There is an old saying:early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise的全文

There is an old saying:early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise的全文,第1张

There is an old saying: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
All animals except man take sleep very early and get up early
Even after knowing the facts, for many reasons man do not give up sleeping lately
Even for meIt is quite difficult sometimes
I, sometimes, put some stringent conditions on myself to go to bed early
There are various investigations revealing benefits of getting tumbled in bed earlier
Go to Sleep Early is-
1) Very Important for the Liver’s Health
Recently 37 years old doctor from National Taiwan Hospital was diagnosed with a liver cancer although he always does laboratory test
There is no better way to avoid the liver disease rather than preventing the disease as early as possible
And sleeping is essential thing we must do to prevent liver disease
Because from 1100pm till 0100am, detoxification process in our liver occurs
This process will be optimal when we sleep deeply
Sleep early and help you liver works well
2) Good for Our Antibody System
Researches have shown that, when healthy people sleep too late, their body will susceptible to infection
This is because at 900pm till 1100pm detoxification process in our lymph gland is occurring
This process must happen in calm situation
If someone still works during 900pm till 1100 continuously, it will bring negative impact to his/her health
That’s why the research also shows that every hour of sleep we get before midnight is twice as beneficial as the hours after midnight
3) Good for the Metabolism
There are some persons who have habit of sleeping too late after midnight and wake up too late till afternoon
They think it is all right as long as their sleeping duration (atleast 8 hrs) is fulfilled
This thing will disorganize the exile of useless substances from our body
Our ability to sustain exertion is as vital to our health as what we eat and drink
4) To have Essential Breakfast
In the morning, from 700am till 0900 our intestines absorb nutrient from food
This means we must have breakfast
Research shows that for the sick people it is better to have breakfast before 0630am
Breakfast is essential to our health
For they who cannot wake up early, it is good to have breakfast at 0900 till 1000am rather than not having breakfast at all
And very practically speaking, in order to be able to rise early in the morning to have breakfast, we have to get to bed early
5) To avoid Negative Impact of going to Bed Too Late on Our Performance
There is no substitute for sleeping at night Some people take a nap in the afternoon
It still cannot substitute the benefits we get when we sleep at night
Without enough sleeping in the night we lose our ability to concentrate and make complex decisions
Sufficient sleep at night is the foremost factor in a person’s ability to sustain a high performance level, cope with stress, and feel a sense of satisfaction in life
Getting enough sleep directly impacts our moods and emotions, our ability to think creatively and respond quickly
Have a good sleep schedule and help yourself healthier, wiser and wealthier!!
Lets make some change!!!

How Not to Die by Greger Michael
From the physician behind the wildly popular website NutritionFacts org , How Not to Die reveals the ground-breaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death
The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle In How Not to Die ,Dr Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician,and founder of NutritionFactsorg, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives
The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 16 million Americans annually This doesn't have to be the case By following Dr Greger's advice,all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer
History of prostate cancer in your familyPut down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you canHave high blood pressure Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects Fighting off liver diseaseDrinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation Battling breast cancerConsuming soy is associated with prolonged survival Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States) Switch to a whole-food,plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks
In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr Greger'sDaily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting-edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives

