用delphi 如何修改其他程序的窗口标题,请大侠们指点下。谢谢
使用API函数 setWIndowtext
The SetWindowText function changes the text of the specified window's title bar (if it has one). If the specified window is a control, the text of the control is changed. However, SetWindowText cannot change the text of a control in another application.
BOOL SetWindowText( HWND hWnd,
LPCTSTR lpString
[in] Handle to the window or control whose text is to be changed.
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string to be used as the new title or control text.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
If the target window is owned by the current process, SetWindowText causes a WM_SETTEXT message to be sent to the specified window or control. If the control is a list box control created with the WS_CAPTION style, however, SetWindowText sets the text for the control, not for the list box entries.
To set the text of a control in another process, send the WM_SETTEXT message directly instead of calling SetWindowText.
The SetWindowText function does not expand tab characters (ASCII code 0x09). Tab characters are displayed as vertical bar (|) characters.
Windows 95/98/Me: SetWindowTextW is supported by the Microsoft® Layer for Unicode (MSLU). To use this, you must add certain files to your application, as outlined in Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems.
HWND hwndCombo
int cTxtLen
PSTR pszMem
switch (uMsg)
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
Get the handle of the bo box and the
length of the string in the edit control
of the bo box.
hwndCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDD_COMBO)
cTxtLen = GetWindowTextLength(hwndCombo)
Allocate memory for the string and copy
the string into the memory.
pszMem = (PSTR) VirtualAlloc((LPVOID) NULL,
(DWORD) (cTxtLen + 1), MEM_COMMIT,
GetWindowText(hwndCombo, pszMem,
cTxtLen + 1)
Add the string to the list box of the
bo box and remove the string from the
edit control of the bo box.
if (pszMem != NULL)
SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDD_COMBO,
(DWORD) ((LPSTR) pszMem))
SetWindowText(hwndCombo, (LPSTR) NULL)
Free the memory and return.
VirtualFree(pszMem, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
return TRUE
Process other dialog box mands.
Process other dialog box messages.
Function Information
Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
Import library User32.lib
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1
Unicode Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
delphi 编译的软件,其窗口显示在任务栏的标题,通常可以通过以下方法修改:
在 IDE 菜单里,Project ->Options ->Application ->Title