200高分继续重金属摇滚乐,其他好听的歌曲也行 ! 再送 50分悬赏 !!!

200高分继续重金属摇滚乐,其他好听的歌曲也行 ! 再送 50分悬赏 !!!,第1张

(从韩剧《巴黎恋人》中认识的曲子。爱上了就无法收拾!! )
4、雪之女王电视原声音乐-11 眼泪的华尔兹
9、季节回归 成诗京 o s t 〈春天的华尔兹〉
10、one love (kbs春天的华尔兹 ost)-loveholic(带有轻轻的灵魂乐感觉的好歌,适合晚上夜深人静时听)
14、天国的树-snow in japan(天国的树里广受好评的配乐,希望你也喜欢)
16、雏菊 原声带
18、对不起,我爱你(插曲)-珍贵的人 - 允(郑景浩)
19、《对不起,我爱你》像开始一样 - 郑在旭
20、《对不起,我爱你》 - 最后的抉择(最帅气的配乐)
22、对不起,我爱你插曲-tell me all about it(好听哦)
23、ost-one day has passed(对不起,我爱你)
24、韩国抒情歌曲-到你身边(巴黎的恋人) - 赵成模
25、巴黎的恋人- 赵成模-你的唯一
28、217如果爱 - 尹健 悲伤恋歌原声带
29、韩剧-悲伤恋歌-love (金喜善) - nat king
34、悲伤恋歌 别让我的心破碎
35、008回想 humming, 金喜善) 悲伤恋歌原声带
37、十年之后 - 宋承宪(悲伤恋歌)(我超喜欢的一首歌,适合男友向你求婚的时候听哦)
38、我的名字叫金三顺-she is
39、我的名字叫金三顺- 不能分手的分手
40、我的名字叫金三顺-inside my heart
41、我的名字叫金三顺 - 钢琴曲i
42、我的名字叫金三顺 骑脚踏车时的歌曲
45、我的名字叫金三顺原声大碟 05 goodbye 告别i(上面那首歌的男声版,我个人更喜欢这个版本咯)
49、奇迹般的你 (布拉格恋人)
50、布拉格恋人 仅此唯一的爱 刘海俊
51、布拉格恋人 伤心的谎言 金时振
54、muluju te (收自布拉格恋人ost)(剧中我最喜欢的配乐,也是最常出现的配乐)
55、02 布拉格恋人 就这回 任宰范
56、巴厘岛的故事-my love(苏志燮坦言在该剧中最喜欢的歌哦)
58、02 不行吗(巴厘岛的故事) 白智英
62、千年之爱-朴完奎(信乐团 死了都要爱 原曲原唱)
63、so in love(超好听,爱在哈佛主题曲
65、韩剧-爱在哈佛 - rain
68、韩剧-爱在哈佛 - tears
69、爱在哈佛-to breathe within love
70、my life(爱在哈佛)