Flu spreads widly in winter, our school is going to orgniza an activity about "preventing flu " to aganist the flu and make students safe from the disease
Five Simple Steps to Bolster Your Immune System To Help Prevent Colds and the Flu
By Joseph Brasco MD1
Because many people are concerned about the upcoming flu season, I want to stress that a shortage of the flu vaccine does not mean a shortage of options that make it less likely to get a cold or even the flu In my practice, I have had great success recommending a comprehensive approach that focuses on building a strong immune system Adhering to the approach outlined below will not only help ward off the flu, but will be your foundation for improved overall optimal health
Bolstering Your Immune System in Five Simple Steps to Help Prevent Colds and the Flu
The immune system defends the body against diseases and other harmful invaders, including bacteria and the flu virus The body's ability to resist these invaders is called immunity In my opinion, building one's immunity against all invaders is a much more comprehensive approach than the singularly focused flu vaccination and can be accomplished by following five easy steps:
Advanced Hygiene
Reducing Stress
Step #1: Advanced Hygiene -- Why Hand Washing is Not Enough
The flu, as with colds, is spread from person to person The way these germs are spread is not by inhaling them, but by picking them up on our hands and spreading them to our face where they can gain entry to our body This is why the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends health habits to prevent the flu such as: wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth While this is good advice, it may not be enough I believe that cleaning the hands in the usual fashion only rids them of a small percentage of all potential pathogens Furthermore, as most people will wash with an antibacterial soap, these soaps are harsh and can destroy the natural defenses the skin has in order to protect us from potential illness
I highly encourage individuals to practice a system called “Advanced Hygiene” I have recommended an advanced hygiene kit which can be purchased at many health food stores called Clenzology™ I believe that it is highly effective because it goes beyond normal hand washing to help improve your hygiene practices so that your body can focus on supporting your immune system The first step of advanced hygiene starts with a semi-soft natural soap I instruct my patients to push their fingertips into the soap in order to address the area in and around the fingernails, an infectious hotbed where I believe that the overwhelming majority of germs on the hands reside The next step involves immersing one’s face (facial dipping) into a solution of water, sea salt and dilute iodine This process is designed to rid the face of germs, viruses, and bacteria This is vital since these pathogens gain access to our bodies not through our airways and respiratory tract, but through our eyes, nasal passages, mouth and ears Fingernail cleansing and “facial dipping” disarm the autoinoculation process—the process where we unwittingly put into our bodies (through the eyes, nose, or mouth) unwanted germs or viruses
I believe that the best way to reduce the likelihood of contracting the flu (and a host of other illnesses) is the twice daily practice of advanced hygiene Advanced hygiene is designed to systematically clean and remove germs from the five areas where they are most likely to enter the body: the hands (particularly underneath the fingernails), the corners of the eyes, the nasal passageways, the ear canals and the mouth I believe that an advanced hygiene regimen can support the immune system and can assist in the reduction of colds and flu, allergies, and sinus problems
Step #2: Diet
A whole foods-based diet adds to overall human health and immunity Examples of "immune-enhancing foods" are locally grown meats, poultry, dairy, fruits and vegetables raised organically and chemical-free Fresh fruits and vegetables are especially vital in this capacity While no health official would argue with the consumption of fruits and vegetables, we can take our diets a step further if we really want to bolster our immune system!
In my practice, I have found that maintenance of optimal blood sugar will significantly reduce infection with most (if not all) pathogens In my opinion, the best way to insure proper blood sugar control is to avoid added sugar and highly refined starches such as pasta, rice, potatoes and breads Unfortunately, these starchy foods are the backbone of the “comfort foods” that make up our diet during this time of year There are many recent as well as classic books that can help guide you towards better dietary habits, including “The Makers Diet” by Jordan Rubin, “The No-Grain Diet” by Dr Joseph Mercola and “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon
Step #3: Supplementation
In general, I recommend my patients use supplement formulas made from "whole foods" that have been fermented Since the majority of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract, balance of intestinal bacteria is vital to helping our bodily defenses function properly Key supplements to help bolster immunity include:
Probiotics: Probiotics improve the body's ability to fight infection and enhance the immune response
Whole food Mushroom Blend: Mushrooms can enhance immune-competent cell activities, have immunostimulating properties, and can pack a "one-two punch" for increased immunity when paired with probiotics
