2、Gerbview将在屏幕上或硬拷贝中可视化您的设计。您不再需要等待原型电路板才可以看到您的真实设计。GerbView 是一个用来gerber查看的工具,它可以再你的电脑没有安装cam350软件的情况下帮助你浏览、打印和标记Gerber 、HPGL 、Excellon 和Raster 文件。使用非常方便,拥有缩放,测量,标记等功能,还可以支持鼠标滚轮缩放和推移。
GerberView is available as Shareware I am leaving it up to you (the user) to determine what GerberView is worth Try it for awhile and come to your own conclusion as to its value
Upon registering GerberView, I will send confirmation that your payment was received I will not send any other materials (installation diskette or documentation) upon receiving your payment Please keep this in mind when determining a fair price for GerberView If you wish to be notified (via e-mail) when future versions of GerberView are released please include your e-mail with your registration information
To register GerberView send payment (in the amount you feel it is worth) to:
GerberView Registration
835 Weatherhead Hollow Road
Guilford, VT 05301
Please include the following
User Name
Company Name
Street address
City, State, ZIP
so I can register the software appropriately方法如下:
2在设置列表中找到 App Store 与 iTunes Store ,点击打开。
3在 iTunes Store 与 App Store 列表中,点击当前已经登录的 Apple ID 账号。
4点击“注销”按钮,然后再重新登录 Apple ID 账户。
5把 App Store 应用从后台退出。
6重新打开 App Store 应用商店,此时应该已经变成中文界面了。