java *** 作word

java *** 作word,第1张

最近在做项目的时候需要这么一个功能 客户有一大堆word格式的模板 需要我们用程序向模板里面填充一些数据 如果是直接重新写一个Word 用POI或Itext都可以搞定 关键是读取并解析 而且Word里有表格 图片等其他东西 这两个框架要解析就比较麻烦 然而用jacob却可以轻松搞定


import jacob activeX ActiveXComponent

import Dispatch

import Variant

public class WordHandle{


private ActiveXComponent app


private Dispatch words


private Dispatch doc


private Dispatch cursor


private boolean readOnly


private Dispatch tables


private Dispatch table

private int count

public WordHandle()


this app = new ActiveXComponent( Word Application )

this app setProperty( Visible new Variant(false))    // 设置word不可见

words = this app getProperty( Documents ) toDispatch()

this doc = null

this cursor = null

this readOnly = true

unt =


public boolean open(String fileName boolean readOnly) throws Exception


if (doc != null)

 举闹 {

System out println( 当前文件未关闭 )

return false


this doc = Dispatch invoke(this words Open Dispatch Method new Object[] {fileName new Variant(false) new Variant(readOnly)} new int[ ]) toDispatch()

this cursor = app getProperty( Selection ) toDispatch()

this tables = Dispatch get(this doc Tables ) toDispatch()

this readOnly = readOnly

unt = Dispatch get(Dispatch get(this doc Words ) toDispatch() Count ) getInt()

System out println( 打开文件 + fileName + (readOnly ? ReadOnly : Writable ))

return true


public boolean newFile() throws Exception


if (doc != null)


System out println( 当前文件未关闭 )

 早吵 return false


this doc = Dispatch call(this words Add ) toDispatch()

this readOnly = false

this cursor = app getProperty( Selection ) toDispatch()

this tables = Dispatch get(this doc Tables ) toDispatch()

System out println( 新建word文档 )

return true


public boolean close()


String fileName = null

if (this doc != null)




fileName = Dispatch get(this doc Name ) getString()

Dispatch call(this doc Close new Variant(false))


catch (Exception e)


e printStackTrace()




this doc = null



System out println( 关闭文件 + fileName)

return true


public boolean quit()




this app invoke( Quit new Variant[] {})


catch (Exception e)


e printStackTrace()


System out println( 退出word )

return true


public boolean saveAs(String fileName) throws Exception


if (this doc == null)


System out println( 当前无文件 )

return false




Dispatch call(this doc SaveAs fileName)

System out println( 另存为 + fileName)

return true



public boolean save() throws Exception


if (this doc == null)


System out println( 当前无文档 无法保存 )

return false




if (this readOnly)


System out println( 只读文档 保存失败 )

return false


Dispatch call(this doc Save )

System out println( 保存完成 )

return true



public boolean moveRight(int steps) throws Exception


//int start = Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()

//Dispatch put(this cursor Start start + steps)

for (int i= i<stepsi++)


Dispatch call(cursor MoveRight )


return true


public boolean moveLeft(int steps) throws Exception


for (int i= i<stepsi++)


Dispatch call(cursor MoveLeft )


return true


public int search(String str) throws Exception


// 从cursor所在位置开始查询

Dispatch find = Dispatch call(this cursor Find ) toDispatch()

// 设置要查找的内容

Dispatch put(find Text str)

// 向前查找

Dispatch put(find Forward True )

// 设置格式

Dispatch put(find Format True )

// 大小写匹配

Dispatch put(find MatchCase True )

// 全字匹配

Dispatch put(find MatchWholeWord True )

// 查找

if (!Dispatch call(find Execute ) getBoolean())




return Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()



public int searchOnly(String str) throws Exception


// 从cursor所在位置开始查询

Dispatch find = Dispatch call(this cursor Find ) toDispatch()

// 设置要查找的内容

Dispatch put(find Text str)

// 向前查找

Dispatch put(find Forward True )

// 大小写匹配

Dispatch put(find MatchCase True )

// 全字匹配

Dispatch put(find MatchWholeWord True )

if (!Dispatch call(find Execute ) getBoolean())




int start = Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()

Dispatch put(this cursor End unt)

