






1、The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child


2、Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit


3、She was being fitted for her wedding dress


4、He folded his long legs to fit under the table


Swimming helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy and it is a good way to keep fit
动名词Swimming 作主语
Climbing up the mountain will make you exhausted
Stop talking please请不要讲话



fit英 [fɪt]   美 [fɪt]

vt& vi安装;合身;(使)适合

















good 1
/ gud; ɡʊd/ adj (better / ˈbetə(r); ˋbɛtɚ/, best/best; bZst/)
of high quality; of an acceptable standard; satisfactory 好的; 优质的; 符合标准的; 令人满意的: a good lecture, performance, harvest 好的演讲﹑ 表演﹑ 收成 good pronunciation, behaviour, eyesight 好的发音﹑ 行为﹑ 视力 a good (eg sharp) knife 快的刀 Is the light good enough to take photographs 光线适合照相吗 The car has very good brakes 这辆汽车的刹车很灵 Her English is very good 她的英语很好
(a) ~ (at sth) (often used with names of occupations or with ns derived from vs 常与职业名称或动词派生的名词连用) able to perform satisfactorily; competent 表现令人满意的; 有能力的: a good teacher, hairdresser, poet, etc 优秀的教师﹑ 理发师﹑ 诗人等 good at mathematics, languages, describing things 擅长数学﹑ 语言﹑ 叙事 a good loser, ie one who doesn't complain when he loses 输得起的人 (b) [pred 作表语] ~ with sth/sb capable when using, dealing with, etc sth/sb 善於使用某物﹑ 处事﹑ 待人或用人: good with one's hands, eg able to draw, make things, etc 手巧(如会画﹑ 会做东西等) He's very good with children, ie can look after them well, amuse them, etc 他很会照看孩子
(a) morally acceptable; virtuous 有道德的; 高尚的: a good deed 合乎道德的行为 try to lead a good life 努力过高尚的生活 (b) (esp of a child) well-behaved (尤指儿童)守规矩的, 乖的: Try to be a good girl 要做个乖女孩
~ (to sb) willing to help others; kind 乐於助人的; 好心的; 仁慈的: You were a good girl to help in the shop 你帮店里干活儿, 是个好姑娘 He was very good to me when I was ill 我生病时他帮了我的大忙 Would you be good enough to carry this for me 劳驾给我拿着这个行吗
pleasant; agreeable; welcome 快乐的; 愉快的; 随和的; 令人喜悦的: The firm has had good times and bad times 这公司经历过顺境和逆境 What good weather we're having! 天气多好哇! Have you heard the good news about my award 你听到我获奖的好消息了吗 It's good to be home again 重返家园, 令人快慰
(of food) fit to be eaten; not yet rotting or rotten (指食物)适合食用的, 未腐败的: good eggs, fruit, etc 新鲜的鸡蛋﹑ 水果等 Separate the good meat from the bad 把鲜肉和腐肉分开
[usu attrib 通常作定语] not diseased; healthy; strong 无病的; 健康的; 强健的: good teeth and bones 健康的牙齿和骨骼 Would you speak into my good ear, I can't hear in the other one 请对着我这只没毛病的耳朵说, 那只耳朵听不见
(of money) not fake or false; genuine (指钱)非伪造的, 真的: This note is counterfeit, but that one's good 这张钞票是假的, 那张是真的 (fig 比喻) I gave good money for that camera, and it turned out to be worthless 我买那架照相机可真花了一大笔钱, 结果却不能用
[attrib 作定语] (of clothes, etc) used only for more formal or important occasions (指衣服等)仅用於庄重的或重要的场合的: My one good suit is at the cleaner's 我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢 Wear your good clothes to go to church 要穿上像样的衣服去做礼拜
[attrib 作定语] thorough; complete; sound 彻底的; 完全的; 着实的: give sb a good beating, scolding, telling-off, etc 给某人一顿痛打﹑ 痛骂﹑ 痛斥等 go for a good long walk 好好地散散步 We had a good laugh at that 那件事情叫我们笑个痛快
[usu attrib 通常作定语] amusing 有趣的; 好玩的: a good story, joke, etc 有趣的故事﹑ 笑话等 `That's a good one!' she said, laughing loudly ‘这个真有意思!’她大笑着说
~ (for sb/sth) beneficial; wholesome 有益的; 有益健康的: the good (ie clean, refreshing) mountain air 山中清新的空气 Is this kind of food good for me 这种食物对我身体有益吗 Sunshine is good for your plants 你的花草要多晒太阳 This cream is good for (ie soothes and heals) burns 这种油膏治烧伤和烫伤很管事儿
~ (for sth/to do sth) suitable; appropriate 适合的; 相宜的: a good time for buying a house/to buy a house 买房子的适当时机 This beach is good for swimming but bad for surfing 这个海滨适於游泳而不适於冲浪 She would be good for the job 她做这工作很合适
~ for sth (a) (of a person or his credit) such that he will be able to repay (a sum lent) (指人或其信贷)有偿还(借款)能力的: He/His credit is good for 5000 他[凭他信用]可获贷款5000英镑 (b) having the necessary energy, fitness, durability, etc 有必要的精力﹑ 健康条件﹑ 忍耐力等的: You're good for (ie will live) a few years yet 你还能活几年呢 This car's good for many more miles 这辆汽车还能行驶很多英里 (c) valid for sth 有效的: The return half of the ticket is good for three months 回程票三个月内有效
(used in greetings 用於问候): Good morning/afternoon/evening! 你好!
(fml 文) (used as a polite, but more often patronizing, form of address or description 用作敬称或客气的描述, 但多含屈尊俯就之意): my good sir, man, friend, etc 我的好先生﹑ 好人﹑ 好朋友等 How is your good lady (ie your wife) 尊夫人好吗