中药材中有很多是来源于动物的,而且有些是来源于珍贵的野生动物。一般来讲,我们大致可以从药材名称上来区分是否来源于动物。但有时候,药材的名称不象是动物的但实际上却是来源于动物的,如石决明;而有时药材的名称象是动物的,但是实际上却是植物的,如山乌龟和贝母等。所以,仅从名称上来辨别并不完全可靠。甚至问医生也不一定可靠,因有些药虽是植物类的但却是经过动物类药炮制而成的,如胆南星是植物类药天南星经胆汁炮制而成,如问医生他有可能告诉你是植物类药。下面列出所有容易混淆的药材,以供大家方便查询。如果根据此表仍然不能确定您所要查询的药材,请将药材名称发给我们:white70000@hotmailcom此处将所有药材分成四类:动物类,植物类,菌类,其它类(矿石类)。我们将经过动物类药炮制的植物中药也归入动物类。每一类中又分许多小类,我们将每类药材名称的特点作了简要说明,且按汉语拼音字顺列出了所有容易混淆的药材。因有些药材有许多名称,故此处所列仍未能详尽,我们将根据收集的资料随时更新此表。动物类药材名称一般多含有动物名或动物偏旁,如虫,贝,鱼,龟等。但仍有许多例外,列表如下。有些药虽来源于动物,但并不伤害生命,如蝉蜕等,亦一并列出。贝壳类:此类名称中多含有贝,螺,蚬,蛤,蛎,鲍,母,蚌等字,但贝母是一种植物根茎。此处列出一些名称中没有这些字的贝类药材。 虫类:此类名称中多含有虫,或虫字旁的字,如蛸,蝥,螬等。此处列出一些名称暧昧的虫类药材。 棘皮类(海产品):此类名称中多含有海参,海胆,海星等字,海参类有时与人参等参类较难区别,此处列出一些名称中不含“海参”而实际是海参的药材。 鱼蛙 龟鳖类:鱼类名称中多含有鱼,龙,海马,或有鱼字旁的字等。蛙类名称中多含有蛙,蟆,蟾蜍等字。龟鳖类名称中多含有龟,龟板(龟的底甲),鳖,甲,玳瑁等字。较少例外。 蜥蜴 蛇类:此类名称中多含有蛇,龙子,虎,及虫字旁的字,如蛤,螈等,此处列出的是例外。 鸟类:此类名称中多含有鸟,鸡,燕,乌,雉,雀,及鸟字旁的字,较易辨别。 骨类 角类:此类名称中多含有骨,角和茸(鹿茸)字,容易辨别。但地骨皮是一种树皮。 其它杂类:此类中有虫草,珍珠,燕窝,蜂房,牛黄等。 名称不象动物但实际上是来源于动物的药材 处方名别名动物来源拉丁文名(1)阿胶阿胶丁,阿胶珠为驴皮熬制成的胶块- 胆南星天南星,胆星为植物类中药天南星经胆汁炮制而成Arisacma consanguineum Schott冬虫夏草冬虫草寄生于幼虫头部的子囊菌 ,虫和菌均入药Corduceps sinensis(Berk)Sacc凤凰衣- 鸡蛋的内膜Gallus gallusdomesticus Brisson海月- 蛤科动物Placuna placenta(Linnaeus)红娘子- 蝉科动物Huechys sanguinea De Geer花刺参- 刺参科动物Stichopus variegatu Semper鸡内金内金,炙内金为鸡的沙囊Gallus gallusdomesticus Brisson甲香- 蝾螺Turbo cornutus Solander栉江珧- 江珧科动物Pinna pectinata(Linnaeus)烙铁头山烙铁头(山)烙铁头蛇Trimeresurus monticola Guenther两色桌片参- 沙鸡子科动物Mensamaria intarcedens (Lampert)鳞砗磲- 砗磲动物Tridacna squamosa(Linnaeus)绿刺参- 刺参科动物Stichopus chlorohotus Brandt马宝- 马胃中的草节- 梅花参- 刺参科动物Thelenota ananas (Jaeger)牛黄西黄,犀黄,正牛黄牛的胆结石Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin注:人工牛黄仍然是来源于动物的,是猪或牛的胆汁提取物。麝香元寸香,当门子一种鹿科动物的分泌物Moschus moschiferus L石决明- 鲍科动物Haliotis midae Linnaeus注:名称与植物类中药决明类似,但不是同一种药物。守宫- 一种壁虎Gekko suinbouna Gunther鼠妇- 平甲虫Armadillidium vulgare(Latreille)瓦楞子魁蚶蚶科动物Arca inflata Reeve五倍子- 倍蚜科昆虫Melaphis chinensis (Bell) Baker西施舌- 蛤蜊科动物Mactra antiguata Spengler鱼脑石鱼首石鱼的耳石Sciaena schlegeli Bleeker竹叶青- 竹叶青蛇Trimeresurus albolabris Gray紫河车胎盘粉为人的胎盘- 其它虽来源于动物但并不伤害生命的。蚕沙- 蚕的粪便- 蝉蜕- 为蝉自行脱落- 五灵脂- 鼯鼠的粪便- 植物类药材名称一般多含有花,英,草,豆,木,兰,根,香,蓝等字或偏旁。但仍有许多例外,列表如下。皮类:此类常以皮字命名,实为树皮,如五加皮,秦皮,地骨皮,荃皮等,也有杜仲,救必应等。 名称不象植物但实际上是来源于植物或其它非动物产品的 处方名别名来源拉丁文名根茎,全草,茎木,叶,果实及种子类A艾片龙脑香,冰片,梅片一种树脂Druobalanops aromatica Gaertn f安息香- 一种树脂Styrax benzoin DryandB八角- 常绿乔木Illicium verum Hookf八月札木通常绿藤木Akebia quinata(thunb)Decen巴戟巴戟天一种藤状灌木的根Morinda officinalis How白附子白附,禹白附,关白附,制白附一种草本植物的块茎Typhonium giganteum Engl白及白芨一种草本植物的根茎Bletilla striata (Thunb)Reichbf白胶香枫香脂枫香树的树脂Liquidambar formosana Hce白前- 一种灌木的根茎Cynanchum stauntonii(Decne) Schitr ex Lerl白术冬术,于术多年生草本的根茎Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz[WT]白头翁北紫草草本植物Pulsatilla chinensis(Bge)Regel白鲜皮白鲜草本植物Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz百部百部根多年生草本的茎Stemona japonica(Bl)Miq百合- 多年生草本Lilium brownii FEBrown varcolchosteri Wils败酱草黄花败酱草本植物Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch半夏法夏,法半夏,姜夏,制半夏,苏夏,清半夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit北寄生桑寄生,桑寄,广寄生一种小灌木Taxilus chinensis (DC)Danser北沙参沙参多年生草本的根Adenophora stricta Miq北五味子五味,五味子落叶木质藤本Schisandra chinensis (Turcz)Baill北细辛细辛多年生草本Asarum heterotropoides Fr Schm var mandshuricum[Maxim] Kitag贝母川贝,川贝母,浙贝母,浙贝,象贝一种百合科植物的茎Fritillaria cirrhosa D Don崩大碗- 伞形科植物Centella asiatica冰片梅片,龙脑香,艾片一种树脂Druobalanops aromatica Gaertn f补骨脂破故纸一种一年生草本果实Psoralea corylifolia LC苍耳子苍耳一种菊科植物Xanthium sibiricum Patr苍术茅术多年生草本Atractylodes lancea(Thunb)DC草河车重楼,蚤休一种百合科植物Paris polyphylla smith Varchinensis(Franch)Hara草决明决明子一种豆科植物的种子Cassia obtusifolia L草乌- 多年生草本Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb柴胡- 伞形科草本Bupleurum chinense DC常山- 一种小乔木Clerodendrum trichotomum L潮脑樟脑长绿乔木Cinnamomum