“By default,the new thread’s scheduling policy and priority are
inherited from the creating thread—that is,by default,the
pthread_create(3) routine ignores the scheduling policy and priority
set in the specifIEd thread attributes object. Thus,to create a
thread that is subject to the scheduling policy and priority set in
the specifIEd thread attributes object,before calling
pthread_create(3) your program must use the
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3) routine to set the inherit thread
attributes object’s scheduling attribute to PTHREAD_EXPliCIT_SCHED.”
这适用于linux posix线程(NPTL pthread)吗?
最佳答案从here开始:The following values may be specifIEd in inheritsched:
Threads that are created using attr inherit scheduling attributes from the creating thread; the scheduling attributes in attr are ignored.PTHREAD_EXPliCIT_SCHED
Threads that are created using attr take their scheduling attributes from the values specifIEd by the attributes object.The default setting of the inherit scheduler attribute in a newly initialized thread attributes object is PTHREAD_inherit_SCHED.
我实际上已经认为这个默认值可以由标准定义(虽然我没有那么多经验,但我承认),但是看看Thread Scheduling Attributes部分的最后一行:
总结(…) The default values of other scheduling attributes are implementation-defined.
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的linux – pthread_create():什么是默认优先级和shceduling策略全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决linux – pthread_create():什么是默认优先级和shceduling策略所遇到的程序开发问题。