[attrib 作定语] (used as a form of praise 用作赞语): Good old Fred! 忠厚的弗雷德! Good man! That's just what I wanted 好心人! 那正是我想要的
[attrib 作定语] (used in exclamations 用於感叹句): Good Heavens! 天哪! Good God! 上帝呀!
(with a与a连用) [attrib 作定语] (a) great in number, quantity, etc (数目﹑ 数量等)很大的, 很多的: a good many people 很多人 We've come a good (ie long) way/distance 我们是远道而来的 (b) (used with expressions of measurement, quantity, etc 与表示量度﹑ 数量等的短语连用) not less than; rather more than 不少於; 稍多於: We waited for a good hour 我们足足等了一小时 It's a good three miles to the station 离车站至少三英里 She ate a good half of the cake 那个蛋糕她整整吃了一半
(idm 习语) as good as almost; practically 几乎; 实际上: He as good as said I'm a liar, ie suggested that I was a liar without actually using the word `liar' 他无异於说我撒谎(只是未用‘撒谎’一词罢了 The matter is as good as settled 这事等於解决了 good and (infml 口) completely 完全; 彻底: I won't go until I'm good and ready 我完全准备好了才去 a good `few a considerable number (of); several 相当多(的); 几个: `How many came' `A good few' ‘来了多少’‘很不少’ There are still a good few empty seats 还有好几个空位子 ,good for `sb, `you, `them, etc (infml 口) (used when congratulating sb 用以祝贺某人) sb, etc did well 某人干得好: She passed the exam Good for her! 她考试及格了 真行! (For other idioms containing good, see entries for other major words in each idiom 查阅其他含有good一词的习语, 见该习语中含有其他主要词的词条, 如 (as) good as gold => gold; in good time => time1)
> good adv (US infml 口) well 好好地: Now, you listen to me good! 喂, 你好好听我说!
# good `faith honest or sincere intention 诚实; 真挚; 善意: I don't doubt your good faith 你是好意, 我并不怀疑
`good-for-nothing n, adj [attrib 作定语] (person who is) worthless, lazy, etc 无用的(人); 懒惰的(人): Where's that good-for-nothing son of yours 你那个废物儿子在哪儿呢
,Good `Friday the Friday before Easter, commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ 耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五, 纪念耶稣被钉死在十字架上)
,good-`hearted adj kind 好心肠的; 仁慈的
,good `humour cheerful mood or state of mind 愉快的心情或心态: a meeting marked by good humour andfriendliness 充满愉快和友好气氛的会议 a man of greatgood humour 脾气极好的男子 ,good-`humoured adj cheerful; amiable 愉快的; 和蔼可亲的
,good `looks pleasing appearance (of a person) 好看的相貌; (人的)漂亮的外表 ,good-`looking adj (esp of people) having a pleasing appearance (尤指人)漂亮的, 好看的: She's terribly good-looking 她非常漂亮 a ,good-looking `horse 一匹好看的马 =>Usage at beautiful 用法见beautiful
,good `nature kindness and friendliness of character 温顺的性情; 和蔼 ,good-`natured adj having or showing good nature 温顺的; 和蔼的: a ,good-natured `person, dis`cussion 温顺的人﹑ 温和的讨论气氛
,good-`neighbourliness n [U] friendly relations with or a friendly attitude towards one's neighbours 友好的睦邻关系或态度
,good `sense soundness in judgement; practical wisdom 判断的准确性; 处理问题的智慧
,good-`tempered adj not easily irritated or made angry 脾气好的; 不爱生气的 good 2
/ gud; ɡʊd/ n
[U] that which is morally right or acceptable 有道德的事; 善: the difference between good and evil 善恶之分 Is religion always a force for good 宗教一向是诲人从善的力量吗
[U] that which gives benefit, profit, advantage, etc 好处﹑ 利益﹑ 益处等: work for the good of one's country 为国家利益工作 I'm giving you this advice for your own good 我劝你是为你好 Do social workers do a lot of good 社会工作者的贡献大吗 Cf 参看 do-gooder (do1)
the good [pl v] virtuous people 高尚的人: a gathering of the good and the great 贤人伟人荟萃
(idm 习语) be no/not much/any/some `good (doing sth) be of no, not much, etc value 没有﹑ 没什麽好处: It's no good (my) talking to him (我)同他谈没有用 Was his advice ever any good 他的建议有什麽价值吗 This gadget isn't much good 这小机械没什麽用处 What good is it asking her 问她有什麽好处 do (sb) `good benefit sb 有益於(某人): Eat more fruit: it will do you good 多吃水果, 对你有好处 This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn't do much good, ie isn't very effective 这咳嗽药不难吃, 但作用不大 (usu ironic 通常作反语) Much good may it do you, ie You won't get much benefit from it 但愿对你大有好处(其实对你没什麽好处) for `good (and `all) permanently; finally 永久; 永远; 决定性地: She says that she's leaving the country for good, ie intending never to return to it 她说她要永远离开这个国家 to the `good (used to describe sb's financial state) in credit (用以记述某人的财务状况)盈余: We are 500 to the good, ie We have 500 more than we had 我们盈余500英镑 up to no `good (infml 口) doing sth wrong, mischievous, etc 做坏事; 淘气; 恶作剧: Where's that naughty child now I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is 那调皮孩子哪儿去了 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来