comphora(L)Presl车前子车前多年生草本Plantago asiatica L陈佛手佛手片,佛手常绿乔木Citrus medica L Var sarcodactylis(Noot) Swingle陈皮- 柑桔的果皮Citrus reticulata Blanco沉香- 瑞香科植物Aquilaria sinensis[Lour] Gilg重楼蚤休,草河车一种百合科植物Paris polyphylla smith Varchinensis(Franch)Hara川贝母川贝,贝母,浙贝母,浙贝,象贝一种百合科植物的茎Fritillaria cirrhosa D Don川军大黄,生军一种草本植物的根Rheum officinale Baill川连黄连一种草本的根Coptis chinensis Franch川牛膝土牛膝根,土牛膝,牛膝,怀牛膝多年生草本Achyranthes bidentata Bl川石斛石斛,金石斛一种兰科植物Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe川乌乌头,附子,附片,熟附片,熟附多年生草本Aconitum carmichaeli Debx川续断川断,续断多年生草本Dipsacus japonicus Miq川郁金广郁金,郁金,玉金姜科植物Curcuma wenyujin YH Chen et C Ling穿破石- 桑科植物Cudrania cochinchinensis[Lour]Kudo et Masam刺五加- 五加科植物Acanthopanax senticosus[Rupr et Maxim] HarmsD丹参紫丹参多年生草本Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge冬青- 乔木Ilex chinensis Sims独角金- 玄参科植物Striga asiaiica[L]OKtze大腹皮- 槟榔的果皮Areca catechu L大黄生军,川军一种草本植物的根Rheum officinale Baill大戟京大戟多年生草本Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr大力子牛蒡,牛子,鼠粘子一种菊科植物Arctium lappa L大皂角皂荚,大皂荚,牙皂,皂角,猪牙皂一种豆科植物Gleditsia sinensis Lam当归归身,当归身,当归尾,归尾,全当归伞形科植物的根Angelica sinensis(Oliv) Diels党参防党,潞党参一种桔梗科植物的根Codonopsis pilosula(Franch) Nannf地胆头- 菊科植物Elephantopus scaber L地丁紫花地丁,紫地丁植物地丁草Viola yedoensis Makino地肤地肤子一年生草本Kochia scoparia (L)Schrad地锦- 草本Euphorbia humifusa Willd冬术白术,于术多年生草本的根茎Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz[WT]独活- 伞形科植物的根Angelica pubescens Maximfbiserrata Shan et Yuan杜仲- 落叶乔木的根Eucommia ulmoides OlivF法夏半夏,法半夏,姜夏,制半夏,苏夏,清半夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit防风- 一种草本植物的根Saposhnikovia divaricata(Turcz)Schischk防已广防已,木防已一种藤木的根Aristolochia fangchi YC Wu ex LD榧子榧子肉一种红豆科树的种子Torreya grandis Fort枫香脂白胶香枫香树的树脂Liquidambar formosana Hce凤仙子急性子凤仙花的种子Impatiens balsamina L佛手佛手片,陈佛手常绿乔木Citrus medica L Var sarcodactylis(Noot) Swingle复盆子覆盆子落叶灌木Rubus chingii Hu附子附片,熟附片,乌头,川乌,熟附多年生草本Aconitum carmichaeli DebxG干地黄生地,生地黄一种玄参科植物Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch甘遂- 多年生草本Euphorbia kansui Liou狗脊金狗脊,金毛狗脊一种蕨类植物的根Cibotium barometz(L)JSm骨碎补- 一种多年附生草本Drynaria fortunei)JSm关白附白附子,白附,制白附,禹白附一种草本植物的块茎Typhonium giganteum Engl贯众贯仲,绵马贯众一种植物根茎Blechnum orientale L广防已木防已,防已一种藤木的根Aristolochia fangchi YC Wu ex LD广寄生桑寄生,桑寄,北寄生一种小灌木Taxilus chinensis (DC)Danser广郁金郁金,川郁金,玉金姜科植物Curcuma wenyujin YH Chen et C Ling归身当归,当归身,当归尾,归尾,全当归伞形科植物的根Angelica sinensis(Oliv) Diels过岗龙- 一种豆科植物的藤茎Entada phaseoloides(L) Merr过路黄- 多年生草本Lysimachia christinae HanceH海底柏海柏石珊瑚目动物Melitodes ochracea[L]合欢合欢皮一种乔木的皮Albizia julibrissin Durazz何首乌首乌一种植物的根Polygonum multiflorum Thunb诃子呵子,诃黎勒大乔木Terminalia chebula Retz鹤虱天名精一种草本的果实Carpesium abrotanoidesL黑丑牵牛子,牵牛一年生草本Pharbitis nil(L)choisy黑老虎根- 一种木兰科植物的根Kadsura coccinea(Lem)ACSmith红丝线茜草茜草科植物Rubia cordifolia L胡连胡黄连玄参科植物Pricrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell胡索- 多年生草本Corydalis yanhusuo WTWang槲寄生北寄生桑寄生科植物Viscum coloratum[Komar] Nakai虎杖- 多年生草本Ploygonum cuspidatum Sieb et Zucc怀牛膝土牛膝根,土牛膝,牛膝,川牛膝多年生草本Achyranthes bidentata Bl黄花败酱败酱草草本植物Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch黄精- 一种百合科植物的茎Polygonatum kingianum Collet Hemsl黄连川连一种草本的根Coptis chinensis Franch黄檗- 一种落叶乔木的树皮Phellodendron amurense Rupr黄独黄药子片多年生草本Dioscorea bulbifera L活血丹- 多年生草本Glechoma longituba(Nakai)Kupr火炭母- 蓼科植物Polygonum chinense LJ鸡蛋花- 荚竹桃科植物Plumeria rubra L var acutifolia [Poir]鸡骨香- 大戟科植物Croton crassifolius Geisel急性子凤仙子凤仙花的种子Impatiens balsamina L姜黄片姜黄多年生草本Curcuma longa L姜夏半夏,法半夏,法夏,制半夏,苏夏,清半夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit降香降真香豆科植物Dalbergia odorifera T Chen金狗脊狗脊,金毛狗脊一种蕨类植物的根Cibotium barometz(L)JSm金石斛石斛,川石斛一种兰科植物Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe金锁匙- 远志科植物Polygala japonica Houtt京大戟大戟多年生草本Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr京子蔓荆子植物蔓荆的果实Vitex