

概述我有一个最初注定是网络服务器的VPS,但也需要部署一些最小的邮件功能,包括作为独立服务器发送和接收. 目前的设置如下: > Postfix提示邮件,用户在虚拟表中,存储在MySQL中 >在连接上,所有服务器都使用针对某些DNSBL的policyd-weight服务进行测试 >所有邮件都是在垃圾邮件客户端的帮助下通过SpamAssassin垃圾邮件运行的 >然后邮件随Dovecot 2’LDA(本地 我有一个最初注定是网络服务器的VPS,但也需要部署一些最小的邮件功能,包括作为独立服务器发送和接收.


> Postfix提示邮件,用户在虚拟表中,存储在MySQL中
>然后邮件随Dovecot 2’LDA(本地传递代理),虚拟用户一起提供




我已经削减了spamassassin的模块(见下文),但我真的很想听到一些建议如何尽可能减少内存占用,主要是:SpamAssassin真正需要什么插件以及或多或少无用的插件,关于我目前的后缀& policyd-weight设置?



postfix / master.cf(仅限部分)

dovecot   unix  -       n       n        -      -       pipe  flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/bin/spamc -e /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipIEnt} -f {sender}

postfix / main.cf(仅限部分)

smtpd_helo_required = yessmtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,reject_invalID_hostname,permitsmtpd_recipIEnt_restrictions =  permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_non_fqdn_hostname,reject_non_fqdn_recipIEnt,reject_unkNown_recipIEnt_domain,reject_unauth_pipelining,reject_unauth_destination,check_policy_service inet:,permit


$REJECTMSG = "550 Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged. Ask your Mail/DNS-administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings or to get removed from DNSBLs";$REJECTLEVEL = 4;$DEFER_STRING = 'IN_SPAMcop= BOGUS_MX=';$DEFER_ACTION = '450';$DEFER_LEVEL  = 5;$DNSERRMSG = '450 No DNS entrIEs for your MTA,HELO and Domain. Contact YOUR administrator';# 1: ON,0: OFF (default)# If ON request that ALL clIEnts are only checked against RBLs$dnsbl_checks_only = 0;# 1: ON (default),0: OFF# When set to ON it logs only RBLs which affect scoring (positive or negative)$LOG_BAD_RBL_ONLY  = 1;## DNSBL settings@dnsbl_score = (        # host,hit,miss,log name        'dnsbl.ahbl.org',3,-1,'dnsbl.ahbl.org','dnsbl.njabl.org','dnsbl.sorbs.net','bl.spamcop.net','Zen.spamhaus.org','pbl.spamhaus.org','cbl.abuseat.org','List.dsbl.org',);# If ClIEnt IP is Listed in MORE DNSBLS than this var,it gets REJECTed immediately$MAXDNSBLHITS  = 3;# alternatively,if the score of DNSBLs is ABOVE this level,reject immediately$MAXDNSBLscore = 9;$MAXDNSBLMSG = '550 Az levelezoszerveruk IP cime tul sok spamListan talahato,kerjuk ellenorizze! / Your MTA is Listed in too many DNSBLs; please check.';## RHSBL settings@rhsbl_score = (        'multi.surbl.org',4,'multi.surbl.org','rhsbl.ahbl.org','dsn.rfc-ignorant.org',#       'postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org',0.1,'postmaster.rfc-ignorant.org',#       'abuse.rfc-ignorant.org','abuse.rfc-ignorant.org');# skip a RBL if this RBL had this many continuous errors$BL_ERROR_SKIP = 2;# skip a RBL for that many times$BL_SKIP_RELEASE = 10;## cache stuff# must be a directory (add trailing slash)$LOCKPATH = '/var/run/policyd-weight/';# socket path for the cache daemon.$SPATH = $LOCKPATH.'/polw.sock';# how many seconds the cache may be IDle before starting maintenance routines#NOTE: standard maintenance jobs happen regardless of this setting.$MAXIDLECACHE = 60;# after this number of requests do following maintenance jobs: checking for config changes$MAINTENANCE_LEVEL = 5;# negative (i.e. SPAM) result cache settings ################################### set to 0 to disable caching for spam results. To this level the cache will be cleaned.$CACHESIZE = 2000;# at this number of entrIEs cleanup takes place$CACHEMAXSIZE = 4000;$CACHEREJECTMSG  = '550 temporarily blocked because of prevIoUs errors';# after NTTL retrIEs the cache entry is deleted$NTTL = 1;# clIEnt MUST NOT retry within this seconds in order to decrease TTL counter$NTIME = 30;# positve (i.,e. HAM) result cache settings #################################### set to 0 to disable caching of HAM. To this number of entrIEs the cache will be cleaned$POSCACHESIZE = 1000;# at this number of entrIEs cleanup takes place$POSCACHEMAXSIZE = 2000;$POSCACHEMSG = 'using cached result';#after PTTL requests the HAM entry must succeed one time the RBL checks again$PTTL = 60;# after $PTIME in HAM Cache the clIEnt must pass one time the RBL checks again.#Values must be nonfractal. Accepted time-units: s,m,h,d$PTIME = '3h';# The clIEnt must pass this time the RBL checks in order to be Listed as hard-HAM# After this time the clIEnt will pass immediately for PTTL within PTIME$TEMP_PTIME = '1d';## DNS settings# RetrIEs for ONE DNS-Lookup$DNS_RETRIES = 1;# Retry-interval for ONE DNS-Lookup$DNS_RETRY_IVAL  = 5;# max error count for unresponded querIEs in a complete policy query$MAXDNSERR = 3;$MAXDNSERRMSG = 'passed - too many local DNS-errors';# persistent udp connection for DNS querIEs.#broken in Net::DNS version 0.51. Works with Net::DNS 0.53; DEFAulT: off$PUDP= 0;# Force the usage of Net::DNS for RBL lookups.# normally policyd-weight trIEs to use a faster RBL lookup routine instead of Net::DNS$USE_NET_DNS  = 0;# A List of space separated NS IPs# This overrIDes resolv.conf settings# Example: $NS = '';# DEFAulT: empty$NS  = '';# timeout for receiving from cache instance$IPC_TIMEOUT  = 2;# If set to 1 policyd-weight closes connections to smtpd clIEnts in order to avoID too many#established connections to one policyd-weight child$TRY_BALANCE  = 0;# scores for checks,WARNING: they may manipulate eachother# or be factors for other scores.#  HIT score,MISS score@clIEnt_ip_eq_helo_score = (1.5,-1.25 );@helo_score  = (1.5,-2 );@helo_score  = (0,-2 );@helo_from_mx_eq_ip_score= (1.5,-3.1  );@helo_numeric_score= (2.5,0 );@from_match_regex_verifIEd_helo= (1,-2 );@from_match_regex_unverifIEd_helo = (1.6,-1.5  );@from_match_regex_Failed_helo  = (2.5,0 );@helo_seems_dialup = (1.5,0 );@Failed_helo_seems_dialup= (2,0 );@helo_ip_in_clIEnt_subnet= (0,-1.2  );@helo_ip_in_cl16_subnet  = (0,-0.41 );#@clIEnt_seems_dialup_score  = (3.75,0 );@clIEnt_seems_dialup_score  = (0,0 );@from_multiparted  = (1.09,0 );@from_anon= (1.17,0 );@bogus_mx_score = (2.1,0 );@random_sender_score  = (0.25,0 );@rhsbl_penalty_score  = (3.1,0 );@enforce_dyndns_score = (3,0 );

