, 6
129 是 onehandwizard 92 iPhone 6 Plus
130 是 OnlineNotify 6+
131 是 OpenSSH 933 6
132 是 Palert 933 6+
133 是 Pandora Downloader 933 iPhone 6, 5s
134 是 Pasithea 932 SE
135 是 PdaNet 92 - 933 6
136 是 Peek-a-Boo 933 iPhone 6
137 是 PersonalAssistant 933 6+
138 是 Phantom for Snapchat 933 SE, 6
139 是 Pheromone 933 6s+
140 是 PhotoAlbums+ for iOS9 and iPhone 933 6+
141 是 PM, really 932 6
142 是 Poke ++ for Pokemon Go! 92 & 933 5S, 6, 6S+, 6+
143 是 PokeMap 933 6s, 6s+
144 是 PokemonGoAnywhere 5S
145 是 Power Tap 932/3 6+, 6s+, 6
146 是 PowerApp 933 iPhone 6
147 是 PowerBanners 933 6+,5s
148 是 PreferenceLoader 933 5s
149 是 PriorityHub 933 SE
150 是 Protect My Privacy 933 5s
151 是 ProximityLock 933 5s
152 是 PullToRespring 933 6+
153 是 QuickDo (Activator) 932 SE
154 是 Remote Messages 933 5s
155 是 RevealNC 9 933 6, 6+
156 是 Rocket for Instagram 933 5S
157 是 Roundification 933 6+
158 是 Safari Downloader+ 933 6+
159 是 SendDelay 933 Iphone 5s
160 是 ShowAllChanges 933 6+
161 是 Showcase 933 iPhone 6
162 是 Shy Page Dots 933 iPhone 6
163 是 SimplePasscodeButtons 933 6s
164 是 SmoothCursor 933 6+
165 是 Snap+ 933 6s, 5s
166 是 Snapper 933 6 plus
167 是 SongCount 933 6+
168 是 Speed Intensifier 933 6S, 5s
169 是 Splitify 933 Mini3
170 是 SpotlightBeGone 933 5s, 6+, 6s+
171 是 Springtomize 3 (iOS9/8/7) 933 5s, SE, 6, 6S, 6+
172 是 Stalky 933 6s+
173 是 Stashing for iOS 92 - 933 933 6+
174 是 StatusBarTimer 933 iPhone 6
175 是 StatusVol X 933 6s
176 是 Swipe Home 933 6+
177 是 SwipeExpander 933 SE, 6+
178 是 SwipeForMore 933 5s, 6+
179 是 SwipeSelection 933
180 是 SwipeSelectionPro 933 5S, 6+
181 是 SwipeShiftCaret 933 5s
182 是 SwipyFolders 933 iPhone 6
183 是 Tage 933 5S,6+
184 是 TapTapFlip 933 6+
185 是 TetherMe 933 6+, 6
186 是 TextSender for Pebble 933 iPhone 6
187 是 TransparentDock 933 6S Plus
188 是 Twitter++ 933 6+
189 是 TwitterUICustomizer 933 5S, 6+
190 是 TypeStatus2 933 6+, 5s
191 是 UnlockSound 933 5s
192 是 UntetheredHeySiri 933
193 是 Upscale 933 5s,SE
194 是 VideoPlayerRotatable 933 5s
195 是 VirtualHome 8 n 9 933 5S,6
196 是 WAcallConfirm 932-933 5S
197 是 WatchNotifications 933 6+, 6
198 是 Watusi 933 5S
199 是 WiCarrier 933 iPhone 6
200 是 Wifi Passwords 933 iPhone 6
201 是 Wink 933 6s
202 是 Xgress 933 6s, 5S
203 是 Youtube++ 5s, 6, Mini 4可以在手机里的Cydia里搜索对应想安装的插件,如果想要安装越狱版app,需要安装afc2add插件以下是网上搜索到的一些插件(你可以自行搜索):以下是iOS933越狱插件清单序列支持与否插件名称兼容版本支持设备1是20secondlockscreen9335s2是8Alerts9335s3是ActionMenu9336+4是ActionMenuPlusPack9336+5是Activator933SE,6+,5S,6s,6S+6是AdBlocker29336+,5s7是AeuriaLS9336+8是AlarmVolume9336+9是Alkaline932610是Anchor933611是AndroidlockXT9335s12是AppLanguageSwitcher932SE13是Appendix9336,5s14是AppHide9335s15是AppleFileConduit"2"933-9326s,616是Appster9336,SE17是AppSyncUnified9336+18是Assistant+932SE19是Assistive+9335S20是Auris9335s21是AutoBrightness9336+22是Auxo3(iOS9)933623是Ayeris9336S24是BackUpIt932SE25是Barrel6S+,626是Bars9336s+27是BetterFiveColumnHomeScreen9336S+,628是BetterFiveIconDock9336+,6,6s+29是BetterWiFi7933630是BioLockdown9335s31是BioProtect9335S,6+32是Bloard9335S33是BlurryBadges933634是Boxy2933635是Breadcrumb109336s36是Breadcrumbsaway9336S37是Bytafont39326s,638是BytaFontTweakMode933639是CacheClearer9335s40是CalendarForLockscreen9335s41是CallConnect933642是CCBackground933iPhone643是CCLoader9335s44是CircleIcons9336+45是Cloaky9335s,6+46是CocoaTop933647是ColorBadges9336+,5s48是ColorBanners933649是ColorCodedLogs9336s50是Copic2932SE51