trifolia L韭子韭菜子百合科植物Allium tuberosum Rottl决明子草决明一种豆科植物的种子Cassia obtusifolia L与动物贝壳类药石决明不同,参见石决明K苦参- 草本植物Sophora flavescens Ait款冬- 多年生草本的花Tussilago farfara LL莱菔子罗卜子十字花科植物Raphanus sativus L蓝刺头- 草本植物Echinops latifolius Tausch狼毒- 一种植物的根Stellera chamaejasme L鳢肠- 一年生草本Eclipta prostrata L连翘- 一种木犀科灌木Forsythia suspensa (Thunb)Vahl连钱草- 多年生草本Glechoma longituba(Nakai)Kupr两面针入地金牛芸香科植物Zanthoxylum nitidum[Roxb] DC两头尖- 植物Anemone raddeana Regel灵仙威灵仙一种草本植物的根Clematis hexapetala Pall凌霄- 落叶木质藤本Campsis grandiflora(Thunb)K Schum刘寄奴刘寄奴草多年生草本Artemisia anomala S Moore龙胆龙胆草,胆草一种龙胆科植物Gentiana scabra Bunge龙脑香梅片,冰片,艾片一种树脂Druobalanops aromatica Gaertn f炉贝- 一种贝母- 路路通枫果金缕梅科植物Liquidambar formosana Hce络石- 一种藤本植物的茎Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl) Lem落得打接骨草,接骨木忍冬科植物Sambucus javanica Reinw楼皮,楼子- 葫芦科植物的果皮和种子Trichosanthes villosa BlM麻黄- 一种麻黄科植物的茎Ephcdra sinica Stapf马兜铃- 多年生草本Aristolochia contorta Bunge马钱马钱子,马前子,番木鳖乔木Strychnos nuxvomica L麦门冬麦冬多年生草本根Liriope spcata Lour蔓荆子京子植物蔓荆的果实Vitex trifolia L毛冬青毛披树根冬青科植物Ilex pubescens Hook et Am茅术苍术多年生草本Atractylodes lancea(Thunb)DC梅片龙脑香,冰片,艾片一种树脂Druobalanops aromatica Gaertn f没药- 橄榄科植物Commiphora myrrha Engl [C molmol Engl]木鳖根- 一种名为木鳖的植物根Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour) Spreng木鳖子木别子一种名为木鳖的植物种子Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng木防已广防已,防已一种藤木的根Aristolochia fangchi YC Wu ex LD木蝴蝶千层纸,玉蝴蝶紫葳科植物Oroxylum indicum [L] Vent木通八月札常绿藤木Akebia quinata(thunb)Decen木贼木贼草木贼科草本Equisetum hiemale LN牛扁- 一种植物的根Aconitum ochranthum CAMey牛蒡大力子,牛子,鼠粘子一种菊科植物Arctium lappa L牛膝土牛膝根,土牛膝,怀牛膝,川牛膝多年生草本Achyranthes bidentata Bl女贞子女贞长绿桥木Ligustrum lucidum AitO欧李郁李仁,郁李仁肉一种灌木的种子Prunnus hurmilis BgeP胖大海大海榄落叶乔木的种子Sterculia lychnophora Hance蓬莪术莪术多年生草本Curcuma zedoaria Roscoe片姜黄姜黄多年生草本Curcuma longa L佩兰- 多年生草本Eupatorium fortunei Turcz婆罗子- 一种落叶乔木果实Aesculus chinensis Bge蒲黄- 香蒲科植物Typha angustifolia LQ七星剑- 水龙骨科植物Microsorium fortunei [Moore] Ching漆大姑- 大戟科植物Glochidion eriocarpum Champ千层纸玉蝴蝶,木蝴蝶紫葳科植物Oroxylum indicum [L] Vent千金子千金子霜,续随子二年生草本Euphorbia lahyris L千年健- 草本植物Hamalomena occulta(Lour)Schott牵牛牵牛子,黑丑一年生草本Pharbitis nil(L)choisy前胡- 多年生草本Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn芡实- 一年水生草本Euryale ferox Salisb羌活- 一种草本植物的根Notopterygium incisum Ting ex HT Chang秦艽- 龙胆科植物Gentiana macrophylla Pall青皮- 常绿乔木柚的果皮Citrus grandis(L)Osbeck清半夏半夏,法半夏,法夏,制半夏,姜夏,苏夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit青葙子- 苋科植物Celosia argentea L屈头鸡水槟榔,马槟榔白花菜科植物Capparis masaikai Levl全当归当归,当归身,当归尾,归尾,归身伞形科植物的根Angelica sinensis(Oliv) Diels拳参- 一种草本植物Polygonum bistora LR忍冬- 一种忍冬根茎Lonicera japonica Thunb乳香- 橄榄科植物Boswellia carterii Birdwood入地金牛两面针芸香科植物Zanthoxylum nitidum[Roxb] DC蕤仁肉蕤仁,蕤核蔷薇科植物的果仁Prinsepia uniflora BatalS三七参三七,田七一种五加科植物Panax notoginseng(Burk)FH Chen桑白皮桑根白皮桑科植物Morus alba L桑寄桑寄生,广寄生,北寄生一种小灌木Taxilus chinensis (DC)Danser沙参北沙参多年生草本的根Adenophora stricta Miq沙苑子沙苑蒺藜豆科植物Astragalus complanatus R Br山乌龟- 千金藤的根Stephania japonica(Thunb) Miers山萸肉萸肉一种植物的果实Cornus officinalis Siebet Zucc山栀栀子,山枝子一种灌木的果实Gardenia jasminoides Ellis山药- 多年生草本Dioscorea oposita Thunb商陆- 多年生草本Phytolaca acinoa Roxb蛇床子- 一年生草本Chidium monnieri(L) Cusson射干- 草本植物Belamcanda chinensis(L)DC参三七三七,田七一种五加科植物Panax notoginseng(Burk)FH Chen生地黄生地,干地黄一种玄参科植物Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch生军大黄,川军一种草本植物的根Rheum officinale Baill生南星天南星,南星,制南星多年生草本Arisacma consanguineum Schott十大功劳- 一种植物根Mahonia bealei [Fort] Carr石斛金石斛,川石斛一种兰科植物Dendrobium loddigesii Rolfe石韦- 多年生草本Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak)Ching使君子使君子肉一种藤本灌木Quisqualis indica L首乌何首乌一种植物的根Polygonum multiflorum Thunb熟地黄熟地一种玄参科植物Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch熟附川乌,附子,熟附片,附片,乌头多年生草本Aconitum carmichaeli