spamassassin / init.pre(我把.pre文件放在一起)

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcashloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPFloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzorloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::autoLearnThresholdloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEheaderloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTagsloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Checkloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::httpSMismatchloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail    loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayesloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::BodyEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HTMLEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::headerEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WLBLEvalloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::VBounceloadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody

spamassassin / local.cf(parts)

use_bayes                       1bayes_auto_learn                1bayes_store_module              Mail::SpamAssassin::Bayesstore::MysqLbayes_sql_dsn                   DBI:MysqL:db:              userbayes_sql_password              passbayes_ignore_header             X-Bogositybayes_ignore_header             X-Spam-Flagbayes_ignore_header             X-Spam-Status### User settingsuser_scores_dsn                 DBI:MysqL:db:        useruser_scores_sql_username        passuser_scores_sql_custom_query    SELECT preference,value FROM _table_ WHERE username = _USERname_ OR username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = CONCAT('%',_DOMAIN_) ORDER BY username ASC# for better speedscore DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL       0score __RFC_IGnorANT_ENVFROM    0score DNS_FROM_RFC_DSN          0score DNS_FROM_RFC_BOGUSMX      0score __DNS_FROM_RFC_POST       0score __DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE      0score __DNS_FROM_RFC_WHOIS      0


由于adaptr建议我删除policyd-weight并配置postfix postscreen,这导致RAM使用率约为-15-20 MB,工作速度更快.我不确定它是否满负荷工作,但似乎很有希望.

解决方法 我建议你升级到postfix 2.8并部署 postscreen;这是专门设计为僵尸/ DNSBL分类服务器,并高速处理多个黑名单.







原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/1042656.html

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