

、利用NOR Flash

种利用JLink能够烧写程序NOR Flash完首先利用J-FLASH ARMu-boot.bin烧写进NOR Flash(记烧写NOR Flash0x0起始址处)设置发板NOR Flash启候系统进入U-boot命令行模式候打J-Link commander输入命令:r 看JLink否能识别发板信息(判断JLink否连接)

J-Link commander命令先假设u-boot.bin电脑D盘根目录

1. speed 12000 //设置TCK12M载程序快

2. loadbin d:\u-boot.bin 0x30000000


我U-boot命令行模式输入NAND Flash擦除写入命令即:

nand erase 0 40000

// 擦除0址始0x40000Nnad Flash扇区0x40000待写入U-boot.bin致度度必须NAND Flash页整数倍通需要比u-boot.bin实际度

nand write 30000000 0 40000 // 前面载0x30000000u-boot.bin烧写Nand

我再设置发板NAND Flash启即转载仅供参考


你需要下载uniflash -simplelink来实现对片外sflash的烧写。



Begin Format operation.

[10:01:05] INFO: >Executing Operation: Connect

[10:01:05] DEBUG: waiting and clearing uart rx buffer

[10:01:07] INFO: setting break signal

[10:01:07] INFO: --- please restart the device ---

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:07] INFO: connection succeeded

[10:01:07] INFO: getting storage list

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:07] INFO: >Executing Operation: Init

[10:01:07] INFO: reading version info

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:07] INFO: DEVICE CC3200 ES1.33

[10:01:07] INFO: reading version info

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:07] DEBUG: Bootloader version is 2, 1, 4, 0

[10:01:07] DEBUG: It's a CC3200 device: PG1.33 or higher

[10:01:07] DEBUG: Switch UART pinmux to APPS

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:07] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:08] DEBUG: Switch to NWP bootloader complete

[10:01:08] INFO: reading version info

[10:01:08] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:01:23] DEBUG: UART timeout

[10:01:23] DEBUG: --- COM Port timeout on ACK read

[10:01:23] ERROR: No ACK

[10:01:38] DEBUG: UART timeout

[10:01:53] DEBUG: UART timeout

[10:01:53] ERROR: Error, version response should be 28 bytes, device is sending 0

[10:02:08] DEBUG: UART timeout

[10:02:08] ERROR: FAUpdateNwpBootloader failed - version info is incorrect

[10:02:08] FATAL: Error loading the bootloader. Error code: -3

[10:02:08] INFO: >Executing Operation: Disconnect

[10:02:08] DEBUG: disconnecting from device . . .

[10:02:08] DEBUG: wait for ack

[10:02:23] DEBUG: UART timeout

[10:02:23] DEBUG: --- COM Port timeout on ACK read

[10:02:23] Operation Format returned.


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/12012209.html

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