Debx鼠粘子牛蒡,大力子,牛子一种菊科植物Arctium lappa L水鸡仔水田鸡,屈头鸡箭根薯科植物Schigocapsa plantaginea Hance松贝- 一种贝母- 苏合香- 树脂Liquidamber orientalis Mill苏夏半夏,法半夏,法夏,制半夏,姜夏,清半夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit苏子紫苏子唇形克植物Perilla frutescens [L] Britt var crispa Decne锁阳琐阳多年生草本Cynomorium songaricum RuprT台乌乌药一种小乔木的根Lindera strychnifolia (sieb et Zucc) Villar天门冬天冬多年生草本根Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour)Merr天名精鹤虱一种草本的果实Carpesium abrotanoides L天南星南星,制南星,生南星多年生草本Arisacma consanguineum Schott注:制南星是经过姜汁炮制的,生南星是未经炮制的,而天南星或南星同是胆南星的别名,参见胆南星(动物类)。天竺黄天竹黄,竹黄精,竹黄青杆竹汁液Bambusa breviflora Munro田基黄- 金丝桃科植物Hypericum japonicum Thunb田七三七,参三七一种五加科植物Panax notoginseng(Burk)FH Chen铁包金- 鼠李科植物Berchemia lineata [L] DC土牛膝土牛膝根,牛膝,怀牛膝,川牛膝多年生草本Achyranthes bidentata Bl菟丝子菟丝一年生草本Cuscuta chinensis LamW王不留行- 草本植物Vaccaria segetalis (Neck)Garcke威灵仙灵仙一种草本植物的根Clematis hexapetala Pall乌头川乌,附子,熟附片,附片,熟附多年生草本Aconitum carmichaeli Debx乌药台乌一种小乔木的根Lindera strychnifolia (sieb et Zucc) Villar五味子五味,北五味子落叶木质藤本Schisandra chinensis (Turcz)Baill五爪龙- 桑科植物Ficus simplicissima Lour F hirta Vahl var palmatiloba [Merr] ChunX细辛北细辛多年生草本Asarum heterotropoides Fr Schm var mandshuricum[Maxim] Kitag香附- 莎草科植物Cyperus rotundus L香圆- 一种常绿乔木的果实Citrus wilsonii Tanaka象贝川贝母,川贝,贝母,浙贝母,浙贝一种百合科植物的茎Fritillaria cirrhosa D Don小金钱- 多年生草本Lysimachia christinae Hance血竭- 一种棕榈科植物的树脂Daemonorops draco Bl血散薯- 一种防已科植物的根Stephania dielsiana Y C Wu辛夷辛夷花木兰科植物Magnolia biondii Pamp徐长卿寮刁竹一种草本植物Cynanchum paniculatum (Bge)Kitag续断川断,川续断多年生草本Dipsacus japonicus Miq续随子千金子霜,千金子二年生草本Euphorbia lahyris L玄参元参一种玄参科植物Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl寻骨风- 草本植物Aristolochia mollissima HanceY鸦胆子- 一种苦木科植物的果实Brucea javanica(L) Merr牙皂皂荚,大皂荚,大皂角,皂角,猪牙皂一种豆科植物Gleditsia sinensis Lam延胡索延胡,玄胡,玄胡索,元胡科植物Corydalis yanhusuo W T Wang羊蹄- 一种蓼科植物Rumex japonicus Houtt益智益智仁一种多年生草本果实Alpinia oxgphylla Miq银胡银柴胡石竹科植物Stellaria dichoroma L var lanceolata Bge鹰不泊- 芸香科植物Zanthoxylum avicennae [Lam] DC萸肉山萸肉一种植物的果实Cornus officinalis Siebet Zucc于术白术,冬术多年生草本的根茎Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz[WT]禹白附白附子,白附,关白附,制白附一种草本植物的块茎Typhonium giganteum Engl玉蝴蝶千层纸,木蝴蝶紫葳科植物Oroxylum indicum [L] Vent郁金玉金,川郁金,广郁金姜科植物Curcuma wenyujin YH Chen et C Ling郁李仁郁李仁肉,欧李一种灌木的种子Prunnus hurmilis Bge元参玄参一种玄参科植物Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl远志远志通一种草本的根Polygala tenuifolia WilldZ皂角皂荚,大皂荚,大皂角,猪牙皂,牙皂一种豆科植物Gleditsia sinensis Lam蚤休重楼,草河车一种百合科植物Paris polyphylla smith Varchinensis(Franch)Hara泽泻- 多年生沼泽植物Alisma orientalis(Sam) juxepl泽漆- 多年生沼泽植物Euphorbia helioscopia L樟脑潮脑长绿乔木Cinnamomum comphora(L)Presl浙贝母川贝,川贝母,贝母,浙贝,象贝一种百合科植物的茎Fritillaria cirrhosa D Don栀子山栀,山枝子一种灌木的果实Gardenia jasminoides Ellis知母- 一种百合植物Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge枳实- 酸橙的果实Citrus aurantium L制半夏半夏,法半夏,法夏,清半夏,姜夏,苏夏多年生草本的茎Pinellia ternata(Thunb)Breit制南星天南星,南星,生南星多年生草本Arisacma consanguineum Schott制白附白附子,白附,关白附,禹白附一种草本植物的块茎Typhonium giganteum Engl猪牙皂皂荚,大皂荚,大皂角,皂角,牙皂一种豆科植物Gleditsia sinensis Lam竹黄天竺黄,天竹黄,竹黄精青杆竹汁液Bambusa breviflora Munro莪术蓬莪术多年生草本Curcuma zedoaria Roscoe猪牙皂- 一种乔木的果实Gleditsia sinensis Lam紫丹参丹参多年生草本Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge紫地丁紫花地丁,地丁植物地丁草Viola yedoensis Makino紫金牛- 长绿半灌木Ardisia japonica(Hornsted)Blume紫苏子苏子唇形克植物Perilla frutescens [L] Britt var crispa Decne紫珠- 落叶灌木Callicarpa peedunculata R Brown菌藻类药材名称很暧昧,列表如下。菌藻类药物 处方名别名来源拉丁文名海蒿子- 多年生海藻Sargassum pallidum(Turn)DAg雷丸- 多孔菌科- 昆布- 海藻Ecklonia Kurome Okam马勃- 灰包科真菌Lasiosphaera fenzlii Reich真菌竹黄- 寄生在苦竹上的菌类Shiraia barnbusicola Henn猪苓- 寄生菌Polyporus umbellatus(Pers)Fr其它如矿石,列表如下。矿石类:此类名称多以丹,矾,碳和石等命名,较易辨别。 其它处方名别名来源拉丁文名赤石脂- 一种硅酸盐类矿石- 伏龙肝- 一种矿石- 龙骨,龙齿- 一种化石- 无名异- 一种矿石Pyrolusitum血余炭- 一种矿石- 雄黄- 一种矿石Realgar注释:(1) 表中拉丁文名仅列出一种。