//System out println(start)

return start



public String getBeeen(int start int end) throws Exception


Dispatch range = Dispatch get(this cursor Range ) toDispatch()

Dispatch call(range SetRange start end)

return Dispatch get(range Text ) getString()


public String getLineAfter(int start) throws Exception


Dispatch put(this cursor Start start)

int length = Dispatch call(this cursor EndKey ) getInt() + start

return getBeeen(start length)


public String getLine(int position) throws Exception


Dispatch put(this cursor Start position)

Dispatch call(this cursor SelectRow )

int start = Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()

int end = Dispatch get(this cursor End ) getInt()

return getBeeen(start start + end)


public boolean gotoPage(int index) throws Exception


Dispatch invoke(this cursor Goto Dispatch Method new Object[] { String valueOf(index)} new int[ ])

//Dispatch call(this cursor GoTo wdGoToLine wdGoToNext String valueOf(index) null)

return true


public int getCurrentCursor() throws Exception


return Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()


public boolean setCursorMode() throws Exception


Dispatch put(this cursor End Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt())

return true


public boolean gotoHome() throws Exception


Dispatch put(this cursor Start )

return true


public boolean insert(int steps String str) throws Exception


int start = Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt() + steps

Dispatch put(this cursor Start start)

Dispatch call(this cursor InsertBefore str)

//this getCount()

Dispatch put(this cursor Start start + str length())

//System out println(Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt() +    + (Dispatch get(this cursor Start ) getInt()+Dispatch get(this cursor End ) getInt()))

return true


public boolean replace(String str) throws Exception


Dispatch put(this cursor Text str)

return true


public int getTableNum() throws Exception


return Dispatch get(this tables Count ) getInt()


public boolean setCurrentTable(int index) throws Exception


this table = Dispatch call(this tables Item new Variant(index)) toDispatch()

Dispatch call(this table Select )

return true


public String getCell(int row int col) throws Exception


Dispatch cell = Dispatch call(table Cell Integer toString(row) Integer toString(col)) toDispatch()

Dispatch call(cell Select )

String tmp = Dispatch get(this cursor Text ) getString()

//System out println( + tmp)

if (tmp length() >)


return tmp substring( tmp length() )





public boolean replaceCell(int row int col String str) throws Exception


Dispatch cell = Dispatch call(table Cell Integer toString(row) Integer toString(col)) toDispatch()

Dispatch call(cell Select )

Dispatch put(this cursor Text str)

return true


public static void main(String args[])


WordHandle word = new WordHandle()



word open( D://doc//tax//开业登记合并事项实地调查表 doc false)

System out println(word getTableNum())

word setCurrentTable( )

word replaceCell( old Name )

word replaceCell( 经营范围 )

word replaceCell( )

word replaceCell( )

word replaceCell( )

word saveAs( D://开业登记合并事项实地调查表 doc )

word close()

word quit()


catch (Exception e)





当然要运行上面的代码需要下载jacob 下载地址为 project



计行好像还在处于研发阶段,不太稳定,做项目不太敢用);java2Word、jacob容易报错找不到注册,比较诡异,我曾经在不同的机器上试过, *** 作


于读的好办法。经过一番选择还是折中点采用rtf最好,毕竟rtf是开源格式,不需要借助任何插件,只需基本IO *** 作外加编码转换即可。rtf格式文件表


----- 实现的功能:读取rtf模板内容(格式和文本内激悄容),替换变化部分,形成新的rtf文档。

----- 实厅铅岩现思路:模板中固定部分手动输入,变化的部分用$info$表示,只需替换$info$即可。





public String bin2hex(String bin) {

char[] digital = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray()

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("")

byte[] bs = bin.getBytes()

int bit

for (int i = 0i <bs.lengthi++) {

bit = (bs[i] &0x0f0)




bit = bs[i] &0x0f



return sb.toString()


public String readByteRtf(InputStream ins, String path){

String sourcecontent =



ins = new


byte[] b

= new byte[1024]

if (ins == null) {



int bytesRead = 0

while (true) {

bytesRead =, 0, 1024)// return final read bytes


if(bytesRead == -1) {// end of InputStream




sourcecontent += new String(b, 0, bytesRead)// convert to string

using bytes


}catch(Exception e){





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