Cod Liver Oil: Studies indicate that high omega-3 fatty acids (found in cod liver oil and other foods) positively modulate immune response and have increased survival rates and reduced disease severity in animal models Cod Liver Oil is also one of nature’s richest sources of vitamins A and D Vitamin A is extremely important to include in the post flu regimen-- as viruses reduce vitamin A stored in the body Vitamin A can also be instrumental in the acute management of viral conditions A form of vitamin A known as mycelized A can be used in high dosages for short periods of time with remarkable effectiveness However, since high dose Vitamin A can be potentially toxic (usually when taken over a long period of time and not in the mycelized form) a knowledgeable health practitioner should be consulted before using this remedy
Coconut Oil (minimally processed) : Lauric acid found in coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-protozoal--and monolaurin (found in lauric acid) can destroy lipid-coated viruses such as influenza
Whole food supplements: Herb and spice extracts such as goldenseal, elderberry, garlic, ginger, oregano and horseradish have been used traditionally for thousands of years Formulas that utilize a combination of herbs seem to be most effective
Vitamin C supplement: Effective dosing seems to be in the range of 3-4 grams (that is 3000-4000mg) per day in 3-4 divided dosages It also seems to be most effective when taken within the first 24 hours of symptom development Dosages in this range are probably best taken in a powdered form As with all mega-dosing, a knowledgeable health practitioner should be consulted For maintenance during this season, less “explosive” dosages are probably best and can be obtained through whole foods and whole food supplements
Not into taking supplements Try using traditionally healing herbs and spices in your cooking and teas to give another immunologic punch to your diet
Step #4: Sleep
Consistent, adequate sleep is vitally important to overall health and paramount to a healthy and well functioning immune system Recent studies have shown that proper restful sleep is intimately tied to the balance of a number of hormones, most notably cortisol and melatonin Adequate levels of these hormones are vital to a properly functioning immune system in order to prevent both acute infections and long term illnesses (such as autoimmune disorders and cancer)
More important than how long you sleep is when you sleep To insure proper glandular function it appears sleep is optimized when in sync with the day-night cycle That means the optimal spring/summer bedtime is between 9 and 10 pm and the optimal fall/winter bedtime is between 8 and 9 pm It also appears that sleep cycles started before midnight are far more effective than those started after midnight-- regardless of the number of hours slept
While admittedly these parameters are very difficult to observe given our lifestyles, if you feel like “you are coming down with something,” rest and proper sleep may be one of your cheapest and most enjoyable remedies!
Step #5: Reducing Stress
Stress is linked to six of the leading causes of death: Heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide--and too much stress also hinders the immune system Constant stress could increase risks associated with a variety of conditions such as heart, allergic, and immune diseases
While most of us equate stress with psychological challenges, physiologic stress also must be considered While moderate strenuous activity and exercise can be immune-enhancing, if we begin to cross this line, these activities can be immune-weakening As a long time endurance athlete, I know there is no greater recipe for disaster than a hard workout when I am beginning to feel a little “under the weather” Learn from my mistakes: An ounce of common sense can spell the difference between a healthy versus a “sickly” cold and flu season
Overall, if you can’t try all of the five tips for avoiding the flu, in my opinion the single best choice would be to practice advanced hygiene However, I believe that if you are willing to try all of these five practical tips for avoiding the flu that you’ll feel healthier all year long – not just during flu season!

Demonstration: A3 cat grain is able to occurrence having the disease imitating the tiny acidity keeping cat urine liquid , taking precautions against urinary system thereby
Fragile xerophagia of incense , the certain utensil hardness and, help the effective clean cat tooth , the tooth avoiding bringing about because long range pap is used for food to degenerate
Be rich in various foodstuffs such as calcareous and VD3 , help effective against the calcareous sorption of cat , boost healthiness and strongness of cat skeleton growing up , avoid the osteoporosis arousing because long range liver kind food is used for food
Be rich in necessary foodstuffs of various hair color such as sub oleic acid , amino acid , Wei Sheng Su E, lustre, enlivens the messenger cat hair color more spirit
Be rich in cattle mahogany acid and various peculiar factor (fish picks up a thing) , strengthen night looking at the thing ability, make brighter cat eye theism
Be rich in various cats such as DHA , EPA , Omega growing up the required microelement, strengthens immune system function , make a cat more healthy lively
逐句翻译的~基本正确,I have been tired out very much , have needed to have gone to bed going to(我很累了,要睡觉去了)



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