I think those are good at juggling and lovely monkeys may be your relatives


Tell me how much you mean, I will tell you which dumplings without blade


Children please remember, excessive modesty that not elegant, it called incompetent good yao!


What we scold don't scold you a bitch, grass you blind expansion within the white!


I have a long love history, throughout my life, that is narcissistic


You is really the mud helps not on the wall! To help you on the wall for you to fall off


Your mother also said that this sentence: you and your dad is a virtue


His mother then you like to be that person, I want to say I quit I don't like bestiality


As you grow in the face that looks like a chrysanthemum, others want to still need to close your eyes


Bitch's way of life is that when you eat shit, no others break wind


The class cadre the sesame green beans, just to show off everywhere, indeed as expected brain-dead


I left you want to use is it, I'm sorry, but his heart is in my hand


Over the years, I still remember that stole my deskmate half a piece of rubber


In the process of the evolution of the chaos, you obviously ignored the public's aesthetic point of view


You know why people more beautiful than flowers, because no mouth speak it beautiful


Your efforts so long as inpidual, I what also don't say you are ugly


Turn us into a vicious life in this way, rogue with higher education


Don't you eat the big aunt mix rice grew up, it's no wonder that long so disgusting!


Scold you calculate at ordinary times, have to wait for me beat you, didn't know I both brawn


I am a fool in the wired genius, you are the fool in genius they collectively


Monitor of the class monitor, left a slap, right slap, hit or ring!


Cargo has expiration date, people have a see be bored with When you are in my heart, to cow force


To Lao tze positioned don't fart, don't put yourself seriously


Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change yourself


Bite a dog, a bite of a mother, you how so you mother is dog


Look at your face, look at your face, Mars hit your face be rebound


Force loading, natural someone will pick up you, this is the river's lake, it is social


By some of the benefits when you are young, the old will take these mistakes


Some people are just so, he is maggots feel the world is a big cesspool


You brush your teeth I don't care you, but you told me that my grandma washing where go to!


Actually I am trying to give you some face, but you said you don't wanna make mean


You left look like an idiot, right look like a fool, look like a pig, looking down a donkey


You see you! See figure nasty evil spirit hordes, turned to scare off millions of lion


Now of the woman is great, imperceptible big belly, you have children didn't dad


You grow too dream! The face of ambiguity, don't want to see at all!


Water to pure have no fish, people mean invincible, you're invincible, TM than invincible invincible


See you so you know, your IQ is proportional to the and your height


If you're alive, sooner or later will die; If you die, you will live forever


You figure is very good, good even sun wukong to see you, give you three sticks


You can sell his mother batch like personal kind Learn something bad happened to base


Your silence is the most powerful provocations to me and I also give you the most desperate response


Where where, really did not dare to defy you, mistresses and shade than you a lot!


