

第一条 为了解决互联网络域名争议,根据有关法律、行政法规及《中国互联网络域名管理办法》的规定,制订本办法。

第二条 本办法适用于因互联网络域名的注册或者使用而引发的争议。所争议域名应当限于由中国互联网络信息中心负责管理的CN域名和中文域名。但是,所争议域名注册期限满两年的,域名争议解决机构不予受理。

第三条 域名争议由中国互联网络信息中心认可的争议解决机构受理解决。


第四条 争议解决机构实行专家组负责争议解决的制度。专家组由一名或三名掌握互联网络及相关法律知识,具备较高职业道德,能够独立并中立地对域名争议作出裁决的专家组成。域名争议解决机构通过在线方式公布可供投诉人和被投诉人选择的专家名册。

第五条 任何机构或个人认为他人已注册的域名与该机构或个人的合法权益发生冲突的,均可以向争议解决机构提出投诉。


第六条 域名争议解决程序使用的语言为中文,但投诉人和被投诉人另有约定,或者专家组决定采用其他语言的除外。

第七条 投诉人和被投诉人应当对各自的主张承担举证责任。

第八条 符合下列条件的,投诉应当得到支持:




第九条 被投诉的域名持有人具有下列情形之一的,其行为构成恶意注册或者使用域名:





第十条 被投诉人在接到争议解决机构送达的投诉书之前具有下列情形之一的,表明其对该域名享有合法权益:




第十一条 投诉人针对同一被投诉人的多个域名提出争议的,投诉人或者被投诉人可以请求争议解决机构将多个争议合并为一个争议案件,由同一个专家组处理。是否合并处理,由专家组决定。

第十二条 在专家组就有关争议作出裁决之前,投诉人或者被投诉人认为专家组成员与对方当事人有利害关系,有可能影响案件的公正裁决的,可以向争议解决机构提出要求专家回避的请求,但应当说明提出回避请求所依据的具体事实和理由,并举证。是否回避,由争议解决机构决定。

第十三条 在域名争议解决程序中,除域名注册服务机构根据争议解决机构的要求提供与域名注册及使用有关的信息外,中国互联网络信息中心和域名注册服务机构不以任何身份或者方式参与争议解决程序。

第十四条 专家组根据投诉人和被投诉人提供的证据及争议涉及的事实,对争议进行裁决。专家组认定投诉成立的,应当裁决注销已经注册的域名,或者裁决将注册域名转移给投诉人。专家组认定投诉不成立的,应当裁决驳回投诉。

第十五条 在依据本办法提出投诉之前,争议解决程序进行中,或者专家组作出裁决后,投诉人或者被投诉人均可以就同一争议向中国互联网络信息中心所在地的中国法院提起诉讼,或者基于协议提请中国仲裁机构仲裁。

第十六条 争议解决机构裁决注销域名或者裁决将域名转移给投诉人的,自裁决公布之日起满10日的,域名注册服务机构予以执行。但被投诉人自裁决公布之日起10日内提供有效证据证明有管辖权的司法机关或者仲裁机构已经受理相关争议的,争议解决机构的裁决暂停执行。





第十七条 在域名争议解决期间以及裁决公布10日内,域名持有人不得申请转让或者注销处于争议状态的域名,但受让人以书面形式同意接受争议解决裁决约束的除外。

第十八条 争议解决机构建立专门的互联网络网站,通过在线方式接受有关域名争议的投诉,并发布与域名争议有关的资料。但经投诉人或者被投诉人请求,争议解决机构认为发布后有可能损害投诉人或者被投诉人利益的资料和信息,可不予发布。

第十九条 中国互联网络信息中心可以根据互联网络及域名技术的发展,以及中国有关法律、行政法规及政策的变化等情况对本办法加以修改。修改后的办法将通过网站公布,且于公布之日起30日后实施。本办法修改前已经提交到争议解决机构的域名争议不适用新办法。


第二十条 本办法由中国互联网络信息中心负责解释。

第二十一条 本办法自2006年3月17日起施行。2002年9月30日施行的原《中国互联网络信息中心域名争议解决办法》同时废止。

Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative systemThe applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisonsThe main body for controls debates both sides and the victimThe content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penaltyExamines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedureExplains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.

Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative systemThe applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisonsThe main body for controls debates both sides and the victimThe content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penaltyExamines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedureExplains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.

Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the Germany, Italy also obtains the development, becomes in the world one kind of important lawsuit system.Regarding explains the transaction system, our country educational world existence loudly disputed that, mainly has definitely said, the denial said, goes slowly says three major points.But from our country judicature practice analysis, our country has had the establishment to explain the transaction system the thought foundation, the system foundation, the legal foundation and the fact foundation.Regarding explains the transaction system the construction, may begin from following six aspects: Generally called explains the transaction system to change controls debates the consultative systemThe applicable scope section control in is possibly condemned the case which the set term of imprisonment 3 years following penalty, imprisonsThe main body for controls debates both sides and the victimThe content limit for only can carry on the transaction to the penaltyExamines to the ordinary procedure simplification carries on the revision, joins explains the transaction procedureExplains the transaction agreement to recognize by the written judgment form that, determines its legal effect.

Content summary:

Debate and tell the trade system is a kind of new criminal suit system developed in U.S.A. since the 20th century, since emerging in it, not only American and French department country popularize in Great Britain, until Germany, Italy continent law department country develop, become a kind of important lawsuit system in the world. Tell the trade system in debating, the educational circles of our country have greater disputes, mainly must say, deny and say, walk slowly and speak three kinds of main views. Analyze from of our country judicial practice our country have, establish, debate, tell trade thought foundation, system foundation, legal foundation and fact foundation of system already. Tell the construction of the trade system in debating, can set about from six following respects: A generally refered one debate, tell trade system change into and accuse of debating the system of consultingApplicable scope section control in might penalty, case of detention to sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 3 yearThe subject, in order to accuse of debating both sides and victimThe content is restricted to and can only do a deal to penaltySimplify, examine, go on, revise to ordinary procedure, accede to and debate and tell the transaction procedureDebate, tell trade agreement assert, fix his legal effect in the form of court verdict.

Keyword: Debate the trade of telling, the concept, historical evolution, the comparative law analyzes, legislate to propose

Content summary:

Debate and tell the trade system is a kind of new criminal suit system developed in U.S.A. since the 20th century, since emerging in it, not only American and French department country popularize in Great Britain, until Germany, Italy continent law department country develop, become a kind of important lawsuit system in the world. Tell the trade system in debating, the educational circles of our country have greater disputes, mainly must say, deny and say, walk slowly and speak three kinds of main views. Analyze from of our country judicial practice our country have, establish, debate, tell trade thought foundation, system foundation, legal foundation and fact foundation of system already. Tell the construction of the trade system in debating, can set about from six following respects: A generally refered one debate, tell trade system change into and accuse of debating the system of consultingApplicable scope section control in might penalty, case of detention to sentence to fixed-term imprisonment 3 yearThe subject, in order to accuse of debating both sides and victimThe content is restricted to and can only do a deal to penaltySimplify, examine, go on, revise to ordinary procedure, accede to and debate and tell the transaction procedureDebate, tell trade agreement assert, fix his legal effect in the form of court verdict.

Keyword: Debate the trade of telling, the concept, historical evolution, the comparative law analyzes, legislate to propose

设立:set up;install; emplace



set up

The students also set up debating teams.



Do they realize not to install programs without your permission?



And although wonderful things we could emplace that they tell us are working and we know nodoubt, but we believe it right now, we wouldn't be here.



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11439719.html

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