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Innovation derives from inspiration, but also perspiration. It is creation that prompts the rapid development of technolofy and promote the effiency of the society. Were there no creation, on no account could the individual make progress.

Inspiration could be a suddent thought coming from the nature or the action happened around. newton, great scientist in history, found the gravity when he was standing under a tree. Suddenly, to his surprise, an apple hit him which inspired him to consider the reason why the apple went down and hit him rather flied into the moon if the tree was tall enough. After a long time of experiment and mathmatic calculation, he discoveried the existence of gravity which made great contribution to the development in physics.

Addmittedly, ispiration is a vital source for innovation. However, it is not the only source. As Newton once said " the reason why see further is because I stand on the shoulder of the Giants.' These giants, including Copernicus, have also devoted themselvers into physics and made great innocation. Copernicus, after promoting the clearness of the telescope, found out the truth that Earth revolves around the sun and it is not the center of the universe after years of observation. This great discovery, though had not been comfirmed due to the authority of the catholitic church, made great contribution to the history of physics and inspired one generation and another to keep being creative and brave in the search for the essen of the nature and universe.

As quotated by thomas Edison' Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration' During the process of achieving the dream and success, the most vital thing is creativity which will support the individuals to keep trying and moving on. The more cretive one would be, the more he can explored and invented and the better the world he can created for himself.








[例句]It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration.


[其悉圆他]复数:inspirations 形近词: dispiration respiration perspiration


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/12463013.html

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