I attended the wedding of you in my dream, and the results into the bride's funeral


When love is not in, please say blessings to him, after all, once loved


I heard you lost my mind again Told you to let you don't give up early treatment


If there is an afterlife, I must be nervous, because I'm leaving you have to be brainwashed


Adhere to the five seconds, monitor of wow you're great, I'll give you Ppared the impotence of the medal


You think about yourself before you use abusive language did, eligible to others


Even if you use viagra, so is not straight, destined to this life not sex!


Your mother had gave birth to you, estimation is the whole people lost, the placenta raise


You grew up drinking fu phlogistic clean eating shit It's no wonder that can raise you are such a geek


Is your mother a stepmother Give you drink milk every day, makes you such a brain-dead


Do you think you are too Rather waste my saliva, my saliva was counting money


If I the blain on the face and less hair on your head, will be satisfied!


When your mother gave birth to you must be full of anxiety, absent-minded, so untidy!


Return true to monitor the job seriously, but that's just the teacher in charge of the dog


Don't mouth closed with your mother, your daddy's why didn't you stay at home so filial piety


Talk to me too thick, not coarse that call elegant, what is elegant, elegant is the installation grandson


Your name is good, believe to you named word must be moved by your ratio


I sit at the same table said: my deskmate is a pig! , she shouted, you sit at the same table is a pig!


I'm sorry ah, the Lao tze I didn't endure, a fart to give out this asshole!


You are really made huge contribution for the family planning! No one will have children with you


You the looks of the animals and birds countries are not awarded a prize for you is so bad


You his mama the brain damage, do not hesitate to take their parents family to lie to someone else's semen


Don't think too much, your imagination will create a initially there is no problem


You is definitely your mama of his own, otherwise how your mother have you such a fucking thing


No who despise you, because others didn't see you, you are very busy


The forced to face all day long to put the other people see, is want to tell someone you is still his mama


Little bitch take every day, really worry about which day your phone will be angry to revealing and die


First love is beautiful, because it tells us that there will be more love next time


You are your mind or what Who do you think you are Is it not silly force! ;

PLACENTA Nourishing Facial Cream
I'll try that Do you have facial cream to go with that