1 How can we stay healthy
Do you know the A/H1N1 It's the new illness But You do not need to worry itbecause you can't catch it when you keep healthy
How can we keep healthy Ok ,let me tell you First you must wash your hands before meals You should eat more fruit and more veatables You shouldn't eat more meat Second you'd better not to go to school without breakfast You mastn't sipt in pubilc Last ,you had better to clean your bodies everyday!
I hope many people can keep healthyAnd keep away from the illness
2 How can we stay healthy
Nowadays, a lot of people are very busy, they do not care for their health very much, so sometimes they will have some problems in health Then more and more people begin to look after themselves There are many different ways to keep healthy, let me tell you my idea
Firstly, doing sports is good for our health, so every day I often play basketball with my friends after class Now I become stronger and stronger Secondly, food is very important for us Some of us like meat, but don't like vegetables As we know too much meat is not good for us, we should eat right food
In a word, health is the most important I think if you take my advice, you can be more healthy
3 How can we stay healthy
Health plays an important role in our lifeIt is the basis of happiness which is the treasure of all,young or old,men or womenJust as a saying goes,where there is health,there is hope where there is hope ,there is everything
How can we get healthy since health is above everythingCan we find ways to get what everyone desire to possess
Of course, we can By having a healthy life And as we know,health lies in a good habitTherefore,we should try to develop some good habits
Here are some suggestions for us to follow
Firstly,regular exercise is a mustIt is well-known that sports and games not only build up our body but also relax our mindAmong the popular activities are jogging,dancing, playing badminton,playing t’ai chi or yoga They will make us strong and flexibleExamples show that many diseases can be prevented by keeping regular exercise hours,and especially those who move less should remember to do itClimbing mountain tires one,but it force us to breathe deeply and does good to you lungs
Secondly,If possible,try to have a banaced dietThere is no doubt that appropriate food provides us with needed energy Doctors advise that we eat more fruit and vegetables as well as rice and noodlesBeef,mutton,pork, eggs and milk are necessary because they add fuel to bones so it is no wonder that most teenagers have a preference for meat
Thirdly,Try to be open and cheerfulA man who has no friends is like a closed society which has no hopeOpen your mind to some that you think can become your friendsShare your ideas with them,release your stress (pressure) by having a chat or going out
Finally,Don’t forget to read some booksA truly healthy man should be healthy in mind as well as in body while health in mind depends on reading and thinkingA saying goes that books are to the mind what food is to the body Unlike watching TV,reading delights us ,sets us thinking and helps us get real freedom and liberation in mind And eventually bring us happiness