是Cream9336S52是Cylinder92-933SE,Mini4,653是Datameter9336s+54是DateCarrier1129335s55是DeleteCut9335S56是DeleteForever9336+57是DetailedBatteryUsage93358是Dim933659是DiskPie932SE60是DismissProgress9336+61是DoubleCut933Mini362是Eclipse39336S63是EnableLivePhotos933664是Facebook++9335S,SE65是Filza9336s66是Fingal5s67是Flame9336+68是FlappyGo9336s+69是Flash9335s70是Flex39336+,5s71是FlipControlCenter9342-9335s72是Flyer9335s73是FolderEnhancer9335s74是FrontFlash9336+75是Fuse933676是GIFPaper(iOS7)9336+77是GifViewer78是GoTappaiOS933679是GrabberTime933680是GuizmoDNS933SE81是GuizmoO***933SE82是Harbor83是HardwareSpecs9335s84是HarlemShake9336s85是HiddenConvosPro9336s86是iCaughtUPro9336,6s87是iCleaner92-9336+,5S88是IconRenamer93389是IconTool9335s90是IDBox9336s91是iFile921-9336S,5s,692是iKeyWi3(ios8&9)932SE93是IllLookLater9336+94是Impulse933SE95是indigo932696是Instagram++9336+97是Instalauncher9336s+98是InstantTouchID9335s99是iTouchSecureforiOS99336+100是KeyboardAccio9336+101是KuaiDial(iOS7/8/9)9336+102是LastApp9336103是LetMeSwitch9336104是Lithium9335s105是LocationFaker99326106是LockBeam9336107是LockGlyph9336+,5s108是LockKeyboard9336109是Lylac9336+110是Masterball9336s,SE,6+111是MessagesCustomizerPro9336+112是Messenger++6S,6S+113是MinimalHostBlocker933iPhone5S,6114是MiniTime933115是MTerminal9335s,6S116是MultiIconMover+9335s,6s117是NavigateFromMaps933SE118是NCDateCustomizer933iPhone6119是nds4ios933iPhone6120是Nella933iPhone6121是netKillUI933e122是NoAnnoyance9335s123是NoAppStoreRedirect9336+,5s124是NoDictation9336s125是NoMotion933Mini4126是noNoSimAlert8933Mini3127是Notate9336+128是NudeKeys933,9325s,6+,6129是onehandwizard92iPhone6Plus130是OnlineNotify6+131是OpenSSH9336132是Palert9336+133是PandoraDownloader933iPhone6,5s134是Pasithea932SE135是PdaNet92-9336136是Peek-a-Boo933iPhone6137是PersonalAssistant9336+138是PhantomforSnapchat933SE,6139是Pheromone9336s+140是PhotoAlbums+foriOS9andiPhone9336+141是PM,really9326142是Poke++forPokemonGo!92&9335S,6,6S+,6+143是PokeMap9336s,6s+144是PokemonGoAnywhere5S145是PowerTap932/36+,6s+,6146是PowerApp933iPhone6147是PowerBanners9336+,5s148是PreferenceLoader9335s149是PriorityHub933SE150是ProtectMyPrivacy9335s151是ProximityLock9335s152是PullToRespring9336+153是QuickDo(Activator)932SE154是RemoteMessages9335s155是RevealNC99336,6+156是RocketforInstagram9335S157是Roundification9336+158是SafariDownloader+9336+159是SendDelay933Iphone5s160是ShowAllChanges9336+161是Showcase933iPhone6162是ShyPageDots933iPhone6163是SimplePasscodeButtons9336s164是SmoothCursor9336+165是Snap+9336s,5s166是Snapper9336plus167是SongCount9336+168是SpeedIntensifier9336S,5s169是Splitify933Mini3170是SpotlightBeGone9335s,6+,6s+171是Springtomize3(iOS9/8/7)9335s,SE,6,6S,6+172是Stalky9336s+173是StashingforiOS92-9339336+174是StatusBarTimer933iPhone6175是StatusVolX9336s176是SwipeHome9336+177是SwipeExpander933SE,6+178是SwipeForMore9335s,6+179是SwipeSelection933180是SwipeSelectionPro9335S,6+181是SwipeShiftCaret9335s182是SwipyFolders933iPhone6183是Tage9335S,6+184是TapTapFlip9336+185是TetherMe9336+,6186是TextSenderforPebble933iPhone6187是TransparentDock9336SPlus188是Twitter++9336+189是TwitterUICustomizer9335S,6+190是TypeStatus29336+,5s191是UnlockSound9335s192是UntetheredHeySiri933193是Upscale9335s,SE194是VideoPlayerRotatable9335s195是VirtualHome8n99335S,6196是WAcallConfirm932-9335S197是WatchNotifications9336+,6198是Watusi9335S199是WiCarrier933iPhone6200是WifiPasswords933iPhone6201是Wink9336s202是Xgress9336s,5S203是Youtube++5s,6,Mini4ios9越狱后要装什么才能看越狱系统