佛教说的是「因缘法则」,「因果关系」 世间所有的事都跟因缘离不开干系,所以说十二因缘法 那么因果关系是指种了什么因,便会有什么果报 但,这不叫宿命论 举个例子来说,某个人种了某种因,在某个时刻因与缘相遇 会开车子撞到人,因与缘相遇而产生的果报 结果,对方腿断了、受伤了,这个因缘发生了,果报也产生了 在一般人看来,真衰~~这是件坏事、坏因缘!! 但实际上「镜缘无好丑,自心起分别」,果报是必然的,只是看如何去处理圆融 赶快救助伤患送医、勤于慰问并体谅帮对方? 赶快逃离现场,撇清责任,以避免财务赔偿损失及刑责? 不管如何的处理方式⋯⋯都会有不同的结果 所以,因果,并不是宿命论 它只是业报来了,您要如何去处理而己 佛陀教导我们,处理事情远离贪、瞋、痴 圆融又清净,那来什么宿命论呢?
Gov't is killing you with high frequency electricityTheotokos Virgin Mary gave prayers to "Schema-nun Antonia" on how to save aborted babies from hell If you pray these prayers diligently
aborted babies are released from hell On each painted nail there are 40 demons Smoking is censer to the devilUsing foul language calls upon Pagan deities (aka demons); Holy Spirit departs on 7 meters People who use drugs see demons who cleverly disguise themselves as ghosts and aliensAmerica will be last country to switch to Euro (antichrist's world currency) Contraceptives = abortion;using contraceptives for 1 year = 5 aborted kidsMiscarriages happen because of high heels; cesarean because of tight pants (second generation cesarean will be infertile)Unbaptized aborted/miscarried/unborn babies burn in hell for until Final Judgement; if pregnant
keep the kid and deliver at home because kids are chipped using IVs and vaccines in hospitals Dentists and doctors chip patients secretly Ultrasound leads to mark of the beast; don't do ultrasound
please Abortion leads to breast cancer; a demon is released from hell for each aborted kid Dogs can bee possessed; don't keep dogs inside your home [Pelageya of Ryazan] Walmart has technology to administer mark of the beast to those who have cat bacteria in their stomachs; stay away from cats [Afanasiy Sidyachiy] Next false flag is the Statue of Liberty Above earth there is ice (hemisphere); when rockets go up they bring ice down from upper sky to lower sky; ice stuck in lower sky will fall on us during Apocalypse Earth is flat; earth stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin; underneath this ice there is a bubble; and then the abyss Zodiac is plaary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Apostle John (who wrote the Book of Revelation)
resurrected Seraphim of Sarov
and resurrected Sergius of Radonezh will preach against the antichrist Hum were created about 7525 years ago Birds participate in time creation It's a sin to kill birds Dinosaurs live under our level; they will get out through sinkholes and lakes; to kill them
go for their nerves Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs First dinosaur will e out of Volga River in Russia Scientists don't see dinosaurs under our level because of radiation Sinkholes happen because people dig for resources underground and because earth is heating up Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people If you're being abducted
slowly pray the Jesus prayer Don't panic Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft The bigger the diamond
the more it lasts Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)moon 2)inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)in lake Baikal in Russia 4)in Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean There are no aliens Nobody lives on other plas Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus Antichrist is pale with red eyes He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old [Lavrentiy Cherniskiy] He flies super fast; deceived people will say: "Christ is here; Christ is there" when he's flying from one city to the next very fast He wears gloves to hide long nails He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light Antichrist will trick people that he can do mountain moving and resurrection using holograms/hypnosis; fire from the sky is real because of pollution gases in the atmosphere Antichrist will have food only for 6 months; then he will feed his 666ed people flour from mashed up turtles (Tavrion Batozskiy)
but this won't be enough because 666ed people are 10 times as angry and 7 times as hungry as normal people even though 666ed people became shorter (3-4 feet tall = 80 - 120 cm) because nanochips do function of ( diminish) [Nilus Myrrhgusher] If you have a lot of nanochips in your forearm
then you will not be able to make proper Orthodox sign of the cross (last mercy for you will be to cut your forearm off) Nanochips are sprayed by the 't using chemtrails; they're also in 't food and medicine; so
eat food from your own garden In case garden is destroyed by ice from the sky
have chickens for eggs and goats for milk (Paisios) Lipstick contains cells of aborted fetuses
dog fat
and placenta; human flesh is in McDonalds
e; that's why you should not be using anything that modern society has to offer You're better off hiding within a 10-12 people group in order to escape Apocalypse During Apocalypse
Chrtisti will eat dirt from under pussywillowtree as it's filled with tears of Theotokos Virgin Mary; this water will flee if a 666ed person tries to get it Barcode is Druid black magic curse; QRcode is Mayan curse; when food is scanned
it bees dead because laser is a substance from demons Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive all plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport) It doesn't just have to be during this procedure (could be anything you sign up for or anywhere where there is a secret scanner); biometrics (fingerprints
eyes scan) or getting picture for passport are very dangerous because they could mark you secretly Gabriel Urgebadze said that they do it on index finger when they scan your finger Basically
try to avoid new documents at all cost Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways Chipped people will be influenced by puters to take grey plastic card; but when they do
green mark by isotope rays is given on forehead/wrist Food stores will isotope ray people too Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell If you're about to be marked
pray the Jesus prayer Hide with Orthodox Christi to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents because they're from Satan The Most Holy Trinity gives you a name during bapti ; devil gives an antiname during antibapti (ex Social Security Number) People who die with these Satanic documents go to concentration camp in hell to await Final Judgement; once the BEAST Computer is burned down
souls will be released for Final Judgement That's why you should give back documents of your deceased relatives back to the 't so that the 't cancels these digital antichristian names given during antibapti by the beast system; or just burn these documents because 't could get upset and could send demons to mark you because of this outright act of defiance Prophecy from half a millenium ago describes Final Judgement like this: Jesus was very upset with people who had little boards (plastic cards) in their hands because they wanted discount from the antichrist Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell ice a year [at midnight beeen September 18 and September 19 and similarly on November 20-21; pray at these times on your knees remembering the deceased by names (adding "and relatives by flesh up to Adam") so that they are rescued if they're in hell] (or brings them up a level
that is
to a level with less punishment; eventually
people are freed) Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down
people are saved from temporary hell It's a big sin to remember the dead with wreaths (because demons put these wreaths on their necks if they're in hell with their hands tied up behind their back while hanging by their hands)
and worldly music Demons print icons of saints in newspapers so that you throw these newspapers in the trash blheming these saints Crosses on soles of shoes and back of pants are blhemy Demons make carpets with crosses and put them on sidewalks so that people walk on crosses Playing cards mock how Jesus suffered on the cross: clubs (cross on which Jesus was crucified)
diamonds (four nails Jesus was crucified with)
hearts (sponge with vinegar that Jesus was given to drink)
spades (spear with which Jesus was pierced)Cremation is devil worship; only blhemers such as Lenin should be burned; if Lenin is buried
earth will be polluted
and China will attack Russia because of thisAfter China attacks Russia
Ruski Orthodox Tsar (shown by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will e to power in Russia;this Tsar will slay traitors inside church and 't; as a result
Russia will be the only country not under the antichristEcumeni = 263 heresies;each heresy leads to hell In 2006 in Moscow (that's why Moscow will sink)
representatives from most religions signed a document where it says that all religions worship the same Supreme Being [aka the devil] Priests who participate in ecumeni will have Pag walking on their heads in hell Arkhimandrite Antonin Kapustin left a prophecy that John the Baptist's living space will bee a church and it will be blessed by forerunner of antichrist; Patriarch Kirill of Russia blessed this churchWhen priests pray for current 't (instead of praying for future Tsar)
Jesus gets up from His throne and turns His back to them Five me
参考: Women wear headscarves tied at the front to prevent headaches from sky pushing down and to prevent throat cancer; five me Edit: Megatsunami for New York will be 450 yards; then engulfed-in-lava Los Angeles will be flooded too; then asteroid destroys Gulf of Mexico; only Alaska
and Africa remain (obviously without coasts); five me Edit: 1st big earthquake in Russia; 2nd bigger one in China; 3rd biggest will be in the USofA (Greek Orthodox monk Elidiy from Africa); five me
善知识法喜 关于因果 佛陀见 世界凡夫由于不了解此刻当下现前的意义 因此 借以“大众都能体会的因果”来说明 基本是将因分成“缘,因” 而果亦是因与缘 于是 大众能理解“轮回”的存在 以及“远离第一因”的追寻 以是故 以凡夫而言 因果就变成 是宿命也是自命造作 佛如此教导凡夫 是为了使凡夫远离 神造与神授等等的观念 而对于寻求真实智慧者而言 因缘与果 都只是组合过程的智慧 以上
不可变论 因果论
是自己可创造改变论 你又说 :「现在世」广积善因,则「现在世」或「未来世」,当机缘成熟之时,好的果报便会出现。 那究竟是能变 还是不能变 矛盾的颠三倒四


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/12750311.html

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