1 To resemble or harmonize with:
The coat matches the dress
2To adapt or suit so that a balanced or harmonious result is achieved; cause to correspond:
You should match your deeds to your beliefs
3To find or produce a counterpart to:
It's difficult to match the color of old paint
4To place in opposition or competition; pit:
She matched her skill against all comers
5To set in comparison; compare:
beauty that could never be matched
6To provide funds so as to equal or complement:
The government will match all private donations to the museum
1To be the proper size and shape for:
These shoes fit me
2To cause to be the proper size and shape:
The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them
3To measure for proper size:
She fitted me for a new jacket
4To be appropriate to; suit:
music that fits your mood
5To be in conformity or agreement with:
observations that fit the theory nicely
6To make suitable; adapt:
fitted the shelves for large books
7To make ready; prepare:
Specialized training fitted her for the job
8To equip; outfit:
fit out a ship
9To provide a place or time for:
You can't fit any more toys in the box The doctor can fit you in today
10To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place:
fit a handle on a door
11To be suited; belong:
doesn't fit in with these people
12To be in harmony; agree:
His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion
1To meet the requirements of; fit:
This candidate does not suit our qualifications
2To make appropriate or suitable; adapt:
builders who suit the house to the owner's specifications
3To be appropriate for; befit:
a color that suits you
4To please; satisfy:
a choice that suits us all
5To provide with clothing; dress:
The NCOs suited the recruits in green uniforms
go on with
Go on with you。
energy 原是物理学上的术语“能量”, 用于人时则指“精力”, 如:
He worked with great energy
power 力量,能力
strength 使个人的行为,行动变为可能的力量 power(物理上或自然具备的)力量,能力[of] the power of nature 自然力 to the best of one';s power 尽最大力量 do all in one';s power 尽力而为 I did all in my power to save the boy from drowning 我尽全力去救那个男孩使他免於溺水 He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的能力 b [the power]<做…的>力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future 据说她有预测未来的能力 2 [powers](身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力 His powers were failing 他的体力在衰退 lose one';s powers 丧失体力;衰老 a man of great mental powers [ 才智横溢]的人 3 (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权 the party in power 执政党 come to [into] power 掌权;得势 rise to [fall from] power 取得[失去]权力 be in a person';s power 在某人之掌握中[控制下] have a person in one';s power 可随意 *** 纵[支使]某人 have power over 控制
strength 1 (U) a 力,力量,体力 a man of great strength 大力士 with all one';s strength 尽全力 b <做…的>力量,体力 I don';t have the strength [haven';t strength enough] to lift this box 我没有[没有足够]力气提起这个手提箱 2 (U)(精神上的)力量;智力;能力;道义感 strength of mind [will] 精神[意志]力 3 a 长处;优点 His strength lies in his honesty 他的长处是诚实 b 凭恃,依靠,支持 God is our strength 上帝是我们的力量[支持…] 4 (U) 抗力,持久力 the strength of a bridge 桥的抗力[强度] 5(U) a 势力,威力;资力 national strength 国力 military strength 军事力量 b 兵力;人数,人手 battle strength 战斗力 at full strength 全体动员地,以全力 in full [great] strength 以全体[巨大]力量 What is your strength 你们(一共)有多少人 6(议论等的)说服力 7(U) 强度,强固, 浓度,浓淡 the strength of a light [sound] 光[声音]的强度 the strength of a solution 溶液的浓度 ○1They would be delighted to do all in their ________ for Dorothy, who had set them free from slavery A right B mind C strength D power 答案D ○2Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your ________ to resolve it A energy B power C strength D force 答案 B



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