linux – Rsync显示单个文件的进度

linux – Rsync显示单个文件的进度,第1张

概述我正在使用rsync上传/下载一个非常大的文件(20Gb).我知道–progress选项,但它在我的情况下做的只是向我展示结果. 我的问题是在一些不稳定的连接期间 – 我不知道它是否仍在下载/上传或出现问题.有没有办法显示单个文件的进度条?类似于wget默认做的事情? 谢谢! 这可能就是你所追求的. % rsync -avvz --times --stats --checksum --human- 我正在使用rsync上传/下载一个非常大的文件(20Gb).我知道–progress选项,但它在我的情况下做的只是向我展示结果.

我的问题是在一些不稳定的连接期间 – 我不知道它是否仍在下载/上传或出现问题.有没有办法显示单个文件的进度条?类似于wget默认做的事情?


解决方法 这可能就是你所追求的.
% rsync -avvz --times --stats --checksum --human-readable --acls \    --itemize-changes --progress \    --out-format='[%t] [%i] (Last ModifIEd: %M) (bytes: %-10l) %-100n' \    /usr/include/glib-2.0 my-glib-copy/


> -avvz = archive,verbose x 2,compress
> –times =保留修改时间
> –stats =提供一些文件传输统计信息
> –checksum =基于校验和跳过,而非mod-time&尺寸
> –human-readable =以人类可读格式输出的数字
> –acls =保留ACL(隐含-p)
> –itemize-changes =输出所有更新的更改摘要
> –progress =显示转移期间的进度
> –out-format ='[%t] [%i](上次修改时间:%M)(字节:%-10l)%-100n’

>%t =当前日期时间
>%i =正在更新的内容的逐项清单
>%M =文件的上次修改时间
>%-10l =文件的长度(以字节为单位)(-10表示对齐和精度)
>%-100n =文件名(短格式;在目录上尾随“/”)( – 100表示​​对齐和精度)



sending incremental file Listdelta-transmission Disabled for local transfer or --whole-file[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [cd+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/12/19-08:13:31) (bytes: 4096      ) glib-2.0/[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [>f+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/09/30-15:02:30) (bytes: 1511      ) glib-2.0/glib-object.h       1.51K 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00       1.51K 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1,to-check=181/183)[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [>f+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/09/30-15:02:30) (bytes: 2910      ) glib-2.0/glib.h       2.91K 100%    2.78MB/s    0:00:00       2.91K 100%    2.78MB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#2,to-check=180/183)[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [>f+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/09/30-15:02:31) (bytes: 3613      ) glib-2.0/gmodule.h       3.61K 100%    3.45MB/s    0:00:00       3.61K 100%    3.45MB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#3,to-check=179/183)......[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [>f+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/09/30-15:02:31) (bytes: 8431      ) glib-2.0/gobject/gvaluecollector.h       8.43K 100%  141.96kB/s    0:00:00       8.43K 100%  141.96kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#178,to-check=1/183)[2012/12/23 21:34:46] [>f+++++++++] (Last ModifIEd: 2010/09/30-15:02:31) (bytes: 8507      ) glib-2.0/gobject/gvaluetypes.h       8.51K 100%  143.23kB/s    0:00:00       8.51K 100%  143.23kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#179,to-check=0/183)total: matches=0  hash_hits=0  false_alarms=0 data=1305506rsync[2996] (sender) heap statistics:  arena:         540672   (bytes from sbrk)  ordblks:            3   (chunks not in use)  smblks:             7  hblks:              2   (chunks from mmap)  hblkhd:        401408   (bytes from mmap)  allmem:        942080   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)  usmblks:            0  fsmblks:          592  uordblks:      404784   (bytes used)  fordblks:      135888   (bytes free)  keepcost:      134240   (bytes in releasable chunk)rsync[2999] (server receiver) heap statistics:  arena:         286720   (bytes from sbrk)  ordblks:            2   (chunks not in use)  smblks:             8  hblks:              3   (chunks from mmap)  hblkhd:        667648   (bytes from mmap)  allmem:        954368   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)  usmblks:            0  fsmblks:          672  uordblks:      174480   (bytes used)  fordblks:      112240   (bytes free)  keepcost:      102352   (bytes in releasable chunk)rsync[2998] (server generator) heap statistics:  arena:         233472   (bytes from sbrk)  ordblks:            4   (chunks not in use)  smblks:             6  hblks:              2   (chunks from mmap)  hblkhd:        401408   (bytes from mmap)  allmem:        634880   (bytes from sbrk + mmap)  usmblks:            0  fsmblks:          448  uordblks:       83152   (bytes used)  fordblks:      150320   (bytes free)  keepcost:      131120   (bytes in releasable chunk)Number of files: 183Number of files transferred: 179Total file size: 1.31M bytesTotal transferred file size: 1.31M bytesliteral data: 1.31M bytesMatched data: 0 bytesfile List size: 6.30Kfile List generation time: 0.001 secondsfile List transfer time: 0.000 secondsTotal bytes sent: 350.39KTotal bytes received: 3.43Ksent 350.39K bytes  received 3.43K bytes  707.64K bytes/sectotal size is 1.31M  speedup is 3.69



> Showing total progress in rsync: is it possible?

One of the answers提到在较新版本的rsync中,现在支持进度条.它看起来像这样:

% ./rsync -a --info=progress2 /usr .    305,002,533  80%   65.69MB/s    0:00:01  xfr#1653,ir-chk=1593/3594)



以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的linux – Rsync显示单个文件的进度全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决linux – Rsync显示单个文件的进度所遇到的程序开发问题。




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